
How to Send Your Documents to WES in a Sealed Envelope

by Justine D’Souza
A WES evaluation report serves not only as a credential evaluation but also authentication of academic qualifications. This means that, in addition to providing an educational equivalency, WES verifies document authenticity. As part of the authentication process, WES requires that the appropriate educational authority seal documents and send them directly to WES.
Below are the answers to frequently asked questions about sending sealed envelopes to WES.

Does my reference number belong to my documents or the envelope?

To make it easier for our staff to match your documents with your account, please put your reference number on the front of the envelope. You do not need to place it on the individual documents.

Should I send my own photocopies in addition to the documents in the sealed envelope?

No. WES will only evaluate documents sent in the format stated on our website.

Which documents need to be sealed?

This varies based on your country of education. The Required Documents page on our website will tell you which documents need to be sealed and which documents, if any, can be sent as photocopies.

I am having trouble obtaining my documents in a sealed envelope. What should I do?

Many of our customers no longer live in their country of education. In this case, we generally recommend sending the Academic Records Request form to your institution so they can release your documents. If your school has closed, please contact our Customer Service team. Individuals educated in Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, or Venezuela who no longer have access to their academic documents may be eligible for the WES Gateway Program.

Does the Academic Records Request form need to be sealed?

Although the form is not a required document (unless specified on our website under your country of education), WES will only accept it as “official” if it comes in a sealed envelope.

How do I send translations if my transcripts are already sealed?

You can request an extra copy of your transcripts from your school and give this copy to the translator. Many institutions issue unofficial copies for students who want access to their records.

How do I send my documents if I obtained credentials at multiple universities?

You will need a separate sealed envelope for each institution.

Do I need to send my passport, birth certificates, or other official documents?

No, WES only needs the documents listed on our Required Documents page. If our evaluators determine that they need additional documentation, they will request it directly.

Should I send original documents in a sealed envelope?

For more information on this topic, read this article from our Help Center.

It will take a long time to have my documents sent to WES. Will my account stay open?

Yes. There is no deadline to submit your documents to WES. We will put your file on hold until we receive all documentation necessary to complete an evaluation.

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