
Nova Scotia: Agri-Food Sector Stream

Nova Scotia Province within Canada.Image via WikipediaThe Agri-Food Sector stream is aimed at immigrants interested in agri-food primary production and/or value added production. The stream gives the opportunity to strengthen rural communities by creating jobs and growing the economy by bringing agricultural skills to Nova Scotia. The Agri-Food Sector pilot is a joint venture between the Office of Immigration and the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture.
To be eligible to apply under this stream, the applicant must:
  • have legal status in the country of residence
  • be between the ages of 21 and 55
  • have completed the equivalent to a Canadian high school diploma with a minimum of 12 years of education and/or training from a recognized institution and/or authority
  • provide proof of sufficient English or French language proficiency to be employable and functional in Nova Scotia upon arrival based on documentation of language proficiency
  • have a minimum of 3 years experience in farm ownership, farm management OR practical farming experience with skills relevant to Nova Scotia farming conditions.
  • have marketable skills to supplement farm income (or his/her spouse)
  • demonstrate that you have sufficient settlement supports and financial resources, including transferable funds in your name, in order to pay your immigration costs and travel expenses (if applicable) and to successfully establish yourself and your family in the agri-food sector.
  • have a minimum personal net worth of $150,000 (after relocation to Nova Scotia - before the farm is purchased).
  • make a minimum equity investment of $100,000 in a new or existing farming operation in capital assets (land, machinery) or working capital.
  • plan to establish a farm, purchase a farm or become partner in an existing farm business. If you invest in an existing farm business, you must control at least 33.33% and take an active part in the operation of the business.
  • submit a detailed agri-business plan with your application form. A template can be found at
A qualifying farming business must demonstrate a minimum annual revenue of $10,000 CAD. Hobby farms are not eligible.
You need to come for a minimum of one 5 working days exploratory visit for Nova Scotia to explore farming opportunities. During this visit, you will meet with representatives of the Department of Agriculture who will inform and guide you in the Nova Scotia agri-food sector. You will also have an interview with a nominee officer from the Office of Immigration who will provide you with information about the application process.

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