
Immigration in Canada by the numbers

English: Calgary Tower, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
English: Calgary Tower, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The proportion of foreign-born population in G8 countries and Australia (reported statistically)

Japan — 1.0 per cent (2000)
Italy — 8.0 per cent (2009)
Russia — 8.2 per cent (2002)
France — 8.6 per cent (2008)
United Kingdom — 11.5 per cent (2010)
United States — 12.9 per cent  (2010)
Germany — 13 per cent (2010)
Canada — 20.6 per cent (2011)
Australia — 26.8 per cent (2010)

Recent immigration (2006 to 2011)
Canada — 1.2 million
Toronto — 381,745
Montreal — 189,730
Vancouver — 155,125
Calgary — 70,700
Edmonton — 49,930
Winnipeg — 45,270
Ottawa-Gatineau — 40,420
Saskatoon — 11,465
Windsor — 9,225
Regina — 8,150

The make-up of first-, second- and third-generation immigrants compared to total population:
First generation (born outside Canada):  7.2 million or 22 per cent Of them:
• 93.3 per cent immigrants
• 4.9 per cent foreign students and foreign workers • 87,400 were born outside Canada to parents who are Canadian
Second generation (born in Canada but at least one parent was born abroad): 5.7 million or 17.4 per cent • 54.8 per cent said both their parents were born outside Canada • B.C. was home to the most second generation residents 23.4 per cent • 3 in 10 second-generation residents were a visible minority
Third generation (born in Canada, both parents also born in Canada): 19.9 million or 60.7 per cent

Original source article: Immigration in Canada by the numbers

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