The ten most sought-after skilled workers in Canada right now.

Canadian employers are having an increasingly difficult time hiring the staff they need in today’s tight labour market. Forty-one percent of Canadian employers report difficulty filling jobs...
Skilled trade workers (electricians, welders, mechanics), sales representatives, drivers, engineers, and technicians have consistently ranked among the top five hardest roles to fill in Canada for the past ten years.
Below the list of the most demanded skilled workers in Canada:
Skilled trades: electricians, welders, mechanics
[See skilled trades jobs]
Sales representatives: B2B, B2C, contact center
[See sales jobs on CareerBeacon]
Drivers: truck, delivery, construction, mass transit
[See open positions for drivers]
Technicians: quality controllers, technical staff
[See available jobs]
Engineers: chemical, electrical, civil, mechanical
[Open jobs for engineers]
IT: cybersecurity experts, network administrators, technical support
[View IT jobs available now]
Office support: administrative assistants, PAs, receptionists
[Open positions in admin and support]
Healthcare professionals: doctors, nurses, other non-nursing health professions
[See job openings in healthcare]
Professionals: project managers, lawyers, researchers
[View professional jobs on CareerBeacon]
“No matter what your qualifications are, whether you’re an engineer, salesperson or marketer, if you don’t have a foundation of soft skills, you will fail. And you need the right soft skills because there are so many. 

Now Is Your time to start your Immigration Plans to Canada

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How to Ace a Video or Phone Interview

by Annie Paul
Source: WES

Congratulations! After successfully submitting an application with a beautifully written cover letter and résumé, a recruiter or HR professional has requested an initial phone or video interview with you. Although it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the prospect of an interview, by following these steps, you can effectively prepare yourself, and ensure that you ace it.

Find a Suitable Location

One of the most important tasks you can do in preparation for your interview with a potential employer is ensuring you are in an environment that promotes the best experience possible. You should be in a quiet setting with minimal or no background noise. If you are currently working, schedule a break during the time of your phone call, and try to take your call in a conference or break room, or if you have a car on the premises, take the phone call there. Many libraries also have study rooms you can reserve, which can also be a good place to take calls if you book it ahead of time
For a video interview, you want to be mindful of what the interviewer is going to see in the background. You should have a neutral background or something that promotes positivity and productivity, like a room with blank white walls, or an office setting. A background with posters of rock bands wouldn’t be a good choice. A friend of mine who was once interviewing to be a librarian did a Skype interview. For her background, she had a series of bookshelves–it was a rather creative idea.

Test Your Equipment

Before your scheduled phone call or video interview, make sure the equipment you will be using works. Test out Skype with a friend to make sure there are no Internet connection issues on your end. If you’re using headphones, test them out (especially if they are Bluetooth)–make sure you can hear the person on the other end and that they can hear you as well. If you are doing a Skype call, check the web camera. Do a practice interview with a friend or a family member so he or she can give you feedback on how you sound, how you sit, how the background looks, etc. If your Skype username is unprofessional, you should probably either change it or create a new one that is more professional. If all goes well, then you are ready for the interview!

