
Moncton group seeks Korean immigrants

Posted: Oct 11, 2011 10:54 AM AT 

Last Updated: Oct 11, 2011 10:51 AM AT

Enterprise Greater Moncton is seeking to attract new Korean immigrants to move to southeastern New Brunswick by celebrating the benefits of life in the Maritimes.
In fact, the business organization is also trying to recruit immigrants who may have become disenchanted with life in Canada's most populated cities.
Chad Peters, director of communications and community relations at Enterprise Greater Moncton, said the city has attracted 400 families from Korea in the last four years.
Peters is preparing to leave for the Ontario Korean Businessmen's Association's trade show next week.
He is bundling up promotional materials that are written in Korean and he is ready to tell potential immigrants about two churches that cater to Koreans, a community centre and various businesses that have been established in the city by Korean immigrants.
Peters said that should make it easier to entice other Korean immigrants to call the Moncton area home.
“We've establish a very strong base of a Korean community here in greater Moncton. We have over 400 families now,” he said.
“And because we have this critical mass, we can start to build on it which is only going to make it stronger.”
Peters said he's hoping to attract people who have settled in southern Ontario but are tired of the noise, hectic lifestyle and long commutes.
He said it's also a lot easier attracting people already in Canada.
“It's really no different than Alberta coming here in order to get workers. We are going to Ontario to look for workers,” he said.
Peters said this appearance at the trade show is a first, but he's planning similar presentations to other ethnic communities.

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