
Jobs With Future in Canada – Nursing

Canada needs nurses. Lots of them.

According to Health Canada and the Canadian Nurses Association, Canada might need up to 113,000 nurses by year 2016.
Generally, the shortage of nurses is a worldwide phenomenon, for reasons ranging from increasing population to diseases becoming treatable.
And in many countries, such as Canada, the population is also ageing, and therefore demand for geriatric care is increasing.
In Canada, nursing population is also ageing: in 2006, the average age of a nurse was 45, with about a third over 50 years.
In fact, a former official of the Canadian Nurses Association has said securing sufficient nurses would be vital for the sustainability of Canada’s health care system.
Those in Demand in Canada
The latest list of High Demand Jobs issued by the Canadian ministry of immigration lists three categories within the nursing profession.
Head Nurses/Supervisors
Registered Nurses
Licensed Practising Nurses
At present, just under eight percent of Canadian nurses are foreign-trained but this can be expected to increase as Canada tries to meet the demand. As well, Canada is becoming very diverse and in some parts of the country, such as the Greater Toronto Area, health institutions carry notices in more than one language.
How to Apply
Nursing in Canada is delegated to provinces/territories and, as such, it is they who regulate the profession.
Anyone needing more information about immigrating to Canada as a nurse, and sitting for the exams can approach the local consulate/embassy/high commission. More information can also be found at the website of the Canadian Nurses Association.

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