
Canada offers peace, cultural diversity to new comers

By Graham Lanktree

More immigrants are landing on Canadian shores than ever before. In 2010, 280,636 new permanent residents, the highest increase of new Canadians in 50 years, joined the country.
Since Canada Day is a time to celebrate all things Canadian, Metro invited a recent new comer to share his first impressions of the country.
“I think this is the most peaceful land,” said Abbas Mokabbery who came to Canada from Iran with his wife and two children in 2008. “Based on my knowledge, Canada was the best place to live and work.”
Settling in Toronto first, it wasn’t long before he and his family left for Ottawa. “I love Ottawa,” he said. “Canada has a very lovely cultural diversity. We go to all the different restaurants whether Indian, Chinese or Arabian.”
“For me, Canada Day creates national pride. People should believe in this land and believe in their flag,” he said. “This is a country with lots of opportunities and bringing immigrants here shares them.”
If Abbas had to offer up one criticism, he said, it would be that immigrants could be better prepared before arriving.
“Learning English is a big barrier for some. There are people who spend nine years in a queue to get here,” he said. “It would be good if they were given training and had to pass some sort of English test.”

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