
Help save a Life of a Child

Nexus Canada joins the international efforts of saving the life of a baby: Eva
Any contribution will be welcome for this good cause.
Please, find the video of baby Eva, that needs help for medical consultation and surgery.
Although the video is in Russian, I wanted to introduce you to Eva and her momVeronica,
Please check this link to read about a little baby Eva, who is very sick and needs our mutual help 
Donation accounts are open in the USA, Canada, Belgium and Belarus
Please, find the donations reports on this page
I want to thank everyone who kindly contributed in Eva's chance to survive!
Your financial help and your IDEAS how to improve our way to raise money for this cause are very much appreciated!!!!
 We'll be grateful if you help us spread the call for help among your contacts and social networks.
"You're happiest while you're making the greatest contribution" (Robert F. Kennedy) but What can be a greater contribution than helping a child have a chance to live?

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