
Canadian Immigration a boost for economic and social diversity

Since 1892, Canadian immigration programs have helped boost the country’s economic, social, and cultural diversity by helping new migrants enter the country.

The Canadian immigration service, or Citizenship and Immigration Canada, was created in 1994 to link Canadian immigration services with citizenship registration, to promote the unique ideals all Canadians share, and to help build a stronger Canada.
In 2008, the Multicultural Program was moved from the Canadian Heritage department to the Canadian Immigration department.

The mission of Citizenship and Immigration Canada is to develop and implement policies, programs and services that facilitate the arrival of new migrants and their successful settlement into Canada, as well as enhancing the values of Canadian citizenship, and fostering increased intercultural understanding.

The main goal of the Canadian Immigration department is to advance the global migration policies in a way that supports Canada’s immigration and humanitarian objectives, with an approach to Canadian immigration that responds to the needs of communities in all parts of the country.

To achieve this goal the department strives to deliver impartial, unbiased and accountable decisions for all applicants.
Some of the work that the Canadian Immigration service does includes:

* Admitting migrants, overseas students, temporary workers and tourists who will aid Canada’s economic growth and social vibrancy;
* Resettling and protecting refugees;
* Aid new migrants in adapting to Canadian society;
* Provide security and integrity of the Canadian borders and laws; AND
* Help Canadians and newcomers alike to be full participants in the economic, political, social and cultural life of Canada.

These roles build upon Canada’s history of welcoming migrants, and the Canadian immigration and refugee system, combined with a network of other organisation, are among the best in the world.

Recent statistics show that one out of every six Canadian residents was born outside Canada, proof that Canadian immigration has helped make the country culturally rich and progressive.

In terms of migration, Canadian Immigration service handles five different types of processes: tourism visitors, temporary workers, overseas students, permanent migrants, and refugees.

Depending on the country of nationality, and the reason for your visit, you may need to meet certain entry requirements to enter Canada. In some cases Canadian Immigration will require you obtain a Temporary Resident Visa, which can be applied for online but must be obtained before you can board a flight to Canada. Even if you are a citizen of a country where you do not need a Canadian Visa to enter you must still have a valid passport. For specific information on passport requirements it is recommended to seek advice from the Canadian Embassy in your country.

It is important to note the visa exemption does not guarantee automatic entry into Canada, as you must still satisfy a Canadian immigration officer that you are admissible.

If you want to work temporarily in Canada you are part of some 90,000 foreign workers who enter Canada and help address skills shortages.

Canadian Immigration issue work permits for temporary workers, but not all temporary workers need a permit and your employer will help you determine if you are eligible. If you do not need a work permit to work in Canada you will still need to adhere to other Canadian immigration rules.

For example, athletes and coaches are one category for which you may not need a work permit but if you are from a country that Canada requires having a visa you must apply for a Temporary Resident Visa.

Foreign students to Canada obtain a Canadian Study Permit, or a Temporary Resident Visa depending on the length of stay and the country of origin. But before you can apply to Canadian immigration for a study permit you must be accepted at a recognised school, university or college in Canada.

Canada has a number of different categories whereby a person can immigrate to Canada, with programmes for: skilled workers and professionals; Quebec-selected skilled workers; Canadian experience class; investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed people; provincial nominees; and a family class.

Negotiating the permanent migration process can sometimes be difficult; some many people choose to use a migration agent to help them with Canadian immigration. A migration agent also may also be able to help a new permanent migrant beyond the immigration process, with advice for moving, government services contacts, and other relevant information for completing the move to Canada successfully.

Canadian immigration also offers protection for refugees, in and outside of Canada, who fear returning to their home country. Canadian immigration provides protection to thousands of people every year who fear persecution or whose removal from Canada would subject them to any danger.

Canada operates a global refugee resettlement program that in 2007 resettled refugees of about 70 different nationalities. On average, Canada resettles 10,000 to 12,000 refugees every year, and both the domestic refugee system and the resettlement program have been praised by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Source: Whitehaven News

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