Workplace Presentation Skills for Immigrants

 by Ronita Mohan

If you have just moved to a new country and found a job—congratulations!
Now, you are probably concerned with making a good impression. This is where your presentation skills will become important. Good presentation skills can work like camouflage, making it seem like you have a strong understanding of office culture, even if you are still figuring it out.
As you adjust to your new environment, you might be surprised by a few things. Maybe office etiquette is different here than it was in your home country. Or, you might simply need to learn about your company’s unique internal culture—which is true for everyone when they are starting a new job. As you are learning, it might take a while to fully settle into your new role.
If you make a good impression, it will help you get through this transitional period smoothly. During this time, you can still move ahead professionally and make friends with your colleagues.
But making a good impression goes beyond being polite and doing what you are told. You also need to look, sound, and act like a confident professional. Below are five tips to help you improve your presentation skills at work.

Get Familiar with the Organization

On your first day of work, your boss will introduce you to a lot of new people. This is standard procedure for new hires. Don’t worry; you will not be expected to remember everyone you meet.
However, that does not mean that you should settle in and expect people to come to you; remember, you are a new entity in the office. Established employees have their jobs to do, and they might not know how to include you in their regular routines. That does not mean that they don’t want to get to know you. They might simply want to give you some space to get settled. They might want to give you room to approach them with questions as needed, and meet new people on your own schedule.
Make the process easier for everyone involved by reading up about your company’s employees. You can usually find a directory on the company’s website, or do some basic research on LinkedIn. This will help you remember people as you meet them. It will also help you think about who you should approach when you need assistance with your work. For example, someone who has been on your team for a long time might have institutional knowledge that you need, but someone at a coordinator level might be able to help you acquire paper supplies.
Knowing who to ask for the right kind of support is a powerful skill that immediately makes you seem more competent.

You will likely tweak your presentation of yourself depending on who you are speaking with, as well. For example, people might be more formal and reserved with their superiors than they are with their peers. Understanding which employees you will be working closely with will help you tailor your presentation of yourself until you become comfortable with the team. You can also try asking your supervisor or human resources for an organizational chart; if one does not exist, you might be in a position to create (or assign) one yourself using a flow chart maker.

Learn What Clothes to Wear

Clothes are one of the most fundamental ways that individuals express themselves at work.
If you are unsure of the dress code at your office, simply ask human resources. If you feel like you still are not sure about certain items in your wardrobe, or if you see a wide range of styles across the office, aim for more traditional clothes. For example, many people wear a suit on their first day of work. This is one time that it cannot hurt to overdress because it communicates that you care about the position.
However, it could become quickly evident that the workplace you are joining does not usually wear suits. Or, perhaps only the most senior staff wears suits; everyone else might wear pretty casual clothes. In that case, someone at work will tell you whether or not suits are mandatory, and you can adjust your clothing accordingly from the next day onward.
At that point, you will want to find out exactly what level of casualness is allowed. Some offices may have no problem with short sleeves, jeans, and sneakers (especially in the summer). But others might prefer “business casual” at all times—especially if it is a company with a lot of clients visiting the office.
If you still have some doubts about the clothing options, simply look at what your managers are wearing and adopt their style. Not only will dressing like your managers help you fit into the company environment, but it will display your ambition to everyone around you. This can lead to better promotional opportunities.

Focus on Interpersonal Relationships

Here’s one simple truth no matter where in the world you work: Workplaces are governed by people. Therefore, interpersonal relationships are an intrinsic part of your working life.
When you are still new to a country and a company, you may be tempted to keep your head down and concentrate on your work. But this is not the best way to make a good impression on your colleagues and managers—especially not in North America, where a certain amount of socialization is expected among colleagues.
You will find that your colleagues, even those in different departments, will come up to you to talk about a variety of topics. They could ask you where you are from, how far you have to travel to get to work, what your hobbies are, what you like eating, or where you have visited.
Many colleagues will have advice on where to eat near your workplace or upcoming events you might enjoy. They might even invite you to join them for a social activity before you have gotten to know them very well (like happy hour drinks).
This kind of outgoing, friendly approach is not normal everywhere in the world, so you might be taken aback or find these questions intrusive. Just be assured that it is not personal, it is part of the culture.
You do have a right to decline answering. However, it’s best to try and remain open to these interactions, if possible—especially in the beginning. Try to get involved with group conversations. Ask questions of your new colleagues, and listen to their answers.
If you seem approachable in a social setting, you will seem more approachable at work, as well.
This means that colleagues will send more opportunities your way. People are also more likely to think of you first for projects and praise you in front of important people, like your boss.
But simply being part of conversations is not enough; you have to go about it the right way. Remember that conversations should always go two ways—you should not do all the talking, as that will make you appear self-centered. At the same time, being completely silent may make you come across as someone who is not engaging with your colleagues.
Interpersonal connections will be an extremely important part of your daily work life. You should make an attempt to engage in these connections whenever you can.

