
Resources for Immigrants in Ontario

Immigrant Employment Councils and Networks

Immigrant Employment Councils bring together local stakeholders to address the many challenges of integrating skilled immigrants into the labour market. IECs connect skilled immigrants to local employers with the support of other community, educational and government organizations.
KingstonKEYS Job Centre

Government Portals

Ontario Immigration
This site, developed by Ontario’s Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, contains links to resources for immigrants and employers looking to tap into this talent pool.

Community Resources

211 Ontario
211 is a three-digit phone number and website that provides information and referral to community and social services in Ontario. Under the topics list, you can find resources related to employment, education and training as well as settlement and newcomer services.
Settlement Roadmap – Ontario
A searchable database of immigrant services (including settlement, languages and employment) in each province.
Settlement.Org  provides newcomers with information and resources to settle in Ontario and has a section specific to employment.

The Working in Canada Tool, created by the federal government, provides information on job descriptions, wages, skill requirements, language training and job opportunities based on occupation and location.

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