
British Columbia Lays Groundwork to Attract Immigrants

Dramatic reverse of UK’ outlook, British Columbia sorts ways to boost the influx of skilled immigrants.
Premier Christy Clark has called for the setting up of a task force to study how skilled immigrants and investors can be attracted to the province of British Columbia, Canada.
This is a province and a country that was built on immigration and that hasn't changed, Clark said.
A nine member group shall be constituted to analyse all of the province’s programs related to immigrants and suggest any possible improvement or enhancements in order to simplify the procedure of immigration for skilled workers from around the world.
The Task Force
It is expected that eminent community and business leaders shall be roped in to form the task force. The Provincial Nominee Program, Federal Skilled Worker Program, Canadian Experience Class, and the Federal Immigrant Investor Program are the various schemes to be scanned by the group that has proposed to submit a report by the end of March next year. John Yap, elected head of the task force has voiced a resolve to make the immigration procedure to British Columbia a smooth ride for skilled workers and interested investors. The team is likely to meet employers, industry associations, community members and other groups of importance to get a rounded picture and then work upon it in an appropriate fashion.
Premier Speaks
"We've laid out an ambitious plan to create jobs in the B.C. Jobs Plan and we will need skilled immigrants to help fill more than one million job openings expected over the next decade," Clark said. "We don't know yet, how we're going to fill those jobs."
Much like what the province of Manitoba has been asking for, even BC has asked for a removal of the cap on immigration influx. It is interesting to note that the provincial nominee program was launched to help integrate skilled and educated professional immigrants into the Canadian population. It is important to do away with the upper limit on immigration of skilled workers under PNP as it does little to further the cause.
A Welcome Christmas Gift for the Immigrants: 
Potential immigrants are excited because Canada has for long established and done justice to its claims of being one of the most immigrant friendly nations in the world. There is little left to be desired in the country’s programs for immigrants save for some small knots which the task force shall smooth out.

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