Work on Written Communication

Alongside verbal communication, you will find yourself doing a lot of communication in writing while you are at work.
One of the primary modes of communication will be email. It is important to write good emails because your written communication skills will tell your colleagues and managers a great deal about you. Essentially, you will want to seem professional and courteous.
You might also pick up on trends within your specific office culture—like if people tend to keep emails very brief, or if people are very formal with their signatures. Study the orientation emails that you receive on your first day of work. Your boss might introduce you to the company at large via email. In this case, you will receive replies from a diverse mix of people welcoming you. Those emails will be a good starting point.
But there are a few points that you should note regardless of where you are working.
For one, it is best not to write the content of your email in your subject line—this is uncomfortable to read and looks unprofessional. Keep your emails brief; they do not need to be very short, but they should stay focused. This is a signal that you respect the reader’s time. You should get to the main point of your message as quickly as you can in your email.
Avoid grammatical errors as much as possible—this will require you to revise your email before sending it. One trick is to use the Grammarly Chrome extension to check your emails for errors before you send them.
Plus, it is always important to pause and re-read your work. No matter how much pressure you are under, it is better to wait one more minute than to send a poorly written email.
Finally, if something cannot be discussed over email—either because it will lead to a longer conversation or because it is a private matter—do not send an email about it. It is better to make the effort to walk over to your colleague and discuss the matter in person, set up a meeting, or call.
Learn from Other Immigrants

Perfect Your Presentations 

For many people, work revolves around giving presentations. Though you may not have to give a presentation in your first few weeks at work, you will eventually be looped into this practice. That is because they are useful tools to relay information within your team, to other teams at the company, or to external parties.
Presentations are often a bone of contention for employees—they can be lengthy and boring, and leave people wishing they could get back to their desk to finish their actual work. If you are in a position where you have to give presentations, you do not want to make your colleagues feel like you are wasting their time.
When it is time to give your presentation, keep a few important points in mind. First and foremost, you should keep your presentation short. One trick is to use the Guy Kawasaki pitch deck method to format your presentations: 10 slides that take 20 minutes to present. (This is ideal for a 30-minute meeting, because it leaves some time for questions and answers at the end.)
Here are a few additional presentation tips:
  • Avoid a long introduction. Get to the point as quickly as you can. If you did a good job with your presentation, then the information should be covered thoroughly within your slides.
  • Try not to be too serious. You should add a bit of humor to your presentation. But do not mistake this for a comedy sketch—a good laugh is engaging, but too many can be distracting.
  • Address your audience directly. Make eye contact with your colleagues, dividing your attention evenly around the room.
  • Set aside time for questions. If you do not have an answer, let them know that you will get back to them later. This does not mean that you are unprepared; rather, it shows your colleagues that you are willing to listen and do the research.
  • Take notes as you go. Or, better yet, identify another member of your team to take notes while you present.
Giving a good presentation is a memorable way to make an impact at work. Demonstrating your knowledge and its applications is a surefire way to prove your value at work.

In Conclusion

Good presentation skills will help you fit into your new workplace environment. In the future, they can also lead to promotions.
Mastering these skills might take some time and patience to get right—especially because you are going to be learning a lot as you get settled in your new country. You will also be learning a lot as you train for your new position. But making a good impression at work does not have to be a challenging task.
Follow the steps listed above to perfect your workplace presentation skills. Once you learn how to fit in at work, you can really start standing out. Good luck!

The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP)-Immigrate to Altona/Rhineland,

Altona/Rhineland is located in southern Manitoba, our region has a long history of welcoming newcomers and integrating both immigrants and refugees into the social fabric of the community.
Altona/Rhineland is participating in an immigration pilot that creates a path to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers who want to live in our community. The pilot is designed to support economic development within our community and strengthen our local business’s capacity to develop and retain a skilled workforce.

If you are a Foreign National interested in the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot, please see a list of current employment opportunities in Altona/Rhineland.

