
International students: migrating to Manitoba

The International Student priority assessment stream is for graduates who have established strong ties to Manitoba and intend to live, work and establish their careers here.

To be eligible to apply you must have already:
graduated from a post-secondary educational program of at least one academic year at a Manitoba institution
obtained a post-graduation open work permit from CIC
received from a Manitoba employer a formal offer of a full-time, long-term job related to your field of studies, AND
You must be working for that Manitoba employer, and have been so for at least six months.
How to apply for a post-grad work permit NOTE: You must apply to CIC for your work permit within 90 days of completing your educational degree or program requirements. The CIC website has the application, instructions and details on the program. If you need help see the international student advisor at your school.

Get help with your Manitoba Provincial Nominee applicationTo apply for the PNP download an application kit or pick one up at Manitoba Immigration and Multiculturalism's Winnipeg office. If you need assistance or more information attend one of our information sessions for students. They are held the last Tuesday of every month at 2 p.m. on the 7th floor of 213 Notre Dame Avenue.
To attend an information session please register in advance. E-mail or phone 945-2806.

CIC changes don't affect current MPNP applicationsCitizenship and Immigration Canada changed the criteria for its Post-graduate Work Permit Program April 21, 2008. Manitoba grads currently on a work permit issued prior to that date can still apply to the PNP under the old criteria. As well, the changes do not affect applications already submitted.

Manitoba's processing times for student applications continue to be expedited and you will continue to receive priority assessment.

If your status changes while you're awaiting MPNP assessmentWorking grads who move from the job they indicated on their PNP application must notify the PNP in writing and include a personal reference and job offer letter from their new employer in Manitoba.

Grads from other provinces are welcome. If you completed a post-secondary educational program in another province of Canada you could still qualify for the MPNP under the Employer Direct stream.

To be considered, grads from other Canadian provinces or territories must:
be working and have been with the same Manitoba for at least six months on a post-graduate open work permit
demonstrate strong ties to Manitoba (such as friends or family)
Go to the Employer Direct page to read what you must do under this PNP assessment stream.

10 STEPS to apply to Manitoba PNP

This is the procedure followed by immigrants who have successfully settled in Manitoba as provincial nominees.

1-Learn about Manitoba Read the information in the Before you apply section about jobs, society, language, etc. so you can make an informed choice and have realistic expectations about resettling yourself and your family in Manitoba.

2-Download and print the free application kit.The application kit is a booklet with detailed explanations and instructions. It includes all PNP forms, free of charge.

3-Read the entire application before you start filling it in.

4-Determine which forms you need.For example, Family stream requires an affidavit of support (MAS); the General stream requires different supporting documents with your application.

5-Gather your supporting documents.The Document Checklist explains what personal and other documents you are required to send with your application. For example, letters from your employer, school records.

6-Fill in your application.

7-Check your application.Verify you have filled in every question and included all documents you were instructed to prepare and include.

8-Mail your application to our office.Photocopy your completed application for your records (and your permanent residence application should be approved by the PNP). Mail the original to the PNP office in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

9-Wait for their reply.Their will mail you a letter advising that they received your application, then a letter advising you of the outcome of your application.

10-Successful applicant applies for Canadian permanent resident visa.If you are accepted to the PNP we will send you a Letter of Approval. You need this when you take the last step in the immigration process, which is applying to the Government of Canada for permanent resident visas for you and eligible family members.

The Manitoba Nominee Program

The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is a government immigration program that selects skilled workers who demonstrate they have the potential and the desire to immigrate and settle themselves and their families in the Canadian province Manitoba.

This page explains eligibility requirements. Note that the PNP has several "streams." For example, there's a stream for graduating international students and a stream for applicants who have the support of family who reside in Manitoba. The streams have different criteria; each is explained on its own page.

In summary, the PNP accepts applications from skilled workers who can make a positive contribution to our economy and society as permanent residents. This requires:
education and training
work experience
enough English or French to start a job soon after arrival
a connection to Manitoba (for example, friends or family or current employment)
settlement supports (enough money to maintain yourself and your family while you are becoming established)
the intention to settle permanently in Manitoba

Please review the information in each of the five steps below to find out if you are eligible to apply to the PNP.
Step 1: Do you have legal status in your country of residence?You must be able to show proof that you have legal status in the country where you are now living. If you are currently living in Canada you must provide proof of your current status as a visitor, student or temporary worker. You are not eligible to apply if you are currently a refugee claimant or refused claimant living in Canada. You may apply from outside Canada if you are able to provide proof of legal status in your country of residence.

Step 2: Are you a skilled worker who is employable in Manitoba?You must be able to provide proof that you have the training (including any licence or certification), work experience and language ability to find employment in your intended occupation in Manitoba, soon after you arrive. (The PNP does not guarantee employment to successful applicants in their intended or other occupations.)

Step 3: Do you have sufficient settlement supports?To apply you must provide evidence that you have financial resources in your own name demonstrating that you are able to:
• pay your Government of Canada immigration fees and travel expenses to Manitoba
• support yourself while you are looking for employment
• ensure your successful settlement in ManitobaAs a general rule, applicants should have at least C$10,000 plus C$2,000 for each accompanying dependant.

Step 4: Do you meet the criteria of an application assessment stream?Priority assessment streams are for applicants who can demonstrate the strongest potential to settle successfully and permanently in Manitoba. They are assessed before applications under the General stream.

Employer Direct
• an offer of a long-term, full-time job in Manitoba pre-approved by the MPNPIf your job offer has not been pre-approved by the MPNP you must:
• have an offer of a long-term, full-time job in Manitoba
• have a work permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada
• be currently working for the Manitoba employer that has offered you the job and been working there for at least six months

International Student
• an offer of a long-term, full-time job in Manitoba
• a post-graduate open work permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada after you completed a post-secondary educational program of at least eight months in Manitoba
• currently working for the Manitoba employer that offered you the job and been working there for at least six months

Family Support
• a close relative in Manitoba who has signed a Manitoba Affidavit of Support (MAS)

Strategic InitiativeStrategic Initiatives are undertaken at the discretion of the PNP in accordance with program needs and available resources.

You are eligible to apply if you:
• participated in an exploratory visit to Manitoba, confirmed by the MPNP, and had an interview with a MPNP officer, or
• were interviewed by a MPNP officer and received a letter of invitation to apply as part of a MPNP targeted overseas promotional initiative
General stream.

You must have at least one of the following:
• a close relative in Manitoba who has signed an Affidavit of Support (MAS)
• two friends or distant relatives in Manitoba who have each signed an Affidavit of Support
• completed education in Manitoba
• previous work experience in Manitoba (six months minimum)

Step 5: Do you have a complete application?You must submit all required forms and documents described in the Documents Checklist (MDOC) for the principal applicant and all accompanying dependants. The MPNP will not accept incomplete applications.

NOTE: There is no deadline for applying to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. However, program criteria may change without notice and your application will be assessed according to the criteria in place at the time we receive your complete application.