
Canada makes changes to family-based permanent residence permit applications and consular services in America

The Canadian Consulate in the Bahamas
The Canadian Consulate in the Bahamas (Photo credit: a440)

Changes to Family-Based Permanent Residence Permit Applications/Changes at Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles Changes
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has announced a new, two-year conditional permanent residence status for certain foreign nationals, as well as changes to consular services in America.
In addition, the Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles has ceased in-person return of original passports and all other original documents submitted to the Consulate. Documentation filed with this consulate will now be returned by mail.
Currently, the Canadian Consulate in New York is the only visa office in the United States that currently accepts in-person filing and pick up of documents. 
On November 7, 2012, the Canadian Government published a revision for family-based sponsorship for Canadian permanent residence.
As of October 25, 2012, foreign national applicants who are in a relationship of less than two years and having no children in common with their Canadian sponsor will, at the time their permanent residence application is made, be granted a conditional permanent residence status of two years.
In order to remove these conditions, the applicant and Canadian sponsor must prove they have maintained a qualified relationship during the two-year conditional permanent residence period.
Since May 2012, the Canadian Government has taken steps to reduce consular posts located in the continental United States and other countries.
All Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) applications filed in all U.S. states and territories west of the Mississippi River may continue to be filed either by mail or personal appearance with the Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles.
Companies and employees based in the United States are advised to allow adequate time for processing all manner of visa applications filed with the high-volume consular posts in Los Angeles and New York, particularly now at the beginning of the December 2012 holiday season.
Information for this article was provided by Pro-Link Global.

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