Current employment opportunities with businesses located in the Town of Altona and Municipality of Rhineland.  
If your work experience and/or education is not a match with one of our current employment opportunities, we invite you to create a candidate profile where you can set up career alerts to be notified of future job opportunities matching your criteria.

Please review the job postings carefully and ONLY submit applications for the job(s) that are a fit with your skills and experience. You are encouraged to clearly identify in your application how you meet all the mandatory requirements of the position. Our community is limiting candidates to a maximum of  3 active job applications at a time.  An active job application is any job application that you have submitted through the Candidate Profile. You can also withdraw a job application if you want to apply to another job posting that is a better fit with your skills and experience.
Please note:  If you do not find a job posting that meets your work experience and/or education, we encourage you to create a candidate profile which offers the option to set up career alert(s) automatically notifying you by email of job opportunities matching your criteria, as they become available.
A complete resume is required when applying for a position. The key components of a complete resume consist of:
  • Your name and contact information
  • Full education history
  • Full work history
  • Skills and Activities are optional
  • Three references (preferably work-related)

New Permanent Residence Stream In Nova Scotia For "Occupations In Demand"

Article by Kathleen Leighton

Nova Scotia has recently announced a new three-year Occupations in Demand pilot project for permanent residence applicants, targeting specific intermediate-skilled occupations that are in high labour market demand. The Province's move to expand the permanent resident provincial nominee program aims to help more businesses prosper and fill the current shortfall of workers for high labour market demand occupations in Nova Scotia. The targeted professions will change as labour market needs in the Province evolve, but information on this stream and other updates, including to the list of prioritized in-demand occupations, is available.

Nova Scotia Nominee Program

Occupations in Demand is the newly introduced economic stream under the Nova Scotia Nominee Program ("NSNP"). Through the NSNP, the Province is able to target prospective immigrants who possess certain desired skills and experience and provide them with opportunities, through the issuance of a "nomination", to help them immigrate to Canada. The NSNP aims to attract prospective immigrants who have a genuine intent to settle in Nova Scotia and become permanent residents of Canada.
The processing time for eligible applications at the nomination stage can be three months or more. Immigrants then have a six month period in which they must submit an application for permanent residency to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada using their provincial Nomination Certificate.

Who is eligible?

The Occupations in Demand stream is currently open to eligible candidates with a full-time, permanent job offer from a Nova Scotia employer in one of the currently open occupations categorized as Skill Level C under Canada's National Occupational Classification ("NOC").
Applicants must
  • have a full-time permanent job offer from a Nova Scotia employer in either NOC 3413 (nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates) or NOC 7511 (transport truck drivers);
  • have 1 year (12 full calendar months with at least 1,560 hours) of paid work experience within the last 5 years that is related to the job (verified by letters of reference from employers and other supporting employment documents);
  • be 21 to 55 years old;
  • have a high school diploma;
  • have the appropriate training, skills and/or accreditation for the job;
  • prove language ability equal to a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) Level 4 across all four categories (listening, reading, writing and speaking) even if their first language is English or French;
  • show genuine intention to successfully settle in Nova Scotia; and
  • demonstrate adequate financial resources to settle in the Province. Criteria and requirements for the employer
The employer of an applicant applying under the Occupations in Demand stream must have a permanent establishment in Nova Scotia that has been in active operation for at least two years. The employer must be registered with Nova Scotia's Registry of Joint Stock Companies, must be in good standing with provincial occupational health and safety and labour authorities, and must not be in violation of Canadian immigration legislation and requirements. Additionally, the employer is required to provide certain support to the applicant under the Occupation in-Demand stream. Specifically, the employer is required to complete the NSNP 200 form to confirm the details of the company and the job offered to the applicant. The job offer supporting an application under this stream must:
  • be in either NOC 3413 (nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates) or NOC 7511 (transport truck drivers);
  • be located in Nova Scotia with a Nova Scotian employer;
  • be full-time employment where the employee is expected to work year-round and at least 30 hours a week on average;
  • be a permanent job (i.e. a long-term job offer without a pre-determined end date)
  • provide compensation in the form of salary that meets applicable provincial employment standards and that falls within the provincial wage range;
  • be a position that has a shortage of qualified permanent residents or Canadian citizens to fill the position; and
  • not contravene any existing bargaining unit agreements, labour agreements/standards or be involved in any employment disputes.
Additionally, the employer must provide evidence of recruitment for the position, and the recruitment efforts must comply with the Province's specifications and predate the applicant's current offer of employment. Recruitment efforts are mandatory unless the applicant is in possession of a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment ("LMIA") or is in a position that was determined to be LMIA-exempt.

