
Best Employers for New Canadians

Now entering its 5th year, the Best Employers for New Canadians competition is managed by the editors of Canada's Top 100 Employers in partnership with ALLIES, a joint initiative of the The Maytree Foundation and The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, two foundations with long histories of strengthening Canadian communities. This special designation recognizes the nation's best employers for recent immigrants. These employers offer interesting programs to assist new Canadians in making the transition to a new workplace -- and a new life in Canada. This year's winners were announced in aspecial editorial feature published March 28, 2011 in The Globe and Mail.
Selection Process
Each employer is evaluated in terms of whether: (1) they offer programs specifically designed to assist employees who are recent immigrants to Canada; (2) they have taken steps to reduce employment barriers for recent immigrants, such as by recognizing foreign educational credentials and experience; (3) they assist new employees who have foreign professional or educational credentials in getting these qualifications formally recognized in Canada; (4) they offer "onboarding" programs, such as internal coaching or mentoring, to help new employees who are recent immigrants understand the Canadian workplace; and (5) their managers and employees receive training in cross-cultural issues or inclusiveness to help create a welcoming and productive environment for employees who are recent immigrants. The winners are selected by the editors of Canada's Top 100 Employers -- our partners at ALLIES do not take part in the selection of winners.
Eligibility Requirements
Any employer operating in Canada may apply for this competition. Employers of any size may apply, whether private or public sector.
Media Partner
The Globe and Mail is our exclusive newspaper partner on the Best Employers for New Canadians competition. The Globe announces the competition winners in a special editorial supplement, published each spring.

2011 Winners:
(in alphabetical order, click for our editors' reasons for selection)
BC Hydro
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, LP
BMO Financial Group
Bombardier Aerospace
Business Development Bank of Canada
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce / CIBC
CH2M HILL Canada Limited
Christie Digital Systems Canada, Inc.
Davis + Henderson, Limited Partnership
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Energy Resources Conservation Board
Ernst & Young LLP
Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP
Halton, Regional Municipality of
Human Resources & Skills Development Canada
Loblaw Companies Limited
Manitoba Lotteries Corporation
McGill University Health Centre, The
Mississauga, Corporation of the City of
Mount Sinai Hospital
Nexen Inc.
Nordion Inc.
Ontario Public Service
Pitney Bowes Canada Inc.
Providence Health Care
Provincial Health Services Authority
Rescan Environmental Services Ltd.
Royal Bank of Canada
Saskatoon Health Region
SaskEnergy Incorporated
St. Michael's Hospital
Syncrude Canada Ltd.
TD Bank Financial Group
Telus Corporation
TransCanada Corporation
University of Ottawa
Wardrop Engineering Inc.
Xerox Canada Ltd.
York, Regional Municipality of

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