Do Your Prep Work

The best part about a phone or video interview is that you can technically “cheat.” Before the interview, have your résumé on hand in case you need to rely on it to explain your experience or map out how your skills relate to the job you are interviewing for. Be sure to research the company and have a brief summary written so you don’t blank out when the interviewer asks you about the company. When doing your research, jot down a few questions about the company (it’s always good to have a couple of questions prepared so that you have something to ask the interviewer).
It’s also a good idea to research some of the most common questions recruiters and HR professionals ask during phone interviews. If you type out the answers beforehand and print it out, it can be a great point of reference. About 15 minutes before the interview, review the questions and the answers you want to provide. But remember, your “cheat sheet” is there for you as a backup; the goal is to answer the questions without reading off the paper, so you sound more natural and conversational.
If you are doing a video interview, avoid constantly looking down at a piece of paper in an effort to make eye contact. Instead, here’s a little trick: Get a large LINED post-it note pad. Write out your interview answers and talking points beforehand and stick these notes along the edges of your computer. That way, you have a point of reference at eye-level. Make sure the notes are not covering any part of your camera.
Finally, dress like you are going to an actual in-person interview. Wear professional clothes such as a nice button-down shirt or blouse with professional pants or a skirt. You might be tempted to wear just a professional looking top and leave your pajama bottoms on for maximum comfort, but you should wear a professional outfit to prepare for all contingencies, and also get you in a professional mindset. What if you have to stand during the video interview to retrieve something or adjust the camera? You would look like quite the goofball in a mismatched outfit.
One other factor you have to consider when doing a video interview is the lighting. Find lighting that shows you well you don’t want anything too dark but you also don’t want anything too bright either. If possible, pick a place that has adequate sunlight; natural light is more becoming than fluorescent lighting.
Five minutes before the video interview, the best thing you can do is mentally prepare yourself. Breathe deeply, meditate, or look at something funny—anything to relax you. Once you are relaxed, you can let the conversation flow more freely. Disable any potential distractions such as ringers on your phone, outside sounds, and any noisy programs on your computer (social media sites, music sites, etc.). Have a glass of water nearby in case your mouth or throat gets dry.

During the Interview

The first question the interviewer is almost always going to ask is “is this still a good time to talk?” He or she is making small talk in order to help calm your nerves. Once that is out of the way, the interviewer will probably start by asking you about your work history. For this, it is a good idea to start from the beginning and work your way to your most current experiences. That way, you are showing them how much you have progressed in your career and how you got to where you are today. For each position, point out a specific achievement that you take great pride in.
During the phone interview, remember to speak into the receiver, and be careful to not breathe into the phone (it creates a lot of feedback). If you are a fast talker, slow down. The answers you provide should be brief but detailed. And smile when you’re on the phone! Believe it or not, it does make a difference in your tone of voice. Remember the questions asked and provide full answers. It can be easy to go off on a tangent about unrelated topics, so keep yourself in check. The best way to respond to a question is to answer straight away and pad it with an example.
For example:
Question: Have you ever made a big mistake at work?
Answer: Yes. When I was with the John Doe Consulting company, I provided a client
with the wrong information without checking on the accuracy of the statement. This
misinformation led to thousands of dollars lost for the client. To put it mildly, he
was not happy. I apologized profusely and quickly rectified the situation the best I
could. Moving forward, I always double- or even triple-check the accuracy of my
information and try to think ahead in terms of the impact the information I’m
sharing might have.
The answer above is informative, brief, and most importantly, it answers the question in more ways than one.
When answering questions during a video interview, look directly at the interviewer and not at the mini-screen in the corner that shows your side of the video. If you are easily distracted, minimize or close your mini-screen. Remember, a video interview is like an actual interview–you want to give the impression of eye contact. If it is a panel interview, look at each person when answering the questions. The purpose of this action is to ensure that everyone is engaged. Convey your enthusiasm for the position by smiling, gesturing (not overwhelmingly so), and providing examples to connect your experience with the company’s mission. Acknowledge that you are actively listening by nodding once in a while, and following up with a clarifying question, or summarizing what you heard to confirm the content.
During the interview, be sure not to mention anything about where you are from, what your relationship status is, whether you have kids, what your age is, and any other personal details about yourself that you would not typically share with a stranger.
At the end of the interview, it’s best to have a few of your own questions lined up. Ask about the company, the staff, the culture, any specifics about the responsibilities of the position, the environment, the reporting structure, and finally, ask, “What are the next steps? If I don’t hear from you by next week, would it be okay to follow up with you?” At this point in time it is too early to ask about the salary ranges for the position and the benefits, so save those questions for a later time.

