Landing Procedures FAQ

Permanent Resident Card (2002-2007)
Permanent Resident Card (2002-2007) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When should I land following the issue of my Permanent Resident visa? You must arrive within 12 months of having undergone your medical examinations. The expiry date will appear on your Permanent Resident visa.

Can I have the expiration date of my Canadian Permanent Resident visa extended?
You cannot extend the validity of an expired Permanent Resident visa, nor can you obtain a replacement with new validity date. If you did not use your visas, you must reapply. You must pay new application processing fee. If you have already paid a Right of Permanent Residence Fee, you do not need to pay it again.
What happens when I arrive in Canada?
When you arrive, you must present your Immigrant Visa to a Canadian customs or immigration officer at your first port of entry. The visa officer will perform the check of the information on the Immigrant Visa and Record of Landing (IMM 1000); check passport and other identity documents to confirm that each name is correctly spelled; verify that you intend to establish permanent residence in Canada; ensure that you have sufficient financial resources. If there are no difficulties, the officer will authorize your admission to Canada as a permanent resident.
Must I land at or near the location I indicated as my intended destination on my application form?
You may land at any port of entry of your discretion across Canada. However, if your stated intended destination was not within Quebec, landing in that province without a Certificat du Selection Quebec may be denied. According to the Canadian immigration law Quebec possesses its own selection criteria. Therefore, if you have not passed assessment under Quebec selection and attempt to land in Quebec, you may experience delays in the landing procedure, or refusal to perform the landing procedure in the absence of a Certificat du Selection Quebec.
What should I arrive with when I land in Canada?
You must have a valid passport and Canadian Permanent Resident Visa. It might be helpful to have an inventory of all belongings that you intend to bring in after landing, and copies of all the documents you submitted with your application. It's also a good idea to have evidence of your settlement funds.
When must my accompanying dependents land?Accompanying dependents cannot land before the principal applicant has landed. The accompanying dependents should land with the principal applicant or after the principal applicant, but in either case prior to the expiry date indicated on their Canadian Permanent Resident Visas.


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For Non-Canadians - Travel and Work in Canada

English: Lower Consolation Lake in Banff Natio...
English: Lower Consolation Lake in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. Deutsch: Lower Consolation Lake im Banff Nationalpark, Alberta Français : Lac Consolation dans le Parc national Banff en Alberta (Canada). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Make your dream of travelling and working abroad a reality! International Experience Canada gives you the information and resources you need to travel and work in Canada for up to one year.
You’ve always dreamed of spending a year living and working in Canada. Maybe you want to work at a ski resort in Banff... gain valuable work experience in the financial district in downtown Toronto... or do an internship entirely in French in Quebec City.
International Experience Canada (IEC) manages Canada’s youth mobility arrangements and agreements with different countries around the world. These arrangements and agreements make it easier for you to obtain a work permit to travel and work in Canada for up to one year.
Work permits under IEC are available to young people aged 18-35* who are from one of the countries that have a bilateral reciprocal youth mobility arrangement or agreement with Canada. Consult the list below for participating countries to see if your country of origin has a bilateral reciprocal youth mobility arrangement or agreement with Canada. Click on the name of your country to be redirected to the corresponding Embassy of Canada website for specific application details.
Can’t find your country in the list? Connect with one of these recognized organizations for other travel and work opportunities in Canada.
Over the age of 35?* Contact Citizenship and Immigration Canada for information on other work permit options.
Costa RicaYesYesYes
Czech RepublicYesYesYes
Hong KongYesNoNo
Korea, Rep.YesNoNo
New ZealandYesNoNo
United KingdomYesNoNo
Are you a Canadian citizen looking to travel and work abroad for up to one year? Find out more about international travel and work abroad options for Canadian citizens.
In some countries the age limit is 18-29, or 30

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Cutting Red Tape for Skilled Immigrants: Minister Kenney Introduces New Bridging Open Work Permit

