
Canada considers visas for Hungary due to influx of Romani immigrants

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 27.2.2012 18:28, (ROMEA)

Some Canadian MPs are considering the option of reintroducing entry visas for Hungarian citizens in connection with a strong wave of Romani immigrants from Hungary. The speaker of the Canadian Senate, Noël Kinsella, has delivered that message to the Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary, László Kövér, in the Saudia Arabian capital, Riyadh.
Hungarian Press Agency MTI cited the Canadian legislator as saying Canada "cannot tolerate people coming [to Canada], requesting asylum, cashing in on welfare, and returning to Hungary, Romani or Slovakia." Kinsella was attending a meeting of heads of parliament of the G20 countries in Riyadh. Kövér was invited to the meeting even though his country is not a member of the 20 wealthiest countries in the world.
Hungary is not the only country facing an outflow of its Romani citizens to Canada. In recent days, dozens of Romani families from Slovakia have moved there, and some Romani people from the Czech Republic have made the pilgrimage to the Canadian "promised land" as well. When Canada reintroduced visas for the Czech Republic, the large-scale emigration stopped. Hungary now has similar problems.
Czech Press Agency, eurozprá, translated by Gwendolyn Albert

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