Take Care of Post-Interview Tasks

You are finally done with the interview. Congratulations! Now you can relax. Drink some water, change into more comfortable clothes, and breathe a sigh of relief because that was a huge undertaking you just went through.
Send a follow-up email to the interviewer expressing your gratitude for his or her time. Mention that you are thankful, reiterate how interested you are in the position, and further emphasize why you believe you are a good fit for the role.
For example:
Hello Jane,
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to speak with me today.
It was an absolute pleasure. I enjoyed learning more about the role and the
After speaking with you today, I have more confidence that I am a great fit for the
position of an accounting clerk. My supervisors have praised me for my high levels of
accuracy, my eye for detail, and my ability to pick up new information quickly. I
would be honored to bring those skills and more to this position.
Please feel free to reach out to me for further questions. I look forward to hearing
from you again.
Best regards,
John Doe
Typically, the recipient of the email will not respond; however, you can count on the fact that they look for the “thank you” emails.
If you have not heard from the recruiter or HR professional in a couple of days, it is perfectly okay to follow up with them via email. However, it is not okay to follow up with them every single day. Some companies’ recruiting processes are slower than others, so it could take a while for them to get back to you.
You will not always get an invitation for a face-to-face interview after every phone/video interview you have. You will receive some rejections, but don’t worry because this is perfectly normal. Although it may be disappointing, it ultimately may not be a good fit for you, and the company just did you a favor. Take every rejection in stride, and think of every phone or video interview you go into as practice for the perfect company. Eventually, you will find a match that is ideal for both sides.
Common Questions Recruiters and HR Professionals Ask

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why do you want to leave your current position?
  • Always respond positively (i.e., I love this company but I am ready to move on to a bigger company with advancement opportunities).
  • Why did you choose this field?
  • Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?
  • The recruiters are testing your longevity and loyalty. Are you able to stick with a company for a long time once hired?
  • What are your greatest strengths? What are your greatest weaknesses?
    • It’s so easy to brag about your strengths. It is so difficult to state a weakness that doesn’t make you look like a less-than-ideal candidate. No matter what, do not ever say you are “too much of a perfectionist” or “you work too hard.” The recruiters are looking for a more human side of you and want to know that you are aware of your weaknesses and willing to work on them.
  • Please describe your ideal work environment.
  • Do you prefer working in groups or working alone?
  • I would suggest saying that you are adaptable and flexible so you can do both with no problem.
  • How familiar are you with the XYZ software/system?
  • What do you know about this company?
    • I have said this before and I will say it again–always do your research beforehand.
  • Why do you want to work for us? What can you bring to the table?
  • What are your salary expectations?
    • It’s always best to give them a minimum salary. Additionally, state that you are open to negotiations.
  • If hired, how soon can you start?

5 Questions to Ask in an interview with a Canadian Employer.

5 Questions to Ask in Your Next Job Interview

by Shaunna-Marie Kerr
Source: WES

If you have done your research, you should know that asking questions at the end of a job interview is just as important as the questions you answered throughout. Just because the interviewer isn’t asking you questions doesn’t mean that you aren’t still being assessed. The traditional view of a job interview as a tool reserved for employers to evaluate potential employees has shifted to that of a mutually beneficial conversation between interviewer and interviewee. The job interview is your time to:
  • Gain knowledge about the position you are applying for and how you can contribute to the organization as a whole,
  • Demonstrate your interest in professional development and learning opportunities, and
  • Determine whether you are a good fit for the role and the compatibility of your skills and values with the company culture.

Continue reading for five questions we recommend asking, and why:

