
Next course: ‘How to find a job and work in Canada”.

As a result of the Poll published several weeks ago. We have decided to open our Beta-Group for our next course: ‘How to find a job and work in Canada”.

Our Beta Group will be open for 6 weeks. Once the course is completed and published the participants will receive a special coupon for a 70% discount to access the complete course.

There are only 30 spots available for the Beta Group, so if you are interested in participating in the creation of this course and give your feedback. 

Please register by clicking the following link:

The Requirements for members:

            1-You will need to subscribe to our YouTube channel and check the videos that we will upload so you can give us feedback before we include them in the course.

2-     You will be able to send us your common questions about the topic of the course and we will try to answer them through the creation of lectures and materials to be included in the curriculum of the course.

3-     You will get some assessments and recommendations in relation to the course material.

4-     Once the course is published you will get your discount coupon and link to access the full course.

5-     You will give the course a rating in stars and a written review in the course platform (UDEMY)

6-     if you want something to be improved before posting your review, we will check on it so the course can get the highest rating in order for the course to be shared with more students.

7-     The students that give the best feedback and rating/review will get a 30 minutes free online consultation.

8-Once you give your rating/review, the participants will need to share the course with their friends and Social Media contacts.

The participants will have the choice of joining our referral program so they can earn commissions for promoting our course in our own platform.

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