
Skills Immigration & Express Entry BC Invitations Issued

The BC PNP has issued invitations to apply to qualified registrants in Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC categories. 


Periodically, we invite the highest scoring registrants in each category to apply to the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP). We then nominate successful applicants to apply to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for permanent residency.
This page shows the number of invitations issued.

Which categories require invitations?

We invite registrants in the following categories:
  • Skills Immigration — Skilled Worker
  • Skills Immigration — International Graduate
  • Skills Immigration — Entry Level and Semi-Skilled
  • Express Entry BC — Skilled Worker
  • Express Entry BC — International Graduate
  • Entrepreneur Immigration
HealthCare Professional and International Post-Graduate applicants under the Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC streams do not need an invitation to apply. Please apply directly via BCPNP Online.

For more information on the invitation and application process, please refer to the Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Program Guide.

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