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Dec. 20, 2012) - The new Bridging Open Work Permit enables certain economic class applicants to maintain their status and continue working in Canada while they wait for a final decision on their permanent residence application, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney announced.
"We are making our immigration system faster and more flexible, and cutting red tape for the skilled immigrants Canada's economy needs to grow and thrive," said Minister Jason Kenney. "The new open work permit provides those who are transitioning to permanent residency with better opportunities to integrate into Canada's labour market to the benefit of our economy and all Canadians."
The bridging work permit is available immediately and is valid for one year from the date of issuance. Qualifying foreign nationals currently in Canada, who have submitted an application for permanent residence under the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), Canadian Experience Class (CEC), Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) or the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) may be considered for an open work permit if their current work permit is about to expire.
Previously, applicants who were awaiting a decision on their permanent residence application could find their temporary work permits expiring before their application was processed. As a result, these individuals would no longer have been authorized to work in Canada unless their employer applied for and received a Labour Market Opinion from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) and the applicant then applied for an extension of status.
Open work permits are already available for other in-Canada immigration streams, such as live-in caregivers, spouses or common-law partners. This improvement will result in consistent treatment for other applicants already in Canada.
"We are preventing unnecessary disruption in the lives of the newcomers who are already contributing and successfully integrating into the Canadian economy," said Minister Kenney. "Improvements to our immigration system like this will help Canada attract the best and brightest from around the world - the skilled immigrants we need to fill our skilled labour shortages."
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Building a stronger Canada: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) strengthens Canada's economic, social and cultural prosperity, helping ensure Canadian safety and security while managing one of the largest and most generous immigration programs in the world.

Youth and language proficiency new must-haves for would-be immigrants

 Stephanie Levitz, The Canadian Press 1

OTTAWA – The points system used to decide who can immigrate to Canada is getting a makeover.
The new judging criteria for the federal skilled worker program will award more points to younger immigrants and changes the way the government looks at work experience and education.

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney unveiled the new system on Wednesday after first introducing a plan for it in the government’s March budget.The way points are allocated for language ability will also change.
“For too long, too many immigrants to Canada have experienced underemployment and unemployment, and this has been detrimental to these newcomers and to the Canadian economy,” Kenney said.
“Our transformational changes to the (skilled worker program) will help ensure that skilled newcomers are able to contribute their skills fully to the economy as soon as possible. This is good for newcomers, good for the economy, and good for all Canadians.”
The government had stopped accepting new applications under the skilled worker program in July in advance of rejigging the system.
That followed a decision in the March budget to wipe out the existing backlog in the program by returning thousands of applications.
The program is expected to re-open in May when the new changes will take effect.

he points system sees would-be immigrants graded on a scale of 100, with points awarded for language ability, age, education, work experience and adaptability to Canada.There will also be a cap on the number of applications being accepted, though that number has not yet been released.
The pass mark is 67 and that won’t change under the new system.
What is being amended is the way the points are allocated and also how language and education credentials are assessed.
For example, the maximum number of points awarded under the age category was 10 and that was given to anyone between the ages of 21 to 49.
Under the new system, the maximum number of points awarded for age is 12, with 18 to 35 year olds eligible under that category.
When it comes to language, the new system mandates a minimum level of language proficiency and adjusts the number of points allocated accordingly to favour those with a strong command of either English or French.
But being bilingual will have less weight, with the ability to speak a second official language given fewer points.
An analysis of the program changes published in August for public consultation said research has suggested that there’s no evidence indicating speaking a second official language has any bearing on positive economic outcomes for applicants.
Applicants will also have to pass a language proficiency test.
Under the education component, applicants will now have their credentials assessed ahead of time to see how they compare to the Canadian system and then points will be allocated to match.
Meanwhile, the number of points allocated for work experience will be reduced.
“Foreign work experience is largely discounted by Canadian employers when the immigrant first enters the Canadian labour market, and it is a weak predictor of economic success,” the analysis said.
“These changes will reflect the relative value Canadian employers place on foreign work experience, and redirect points to language and age factors, which are better indicators of success in the Canadian labour market.”
The overhaul of the points system is part of a three-pronged review of the skilled worker program carried out by the government over the last two years.
The other two elements are the introduction of a new immigration stream for skilled trades and changes to the Canada Experience Class, which allows people already working or studying in Canada to get permanent residency sooner.
All three are expected to generate some $90 million in increased revenue to Canadian businesses from a system that better meets their needs, the analysis said.

Resources for Immigrants in Manitoba

Government Portals

Immigration and Multiculturalism (employers)Recognizing the vital role employers play in the province’s labour market-driven immigration strategy, Manitoba Immigration and Multiculturalism assists employers with recruitment and retention of skilled immigrant workers.
Manitoba.caThe official Manitoba government website has a portal for businesses, including a section on human resources for employers with information about hiring employees, as well as employment laws and regulations.

Community Resources

ContactManitoba’s community resource site allows you to search for community services by keyword or use the advanced search to search by subject and sub index (such as immigrants and support services) and region.
Manitoba Immigration Info MapThis interactive map provides information about services for recent immigrants, including employment and education. You can select a region and a category to find services nearby.
Settlement Roadmap – ManitobaA searchable database of immigrant services (including settlement, languages and employment) in each province.

