
Study finds CSIC-accredited immigration consultants provide benefits to Canadian multiculturalism

TORONTOJune 27, 2011 /CNW/ - CSIC-accredited immigration consultants benefit Canadian society by helping Canada attract greater numbers of highly qualified immigrants, according to a study commissioned by the Canadian Migration Institute (CMI).
"Multiculturalism Day is an important time to reflect on the valuable role of immigration in Canada and the study clearly demonstrates that members of the Canadian society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC) extend high quality immigration services to those who may not be able to afford a lawyer," said Dr. Don DeVoretz from Can-Excell Consultants, which conducted the study. "The study endorsed the quality of those services because the immigrants that I spoke to indicated that they were very satisfied with the help they received with their immigration to Canada."
In its report Can-Excell also concluded CSIC membership provided significant value by offering consultants name brand recognition from a trusted accreditation and training that enabled them to provide higher quality service.
"CSIC members must meet high standards to obtain and maintain their membership, and it's because of those standards that consumers trust the Certified Canadian Immigration Consultant designation," said DeVoretz. "On Multiculturalism Day it's important to remember that as Canadians we all benefit when smart, ambitious people make Canada their home, and immigration consultants play an important role in facilitating their immigration."
"Only CSIC members are accredited immigration consultants and they know they're leaving a positive impact on the Canadian fabric because every day they help brave, hopeful, motivated people live their dreams of becoming Canadian. CMI has always maintained that CSIC members are vital to the Canadian immigration system and, on Multiculturalism Day, I'm pleased that Can-Excell Consultants have reached the same conclusion," said Canadian Migration Chair Imran Qayyum.
CMI commissioned Dr. DeVoretz to conduct an independent study to determine whether or not CSIC members provide viable services to consumers of immigration consulting services and whether or not there is value in being an accredited immigration consultant. Dr. DeVoretz is an internationally respected immigration expert. He is a professor of economics at Simon Fraser University and directs the Canadian Abroad Project at the Asia Pacific Foundation. He previously directed Vancouver's Centre of Excellence on Immigration Studies and sat on the Canadian Border Advisory Board.
As part of the study, Dr. DeVoretz gathered feedback from clients and immigration consultants in focus groups and surveys in TorontoCalgaryMontreal and Vancouver. Clients faced a list of questions concerning their entry class, initial attempts to apply and their source of information prior to choosing to hire a CSIC member. Immigration consultants were queried on their level of experience and education, the types of clients they handle and the perceived quality of CSIC's education, testing and fees.
The study is available for download at:
The role of the Canadian Migration Institute ( is to educate, accredit and advocate on immigration law and policy. CMI represents more than 1,740 authorized immigration representatives and is the largest organization of its kind in North America. CMI has several chapters throughout Canada that provide regional support through accredited educational programs, advocacy on provincial issues and a local network for interaction and connection amongst authorized representatives.
Tiffany Nyklickova, (416) 815-4277 x2245,

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