
Government makes it easier for skilled workers to settle in Canada

The federal government is making it easier for highly-skilled temporary foreign workers (TFWs) to obtain permanent residence.
“Thousands of highly-skilled foreign nationals are working successfully in Canada on a temporary basis,” said Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney. “Expediting their transition to permanent residence would help Canada retain bright and talented people who already have Canadian work experience and the ability to communicate in English or French. In many cases, they already have a job lined up. Such newcomers are set for success.”
Citizenship and Immigration Canada intends to reduce the work experience requirement for eligible temporary foreign workers applying to stay in the country permanently.
Under the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), temporary foreign workers must have 24 months of full-time work experience over the last 36 months to be eligible. The proposed regulatory changes will reduce the requirement to 12 months of experience.
One major benefit of the change is that it would make it easier for skilled tradespersons working in Canada to transition to permanent residence, as their work is often project-based and can be seasonal.
Launched in 2008, the CEC is an immigration program that allows TFWs and foreign graduate students with managerial, professional, technical or trade work experience to become permanent residents, and eventually Canadian citizens.
Applicants are required to have temporary resident status and be present in Canada to apply.
In 2011, a record number of people (6,022) were admitted to Canada under the CEC.
This represents a significant increase of more than 50 per cent from 2010. About 7,000 permanent residents are expected to be admitted through the CEC in 2012.

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