
Quick Immigration Updates: Canada Is Hiring Tech-Savvy Immigrants

by WES Advisor

Ontario’s First Tech Draw

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program has started doing “Tech Draws.” This is a unique opportunity for people with technology backgrounds to qualify for permanent residency, even if they might not otherwise meet the scoring cutoff for federal immigration draws. Candidates are evaluated for at least one year of experience in six tech-related fields.
The Tech Draws are intended to identify qualified immigrants that meet the growing labor needs of the province’s technology market. Applicants with overall CRS scores as low as 439 qualified for the program in July. In total, Ontario’s Tech Draw invited more than 1,600 Express Entry candidates to apply for the Provincial Nominee Program.

Agri-Food Pathway for Migrant Workers

In addition to technology, a new pathway to the permanent residence has opened up for migrant workers with agri-food experience. A three-year pilot program is intended to help grow the local economies and create jobs for Canadians. It caps the applicant pool at 2,750 each year, including family members. However, the program could welcome over 16,000 new permanent residents to Canada in total.

Fewer Irregular Migrant Crossings to Canada

Irregular migrant crossings into Canada are down by 38 percent in the first half of 2019, compared to the same period in 2018. Since June 2019, a total of 6,707 asylum-seekers have come irregularly into Canada. However, there was a slight increase during the month of June that has conservative border critics concerned that irregular border crossings may be rising in the second half of 2019.

Quebec’s International Student Program Is Suspended

The Quebec Experience Program has been temporarily suspended, leaving many international students uncertain of their future in Canada. As an express immigration process for recent graduates, it has left many scholars without options for permanent residence or employment. The program may resume in November.

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