
Alberta launches tool to evaluate foreign credentials

The province of Alberta has launched a free online tool, the Education Overview Guide, to help employers better understand the educational credentials of immigrants seeking to work in Alberta.
"This particular tool will allow an employer to look at a diploma or certificate, go on the website, look up that country and see where this diploma fits within the educational hierarchy ... and be able to draw a comparison to what this would mean in Canada," says Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk.
So far, the guide includes 10 countries that have the most immigrants moving to Alberta, including India, Nigeria, and the Philippines. Lukaszuk noted that more countries will continue to be added to the list as necessary. With the expected labour shortage in Alberta, employers will be seeking to hire qualified individuals, especially foreign workers.

New online resource helps employers and human resources professionals understand foreign-earned education

A new tool will help employers and human resources professionals better understand academic credentials earned abroad. The online tool will improve the attraction and retention of newcomers which is an important part of addressing the province’s future labour shortage.
The Education Overview Guides are an online resource that explains how international education credentials compare to Alberta education credentials and standards. Employers, Human Resource professionals, potential immigrants, and recent newcomers can all benefit from understanding how foreign education credentials compare to Alberta standards.
Global competition for labour is a reality in many industries. There are talented, skilled individuals in Alberta, Canada and around the world, and this new tool can help employers interpret the international academic credentials of job applicants.
Whether you are an employer looking at a resume or an immigrant preparing to work in Alberta, the Education Overview Guides can help you. The Education Overview Guides are based on extensive research and well-documented standards and criteria. These recommendations are advisory in nature and indicate the general level of a credential in Albertan terms. Education Overview Guides are available for countries with the highest levels of immigration to Alberta:
The guides provide an overview of the country and the educational system within the country. The information contained in these brief summaries is an important first step toward understanding the educational patterns in each country.
The guides do not cover all credentials. International credentials not explicitly covered should be referred to International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) for evaluation.
When using the Education Overview Guides, we recommend that you check the title of the award in the original language, as well as the translation, as English translations can sometimes be misleading. If the title of the award does not appear in either language, referring to the chart for an overview of the education system might help you locate the level of the credential or alternative titles.
If you are an internationally-educated individual looking to work in Alberta, there are resources to help you prepare:
  • Information on Working in Alberta – information on how to research job opportunities in your occupation in Alberta, as well as tips for job seekers and important details about workplace rights and responsibilities, employment standards and work-related resources.
  • International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) – information about how IQAS assesses international educational credentials and compares them to educational credentials in Canada, as well as how to apply for an assessment.

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