
Obtaining a Study Permit in Canada


A Study Permit is an official document allowing someone who is not a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada to study in Canada. Most international students need a Study Permit to study in Canada. Some international students also need a temporary resident visa. A separate application for a temporary resident visa is not necessary- it will be issued at the same time as the documentation necessary to enter Canada as an international student.

When a Study Permit for Canada is Required
If you are not a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, a family or staff member of a foreign representative to Canada or a member of a foreign armed force under the Visiting Forces Act, and you wish to take a course of six months or more, then you will need a Study Permit for Canada.

When A Study Permit for Canada is Not Required
International students do not need a study permit to study in Canada in the following cases:

* Short course or program (6 months or less)
* Courses that are not academic, professional or vocational
* Courses included in a tour package for tourists
* Nursery schools or kindergarten
* Foreign Armed Forces

Students cannot apply for a Study Permit for Canada until they receive an Acceptance Letter from a recognized school, university of college in Canada. Study Permits are issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, who advise students to begin the process of obtaining a permit at least six months before proposed date of entry.

Education is a responsibility of the provincial and territory governments in Canada, and the individual provinces and territories set educational standards. The process and documents required to study in the province of Quebec are different, so check the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles for details. There are a variety of resources available for international students interested in studying in Canada.

Application Requirements

An Immigration Officer will review each completed application, which should include the following:

* Evidence that the student will leave Canada after study;
* An official Letter of Acceptance from a recognized school, university or college in Canada;
* Evidence of funding to pay for tuition, to support the stay in Canada, and to return home;
* Student will be law abiding and has no record of criminal activity,
* Student is not a risk to the security of Canada; and
* Student is in good health (a medical exam may be required).

Local Requirements
Students should check with their local visa office for any specific local requirements, for additional information or with any questions about applying for a Study Permit for Canada.

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