Resources for Immigrants in Alberta

Immigrant Employment Councils and Networks

Immigrant Employment Councils (IECs) bring together local stakeholders to address the many challenges of integrating skilled immigrants into the labour market. IECs connect skilled immigrants to local employers with the support of other community, educational and government organizations.

Government Portals
Alberta’s official immigration website has various resources for employers looking to hire and retain immigrants.
Government of Alberta – Employment and Immigration
The official site for Alberta Immigration has information and resources for immigrants but also has sections for employers, including the province’s International Qualifications Assessment Service. Also, the Employment Supportsection for immigrants can be of use to employers looking for bridging programs or language training for employees.

Community Resources

Settlement Roadmap – Alberta
A searchable database of immigrant services (including settlement, languages and employment) in each province.
This website is an online directory of community services in Alberta.
211 Edmonton
211 is a three-digit phone number and website that provides information and referral to community and social services in Edmonton and the surrounding area. It also has a resource list specifically for new Canadians, which can also be helpful for employers looking to hire skilled immigrants.
211 Calgary
211 is a three-digit phone number that provides information and referral to community and social services in Calgary and the surrounding area. To search for services online, visit InformAlberta.

Resources for Immigrants in Saskatchewan

Government Portals

Saskatchewan ImmigrationThe official site of Saskatchewan immigration has resources for immigrants looking to settle and work in the province. The employer section has information on the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program.
Government of SaskatchewanThe government website has a list of resources specifically for employers in the province, including links to job boards, employment services and skills training.

Community Resources

Settlement Roadmap – SaskatchewanA searchable database of immigrant services (including settlement, languages and employment) in each province.
SaskNetWorkThis website has information and resources about Saskatchewan jobs, training and the workplace. The employer section of this website has information on best practices in hiring, interviewing and keeping your employees. You will also find links to provincial regulations and opportunities for employers to take human resource training.

The Working in Canada Tool, created by the federal government, provides information on job descriptions, wages, skill requirements, language training and job opportunities based on occupation and location.

Resources for Immigrants in Ontario

Immigrant Employment Councils and Networks

Immigrant Employment Councils bring together local stakeholders to address the many challenges of integrating skilled immigrants into the labour market. IECs connect skilled immigrants to local employers with the support of other community, educational and government organizations.
KingstonKEYS Job Centre

Government Portals

Ontario Immigration
This site, developed by Ontario’s Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, contains links to resources for immigrants and employers looking to tap into this talent pool.

Community Resources

211 Ontario
211 is a three-digit phone number and website that provides information and referral to community and social services in Ontario. Under the topics list, you can find resources related to employment, education and training as well as settlement and newcomer services.
Settlement Roadmap – Ontario
A searchable database of immigrant services (including settlement, languages and employment) in each province.
Settlement.Org  provides newcomers with information and resources to settle in Ontario and has a section specific to employment.

The Working in Canada Tool, created by the federal government, provides information on job descriptions, wages, skill requirements, language training and job opportunities based on occupation and location.

Federal Court gives Minister the Green Light to abolish current Investor Applications

On December 18th, Justices Roger Hughes and Elizabeth Heneghan jointly denied four investor
(IIP) applicants’ motions for an injunction to bar Jason Kenney from introducing legislation to
abolish their investor applications so long as their court cases existed. In so doing, both justices distorted
the applicants’ arguments in order to find case law on which to rely to justify giving the Minister
the green light to abolish current IIP files and, in so doing, to encourage the Minister to deprive
the Federal Court of its jurisdiction to dispose of litigation which comes before it.

Justice Hughes held: “… Applicant's Counsel has conceded that the Court does not have jurisdiction to
order that Parliament should not pass legislation, particularly legislation that has not been drafted
or is in bill form only. Counsel said that what was being sought is an Order that the Minister negotiate
with the Applicant or exempt the Applicant from any unfavourable effects of new legislation. The
Applicant has not requested such an exemption from the Minister. There has not been shown before
me any basis upon which the Court could order such negotiation or an exemption.”

This “finding” was entirely contrary to the evidence before Justice Hughes. The motion sought to bar
the Minister from introducing legislation, not to force him to negotiate. Applicants’ counsel had stated
that, if the Minister was intent on issuing such legislation, he had four ways to comply with such
an injunction and to legislate the abolition of the investor files. One means was to settle with the
applicants. However, Justice Hughes, in pursuit of his personal agenda, chose to pervert the actual
argument in order to give the chimera of legitimacy to his ruling.

