
Saskatchewan economy growing despite job vacancies

Saskatchewan-mapImage via Wikipedia
Minister of Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration Rob Norris says important tool for employers
Saskatchewan’s economy continues to grow despite thousands of job vacancies, says Minister of Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration Rob Norris.
The population in the province continues to increase, but employers still have jobs they need to fill. Norris sees as an important tool to help those employers.
“What we’ve seen recently is that saskjobs(.ca) is being used very effectively, not just within the province of Saskatchewan, but outside the province both within Canada and around the world,” said Norris.
He says the interest in Saskatchewan jobs comes from places like the Philippines, United States and India, as well as from places in Canada like Ontario and Alberta.
Attracting interest in those places will be necessary as the website currently has about 7,000 jobs listed that have yet to be filled.
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