
The new Canadian Immigration Class

The Canadian Experience Class presents several positive aspects such as:
1- CIC's goal for 2008 is to admit between 10,000 and 12,000 under the new CEC category of immigration. According to the Canadian Bureau of international Education, Canada's current international student talent pool has the potencial to add up to 30,000 skilled immigrants every year.
2-Foreign students and Temporary Foreign workers with Canadian work experience are well positioned to make a rapid transition to the Canadian labour force. There is also less need for the government to provide setllement and integration services to these individuals.
3-Applicants will have the choice to receive Permanent Residence status at either a port of entry or a CIC local office. Thus, they do not have to leave the country to apply and come back in.
4- The CEC represents a shift from Canada's point-based system which attempts to predict the employability of an intending immigrant, to a system that relies on actual Canadian employability.
Note: Information published by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

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