Application process

Candidates approved through the Occupations in Demand stream will receive a Provincial Nomination Certificate and can then apply for Permanent Residence. Additionally, if successfully nominated by the Province, the applicant can also request a Letter of Support, which will support the individual's application for a temporary work permit so they can work in Nova Scotia while waiting for their permanent residency application to be processed.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances


The Benefits of Learning French in Canada

by Karolin Givergis

You might already know that Canada has two official languages: English and French. Therefore, it makes sense to wonder if there are any benefits to learning French if you want to immigrate to Canada.
In short, the answer is: yes. Canada offers many opportunities for skilled immigrants who are proficient in both English and French. You might have a better time getting acclimated. You might find yourself with more career options. Being bilingual can also boost your chances of immigrating to Canada through Express Entry.
But there is also a longer answer to that question. This article provides more information about the benefits of learning French in Canada.

Does Everyone Speak French in Canada?

Because Canada has both English-speaking and French-speaking provinces, you can easily get by without ever learning French.
However, French is the mother tongue of about 7.2 million Canadians. That’s about 20 percent of the population (compared with the 56 percent who speak English, according to the 2016 Census). It would be an asset for you, socially and professionally, to learn at least basic French.
Quebec is the predominantly French-speaking province of Canada. English is the primary language in the other nine provinces, but you will find francophone communities in each of them.
Many people find it surprising to learn that New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual! New Brunswick is home to approximately 3.1 percent of Canada’s francophone population.
The three territories (the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon) are also bilingual, but their residents speak indigenous languages and English (rather than English and French).
Here is additional information about speaking French in Canada:
  • French is one of the languages of the Parliament of Canada, its court system, and its federal civil service.
  • It is a relatively easy language for native speakers of English to learn because up to 50 percent of English vocabulary is derived from French.
  • If you are proficient in French, you can travel throughout Canada without hesitation. If you speak at least some conversational French in addition to English, you will be equipped to handle day-to-day language barriers, regardless of the province you are in.

Do College Students Need to Study French in Canada?

Here is what you need to keep in mind if you are thinking about continuing your education in Canada: If you go to any English-language college or university in Canada, you do not need to learn French (unless you are going to major in French, of course).
However, all of Quebec’s universities teach in French, except:
  • McGill University (Montreal)
  • Concordia University (Montreal)
  • Bishop’s University (Sherbrooke)
Outside of Quebec, there are a few schools that teach in French:
  • University of Moncton (New Brunswick)
  • University of Saint-Anne (Nova Scotia)

For the best of both worlds, there is the University of Ottawa, which is officially bilingual. If you enroll at the University of Ottawa, you only need to know the language in which you intend to study. For example, you do not need to speak French if you do not plan to study in French.

Where Else Is It an Advantage to Speak French?

It is essential for newcomers to take advantage of public services in Canada. You will probably need a lot of support and resources as you get accustomed to your new country.
That is why it is important to find out what language is preferred by the top service providers in the province or city where you hope to settle. A provincial or territorial government is obligated to provide public services, in the minority language, where there is a large enough population to justify it.
This means that if you are in an area where English is the minority language, you might still be able to find public services in English. However, if that is not the case, then you might learn that some of the services you need are available only in French. If this is true, you will find it beneficial to speak and understand French.
There are government-funded classes available to most newcomers who become permanent residents of Canada. One option is FSL/LINC (French as a Second Language/Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada). Find out if there are other free resources that will help you develop your communication skills. 

Will Learning French Help You Get a Job in Canada?

One of the many benefits of bilingualism is that it can increase your employment opportunities. Canada has many jobs that are exclusively available to those who are proficient in both English and French.
If you are bilingual, you can also choose between jobs that are available only in English or only in French.
Here is more information about finding work in Canada if you speak French:
  • A study published in 2014 by Canadian Parents for French showed that 81 percent of supervisors considered bilingual employees an asset to the organization.
  • Multinational companies often seek employees who are fluent in more than one language and prioritize candidates who demonstrate such proficiency. You will have greater mobility within companies that have branches across Canada (and around the world).
  • You will be able to broaden your job search to any province, giving yourself a better chance to more quickly find a satisfactory position.
  • Since the year 2000, the federal public service (which values bilingualism) has had to recruit between 12,000 and 15,000 employees to replace retiring public servants.
  • In Canada, employees who speak both French and English are eligible for a bilingualism bonus, which is an $800 stipend from the government.
In Canada, there are many benefits to learning French. If you are thinking about immigrating to Canada, consider studying French several months before your planned arrival—so you can be proficient when you arrive.
However, you will also find plenty of opportunities to start learning the language once you get settled.
You do not need to speak French to live in Canada, because most provinces have an English-speaking majority. But if you can speak French, it will open more doors for you socially and professionally. It will allow you to more fully embrace the beautiful multiculturalism of Canada.

