
Saskatchewan leads Canada with lowest unemployment rate in country

For the second straight month, Saskatchewan’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was the lowest in Canada.
According to Statistics Canada, the province’s unemployment rate fell to 5.0 per cent in April, down 5.2 per cent from the previous month and 1.2 per cent lower year-over-year.
The national unemployment rate was 7.6 per cent in April.
Although the unemployment numbers dropped, there was a decrease of 1,800 people working full-time in the province from March to April with an increase of 1,800 in part-time jobs.
The Saskatchewan government noted the number of aboriginal youth working in the province jumped by 1,000, an increase of 11.6 per cent.
Rob Norris, Minister of Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration, says the lower unemployment numbers, along with recent reports from the Conference Board of Canada and the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, point to a bright future for the province.
“Employers in our largest cities and across Saskatchewan are expressing confidence in their future and in the economic future of our province,” said Norris.
“Saskatchewan is and will continue to be the best place in Canada for skilled workers looking for new opportunities.”

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