
Expats weigh in on ‘Destination Canada’

By Fouzia Khan
Source: Saudi Gazette

Canada is a popular immigration destination for expatriates here as it continues to provide funding to support new migrants and assist them to settle, this apparently being one of the reasons for its huge popularity.
“Canadian immigration, which is a set of rules, regulations, directives, policies and the Act of Parliament that regulates the entry of each person into Canada, has always played a central role in Canadian history,” said Colin R. Singer, an immigration lawyer at a Canada-based immigration company.
He said his firm provides the necessary employment-based search consulting assistance that applicants to Canada require.
According to another immigration company, Canada has implemented fast-tracking of visa applications for “safe” countries, and formalized the Transit Without Visa (TWOV) program, in order to make traveling easier for tourists and other travelers.

Akbar Ali, a taxi driver in Canada, says that despite major inconveniences caused to immigrants, people still prefer migrating to Canada and other western countries, in general, because their governments “take care of the citizens even after retirement and children can get a better education”.
“The hard work pays off after retirement as individual companies or the government provides high pensions, free medical care, etc.,” he said. Mirroring Ali’s views, Imran Ahmed, an accountant in Jeddah who is soon moving with his family to Canada, said a potential Canadian immigrant had to satisfy 40 different criteria, with clauses, such as, professional experience, education, relatives already living in the country, if any, etc.
“I applied through a Canadian immigration firm, which assured me that they would not charge me unless I got my visa,” said Ahmed.
The cost of living in Saudi Arabia is less than that in Canada or any European country, where there are various commodity taxes. However, when it comes to higher education, these countries score well above the Kingdom.
“I have joined an Islamic center here called Huda Institute that is excellent for Islamic Studies for Muslim girls. Quality education is not hard to find here,” said Ameena Kapoor, a 14-year-old girl living in Canada.
“I plan to join one of the best universities in Canada for my higher education, which otherwise would not have been possible in Saudi Arabia, where there are not many opportunities for higher education,” she added.
The Canadian Temporary Work Permit is one of the most popular ways for newcomers to come to Canada, earn money, and gain valuable Canadian work experience.
“Immigration policies and conditions are constantly changing, and some of these changes may affect an immigrant’s eligibility to immigrate to Canada, the UK, Australia or the US,” am immigration agency statement said.

Process of obtaining Canadian immigration:
The Canadian Immigration and Citizenship department, also known as CIC Canada, is one of the most important departments of the Canadian government. In order to obtain Canadian immigration, an applicant is required to fill in the prescribed immigration forms.
He must first apply to a well-known Canadian immigration company that will help him through the process of moving to Canada.
For example, some immigration agencies require the applicant to be registered with them, take a free Canadian Visa Eligibility Assessment according to the type and requirements of the visa, e.g., work visa, student’s visa, general immigration, business immigration, etc.
For general immigration, the individual’s evaluation is based on their education, training and work experience, which reflects their ability to economically establish themselves in Canada. –

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