
Quebec Immigrant Investor warming after the New Deal

Castle Peak Bay Immigration Centre and Immigra...Image via Wikipedia
Immigration Canada news, federal investment project will be 201,171 migrants from the date of implementation of the New Deal, from 1 to clear the next 630 days will only receive 700 applications. Canadian Immigration Minister Jason · Kenney said that despite the immigration department to improve the investment threshold of immigrants, but still received an excessive amount of applications; to limit the application of the new measures will reduce the backlog process, while ensuring that the amount of the trial department of the trial. For this phenomenon, the general manager Liu Jianjie Shenzhen and made the following analysis:

Has been documented for the applicant is a good news

Taking into account the Canadian Immigration processing of approximately 3000 to 4000 investment immigration applications (some of this capacity has been maintained), the “brakes” for the client application has been submitted is actually a good thing to avoid more crowded, which makes the documented relative to the processing cycle is no longer the customer is more extended.

For the preparation of immigration applicants should be objective and rational

1. The launch of the Canadian Federal Department of Immigration limit 700 applicants for the world, if the Chinese market can be assigned to 400 places, while China’s hundreds of legal immigration agency, shows that “these 700 places into the queue “with considerable difficulty, only the level of policy research and strong professional experience in handling cases have greater ability to help companies more successful delivery of the applicants case. In other words, each of which will test the strength of a company’s overall immigration, work efficiency, the case of sectoral coordination and delivery speed.

2. The applicant in this process should be sufficient to maintain an objective and rational. Applicants should make every effort to prepare the relevant information with immigration company, pre-prepared as possible to save time.

3. Federal and Quebec Immigrant Investor immigrant investment conditions in the application of great similarity, coupled with the end of Quebec to improve the application from the standards, the volume of applications received far less than the amount of the federal application, so if the applicant’s their conditions in line with Canada Quebec Immigrant Investor, you should focus on preparing the application documents submitted to consider Quebec Immigrant Investor program, instead of blindly to competition for limited federal quota. Based on past experience and current situation to determine the federal Reform immigration policy to 71 days after the Quebec Department of Immigration may be adjusted in the near future, so the Quebec investments that meet the conditions of immigration applications to customers, it is recommended to be fully use the current opportunity to plan ahead. (Li)
Source: Finance Online

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