
Expert Consultants Can Help Speed Up Immigration To Canada

By Adriana Noton | May 18th, 2010

If you are planning to immigrate to Canada, it is advisable to make use of immigration services offered by experienced consultants. Even if you are just planning a visit, or want your son or daughter to attend school or university in Canada, there are certain criteria to be met.

Many people are seeking citizenship in Canada. It is the world’s second largest country. For seven rows in succession, the United Nations has deemed it the ‘best country to live in’. With its ample natural resources, Canada is America’s largest trading partner. Magnificent scenery and fresh air make it is an ideal living environment.

It is a cosmopolitan, multicultural country that offers wonderful opportunities for employment and business development. Its excellent health care system is available to all residents. In addition, Canada is considered to be one of the world’s best educated countries. Schools, private and public, enjoy enviable reputations. People from all cultures and backgrounds live together harmoniously and there is no discrimination. Canada has an excellent judicial system and an impressive welfare system.

The country has in fact taken steps to boost immigration. The reason is to make sure that projected plans for economic growth materialize. The government is hoping that, by the end of 2010, as many as 250,000 immigrants will have settled in the country. With this boost of skilled workers, Canada is expected to grow rapidly and recover swiftly from the economic downturn.

The government has given a free hand to provinces, allowing each one to determine the number of new skilled people they require. Quebec is a province that has a very efficient ‘Skilled Worker Program’ in place. The program is designed to facilitate an easy transition for new Canadian residents.

Essentially, this means that Quebec has formed its own unique immigration policy. It has laid down a set of criteria that do not necessarily conform to existing national immigration policies. This means that if you have applied for a work visa, but it has been declined, you are free to apply to Quebec.

There are some national requirements that are standard throughout Canada. You have to be classified as ’skilled labor’. This will enable you to be easily integrated into the job market. You must also be able to understand French, and speak English fluently. If you are in a highly skilled profession, your application is likely to be prioritized.

If you have family with Canadian citizenship, or family who are permanent residents, this will help your cause. In addition, if you are married and your spouse has family ties in the country, this will also helpful. Most important of all, you will need to have a written job offer from a licensed business in Canada.

To seek out a consultant, applicants are advised to go online and search for ‘Canadian immigration consultants’. It will not be difficult to locate one who will assist every step of the way. This person will be well versed with all requirements. By utilizing such a service, the applicant will be saved time and money. The consultant will know how to avoid costly and long delays. The application should also have a better chance of success because all criteria will have been met.

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