
Ten Ways to Make Yourself a Job Magnet

Looking for a job can be hard work. Preparing a CV so that it is clear and attractive, searching Canada Jobs listings and meeting with hiring managers takes time and concentration. Recruiters and headhunters are hired by employers to find qualified candidates to fill positions. Candidates who are referred by recruiters are often given higher priority by employers because the screening has already been done. Here are ten things that you can do to make yourself more attractive to recruiters.

1. Be employed – Fair or not, recruiters often look first for job candidates who are working. They operate on the premise that if you want something done, find a busy person. They perceive that those who have survived layoffs are less expendable than those who have been laid off. If you are currently employed but anticipate a layoff, begin your job search immediately. If you are not currently employed, consider taking a position at which you would be underemployed so that you can put “to present” on the dates of employment for your most recent position on your CV.

2. Be good at what you do – Be conscientious about your work. Ask for feedback from your superiors and coworkers about what you can do to improve the quality of your work. Strive to get along with others. It is easier to have a reputation for being good at your job if the people you work with perceive you as a nice person. This reputation will find its way to recruiters.

3. Contact the recruiters – Use an Internet search engine to find recruiting agencies that place candidates in your industry or field. They will often be grateful that you helped them eliminate several steps in filling a position. If they think you are not suitable for a position that you seek, they will most likely provide honest feedback as to why. This can give you an opportunity to take corrective measures, such as taking classes to make you more current in your field.

4. Get your name in print – Write letters to the editor or submit articles to trade publications or websites. This gives you a greater chance to be noticed by recruiters.

5. Network – Get involved in clubs or charities. This will help you to expand your interests and give you an opportunity to solve problems. It will also make you known to a wider circle of contacts. Use LinkedIn and other social media to join online discussions about your profession. You can also use LinkedIn to post online portfolios that will help recruiters better understand your qualifications.

6. Find a mentor or champion – A successful and experienced person can tell you what you need to do to advance in your career and will usually have the right connections to help you land a position. The mentor benefits from gaining a reputation for good referrals if you do well at your new position.

7. Participate in trade or professional associations – Volunteer to give a speech or presentation or serve on a panel at a conference. Even stuffing envelopes will increase the number of contacts that you have and will raise your profile so that you will be more likely to be noticed by recruiters.

8. List all of your accomplishments on your CV – It is especially important to list problems you have solved. This lets recruiters know that you were not merely putting in the time at your position, but took an interest in getting things done.

9. Be brief – Recruiters have stacks of CVs to review in a short amount of time. They will give higher priority to those that are clear and succinct. Use bullet points when possible.

10. Have recognizable firm names and position titles on a CV – If you have worked for small firms and went to an obscure school, take classes at a large university or volunteer for a well known charity. If your firm uses unusual sounding titles, consider putting a comparable title in parentheses next to the position title.

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