
New immigration system will award more points for language, fewer for work abroad

Nicholas Keung
Immigration Reporter

Ottawa is revamping the point grid it has used for the past 10 years to judge skilled-immigrant applications. The proposed revisions, to go into effect next January, will put more emphasis on language skills and professional credentials equivalent to Canada’s — while de-emphasizing work experience abroad.

This would be the first major overhaul of the immigration point grid system since 2002, when the Liberal government of the day lowered the passing mark and jiggled minor point allocations.

Under amendments to the federal skilled-worker program published Friday, language proficiency — a strong indicator of how well new immigrants do economically — will become the most important factor in whether applicants are approved, worth a maximum of 28 points, up from 24.

The total “passing” mark will remain at 67, but the revised grid will favour younger immigrants by awarding a maximum of 12 points for applicants in the 18-35 age bracket. Applicants over 46 would get 0 points.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada is also proposing to reduce the total number of points given for work experience from 21 to 15, and increase the years of experience required to achieve full points from four years to six.

“These changes will reflect the relative value Canadian employers place on foreign work experience, and redirect points to language and age factors, which are better indicators of success,” said the government statement. .

“Education points would be awarded based on the equivalent Canadian educational credential and points would be redistributed in recognition of the credential’s relevance in the Canadian labour market.”

Applicants with a background in a regulated occupation (medicine or accounting, for example) must also submit to a foreign educational credential assessment by the relevant professional body to establish that a credential earned abroad is equivalent to Canadian requirements.

To address a perpetual labour shortage in the construction industry, Ottawa has also proposed creating a new federal skilled-trades class, which would also be open to people working in natural resources or agriculture production, as well as chefs, cooks, bakers and butchers.

But such applicants need to meet other criteria as well, including having an offer of employment or a provincial certificate of qualification; language proficiency; and 24 months of work experience in the same skilled trade over the past five years.

Changes are also contemplated to the Canadian Experience Class, which allows highly-skilled foreign nationals with Canadian work experience, or graduates from a Canadian university, to apply for permanent residency.

The government is proposing to reduce the work experience required from the current 24 months to 12, over the preceding three years.

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