Trucking welcomed into Ontario immigration nominee program

Are There Benefits to Attending French Universities in Canada?

Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program inviting francophone for exploratory visits

Two Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot communities now accepting applications.

Canada’s anticipated Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot is finally opening to applications.
Once fully operational, the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) will allow employers in 11 participating communities in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia to recruit eligible foreign workers.
Candidates who are recommended by a participating community will be able to apply to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for Canadian permanent residence.
The first local websites dedicated to the pilot came online November 15 in the following communities:
Sault Ste. Marie and Altona/Rhineland are now accepting applications from candidates with an eligible offer of genuine*, full-time, permanent employment from a local employer.
Thunder Bay is currently only accepting inquiries from local employers who would like to participate in the pilot and says approved employers will be able to post job vacancies on the website beginning December 1, 2019.
Thunder Bay will begin accepting applications from candidates on January 2, 2020.
The websites for the remaining eight participating communities are “coming soon,” according to IRCC.

Application process

The first step in the immigration process through the RNIP is to obtain an eligible job offer from an approved employer in one of the participating communities.
Candidates with an eligible job offer then apply for a community recommendation and, if approved, submit an application for Canadian permanent residence from IRCC.
Each community will have a set number of recommendations that it can make each year. Peter Liang, a spokesperson for IRCC, told CIC News that an average of approximately 100 principal applicants and their immediate family members could be welcomed in each participating community, “but this will vary by community.”
“The number of permanent residents coming to Canada through the pilot will depend on the needs of the participating communities and the number of newcomers they can welcome,” Liang said.
In total, the pilot could approve as many as 2,750 principal applicants and their families for permanent residence annually.


Beyond the mandatory job offer, candidates must meet both federal requirements and community criteria that vary from one municipality to another.
Both Sault Ste. Marie and Altona/Rhineland are using their own points-based systems to prioritize candidates for recommendation.
Candidates applying to Sault Ste. Marie, for example, will have to obtain a minimum score based on the following requirements:
  • a job offer in one of 22 priority occupations
  • at least two years of work experience in that occupation
  • the applicant’s age (18 to 47 only)
  • at least one year of full-time work experience in Sault Ste. Marie
  • at least a year of post-secondary studies in Sault Ste. Marie
  • the applicant is already a resident of Sault Ste. Marie
  • personal ties to established members of the Sault Ste. Marie community
    • immediate family (parent, sibling or child who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident)
    • extended family member (grandparent, uncle, aunt, cousin, niece or nephew), a friend or a representative of an established community organization who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • a visit to Sault Ste. Marie of at least five nights within the past three years that included meetings with at least two employers in the applicant’s line of work
  • authentic knowledge of and interest in a “recreational, cultural, or lifestyle activity” in Sault Ste. Marie
Candidates with a spouse or common-law partner will also receive points for the following:
  • spouse or common-law partner with a valid job offer in a priority occupation OR at least two years of full-time, continuous work experience in a priority occupation
  • spouse or common-law partner with a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of 5 in each category (writing, reading, oral and listening)
Sault Ste. Marie says an applicant’s score determines the likelihood that they will be able to contribute to “an urgent or emerging need in the local economy,” build strong ties with community members and enjoy the city’s “unique lifestyle and cultural offerings.”
“We believe that applicants with high scores have a better chance of integrating into community life and staying in Sault Ste. Marie for the long-term,” the city explains on its dedicated RNIP website.
Altona/Rhineland requires interested candidates to create and register an online profile using a platform operated by its local economic development corporation, SEED.
The platform allows users to search job postings and apply for those that match their qualifications. Users can also set up automatic alerts that will notify them when jobs are posted that match their work experience.
Users can also upload their CV, which is vetted by SEED personnel and passed along to local employers if it matches their employment needs.
As of last week, SEED reported that nearly 2,000 profiles had already been created.

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