Justice Hughes, likewise, held: “the Applicant has failed to provide in the record, any substantial
evidence as to delay or procrastination by the Minister or Minister's officials”. However, the
applicant had provided the relevant dates, including the date of Justice Hughes’ own order, issued in
July 2011, ordering CIC to finalize the case at its own somnolent pace; and the Minister’s lawyers did
not dispute those facts. Thus, the undisputed relevant facts were before Justice Hughes, but he preferred
to ignore the truth in order not to impede the Minister from abolishing over 20,000 investor files.

Justice Heneghan joined Justice Hughes in distorting what the applicants were seeking in order to
justify abdicating the Court’s duty to protect its own jurisdiction. Justice Heneghan held: “The
Applicant's arguments are premised upon the theory that the [Minister] may introduce legislation that
will ‘abolish’ his outstanding IIP application before the Court can deal with the application for an
Order of mandamus. I accept [the Minister’s] submissions … that there is no evidence that legislation
is proposed that will affect the outstanding IIP applications. The Court cannot enjoin proposed or
potential legislation” and proceeded to rely on case-law saying that the Court may not interfere
with legislation before Parliament. There is, however, no case law which holds that the Court may
not restrain a minister from stripping the court of its jurisdiction by legislating away the underlying
court cases. Therefore, Justice Heneghan distorted the actual motion in order to deny it. In so doing,
she distinguished herself from Justice Hughes who claimed, contrary to fact, that the case law before
him contained such decisions when it does not.

Before both of the judges was CIC’s official acknowledgement that it is considering abolishing the
investors’ files just has it had the skilled worker files. The Minister’s lawyers did not deny that the
Minister was planning to legislate the investor applications into oblivion.
The IIP applicants will continue their cases, asking the Federal Court to order CIC to finalize their
cases in 2013, hoping that they will find a judge who cares more about the duty to the Law and to
Canada than to being in Jason Kenney’s good graces. The race is now on to see who will act faster:
The Federal Court or Jason Kenney’s allies in Parliament. The fate of 20,000 investor applicants
and their families – as well as their billions of dollars of investments in Canada – hang in the balance.

An Immigration System that Works for Canada: New Federal Skilled Worker Program to Accept Applications Beginning May 4, 2013

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Dec. 19, 2012) - The new selection system for the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) will take effect on May 4, 2013 at which time the program will re-open for applications, Citizenship, Immigration, and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.
"The government's number one priority remains jobs, economic growth, and long-term prosperity," said Minister Kenney. "The new Federal Skilled Worker Program criteria will ensure Canada is selecting the skilled immigrants our economy needs, who are the most likely to succeed and fully realize their potential in Canada."
The improvements to the FSWP points grid are based on a large body of research which has consistently shown that language proficiency and youth are two of the most important factors in the economic success of immigrants.
The final changes to the FSWP selection criteria include:
  • Minimum official language thresholds and increased points for official language proficiency, making language the most important factor in the selection process;
  • Increased emphasis on younger immigrants, who are more likely to acquire valuable Canadian experience, are better positioned to adapt to changing labour market conditions, and who will spend a greater number of years contributing to Canada's economy;
  • Introduction of the Educational Credential Assessment (ECA), so that education points awarded reflect the foreign credential's true value in Canada;
  • Changes to the arranged employment process, allowing employers to hire applicants quickly, if there is a demonstrated need in the Canadian labour market; and
  • Additional adaptability points for spousal language ability and Canadian work experience.
"For too long, too many immigrants to Canada have experienced underemployement and unemployment, and this has been detrimental to these newcomers and to the Canadian economy," said Minister Kenney. "Our transformational changes to the FSWP will help ensure that skilled newcomers are able to contribute their skills fully to the economy as soon as possible. This is good for newcomers, good for the economy, and good for all Canadians."
There are two new steps to the new selection system. First, applicants will have to demonstrate that they meet the minimum language threshold, which is level 7 of the Canadian Language Benchmark assessment system. Applicants will be able to get a language assessment from existing agencies designated by the Minister and listed on the CIC website.
Second, applicants will have their education credentials assessed prior to arriving in Canada. A list of assessment organizations designated by the Minister will be made available early in the New Year. The assessment of foreign educational credentials will provide prospective newcomers with a more realistic understanding of how their credentials compare to education standards in Canada. It will also give them the opportunity to upgrade their education prior to coming to Canada if they choose.
It is important to note that these changes will not apply to people who have applied to the FSWP prior to May 4, 2013 with a qualifying arranged job offer or under the Ph.D. stream.
As recently announced, due to the actions taken over the past months, new applications under the FSWP will be processed in a few months, rather than a few years. In order to ensure fast processing times and to avoid backlogs, the new FSWP will accept a fixed number of applications each year.
In the medium term, the Government is also moving forward to develop and implement an Expression of Interest (EOI) model, which will provide employers with access to a pool of skilled workers.

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