
Legit Immigration Consultants Lobby Group To Go After Bogus Consultants

TORONTO – The recently instituted Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC), which is set to shortly take over as the new regulatory body for immigration consultants – or Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs), to give them their rightful name – will inter alia “go after ghost consultants,” both inside and outside Canada, Interim President and CEO Phil Mooney told practitioners at a recent Town Hall in Brampton, reported Toronto-based South Asian Focus newspaper.
Contrary to popular perception, there are plenty of ghost consultants operating right here in Canada, he asserted.
Mooney agreed however that there were also many more unscrupulous immigration consultants in source countries abroad. And while it’s true these don’t come under Canada’s direct purview, RCICs can certainly “damage their business” by naming and shaming them, he suggested.
The ICCRC chief addressed a series of Town Hall style meetings through the GTA last week as the organization itself prepares to take over from the current Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC), which had earlier been put on notice by Immigration Minister Jason Kenney that it was likely be replaced by the incoming ICCRC.
The exact date of the takeover is still up in the air owing to legal snarl-ups, but the new body is widely expected to take over as the official regulatory authority this summer.
Mooney said the ICCRC’s three-point core mandate is to regulate, accredit, and fight ghost consultants. The new membership fees are set to be $1,550 per year.
While ICCRC will seek to slowly raise industry standards, unlike CSIC it will not force members to take specific courses, Mooney clarified.
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