1. Why is hiring for this role important right now?
This question can help you understand what aspects of the role are prioritized by the hiring manager, and what your initial project load might look like. Asking this question shows that you care about how your work will contribute to the overall goals of the organization. This question can also alert you if the company has undergone reorganization recently or if personnel changes are part of a larger initiative.
2. Is there anything I can clarify for you about my qualifications?
This is a great question that can you can use to provide more detail on why you are the right fit for the role, especially if you have international credentials and experience or are a new graduate. This question gives the interviewer the opportunity to address any hesitation they may have about how your experience can add value to their team. If the interviewer does ask for further clarification, it provides an ideal time to share your credential assessment or highlight a specific certificate that relates to the role.
3. Beyond the technical skills required to fulfill the functions of this role, what soft skills are most valued in this company?
Understanding which soft skills are most valued by your employer can be one of the most important steps on your pathway to career success. Soft skills like communication and time management are always useful, but specific soft skills such as teamwork and adaptability might be particularly appreciated in individual companies. Asking this question shows employers that you are interested in the workplace culture of their organization and that you are already making an effort to be part of that culture.
4. I read about x in an industry magazine. Can you tell me more about this initiative?
Asking about something that you read in an industry publication shows that you have done your research and are interested in the initiatives of the organization. Company websites are a great place to find basic information and you should always take time to review a company’s site before every interview. Drawing on information from industry magazines, podcasts, and business news sources demonstrate that you are aware of what is happening in the industry as a whole, and did not just find information specifically for your interview.
5. What is the next step in the process?
This is the last question you should ask in your interview. This question shows the interviewer that you are interested in moving forward with your application and provides you with the information you will need to potentially prepare for another round of interviews. Asking this question lets you know what to expect through the remainder of the hiring process and can sometimes let you know if other candidates are being considered for the role. Especially as a job seeker who may be fielding interviews with multiple companies, it is helpful to know as much as possible about where you stand with each one.

Question Preparation

Asking thoughtful questions at the end of your interview is an excellent way to engage your interviewer and gain insight into the company culture and the role you would fill. Taking the time to prepare questions in advance will not only help you decide if this role is the right one for you, but will also help you make a positive impression with your prospective employer.

The Top 6 Job Interview Types

by Jodi Tingling
Source: WES

If you have been through a company’s hiring process, then you know job interviews vary in type, intensity, and duration. From undergoing an initial screening process to meeting with multiple interviewers, the process can be manageable once you know what to expect.
The following is an overview of the top six interview types to help you prepare and succeed during your interview.

Telephone (Screening) Interviews

This type of interview is typically done over the phone as an initial screening process with the aim of assessing your skills and abilities. This helps recruiters determine if you will make it to the next step of the interview process. You will likely be asked about qualifications on your résumé, such as your work history, education, volunteer experience, etc., and your motivation for applying to the position.
Tips for success:
  • Answer your phone in a quiet space free of distractions; if you cannot speak to the recruiter when they call, provide alternative times that would be better to talk.
  • Have your résumé in front of you when speaking to the recruiter; this will help you remember your accomplishments and job duties.
  • Print a copy of the job description to help you discuss how your qualifications align with the role.
  • Take notes; the interviewer may have more information about the job that will help you for the next round of interviews.
  • Maintain proper telephone etiquette throughout the conversation; keep focused, eliminate background noise, listen to the recruiter, and respond appropriately.

Virtual Interviews

This type of interview is usually done by video conference using Skype or another virtual platform. Employers will choose this type of interview if they are located remotely or if they would like to save on resources and time to bring applicants in.
To be successful:
  • Make sure your system is set up for video conferencing and you understand the technology; have someone assist you if necessary and test your connection prior to the interview.
  • Dress the part; dress as if you are attending a face-to-face interview, this means appropriate grooming as well.
  • Look into the camera and maintain eye contact as if you were there in person.
  • Prepare notes or have your résumé in front of you to help you remember your accomplishments and applicable experience.
  • Check what is visible around you; the area behind you should be neat and tidy and not create a visual distraction.

One-on-One Interviews

This type of interview is a more traditional format and usually includes you and the hiring manager discussing your qualifications for the role.
Tips for success:
  • Conduct research on your interviewer; find out recent projects they have worked on as a potential topic to discuss as it relates to the role.
  • Come prepared: Do your research on the company and have speaking points ready on what you can contribute to the company and why you want to work there.
  • Ask for clarification if you don’t understand the question; it is better to have a question repeated than answer it inaccurately.

Panel Interviews

A panel interview includes two or more people interviewing you. There may be two to six interviewers in the room; this can include members of the team, managers from other departments, and human resources personnel. The purpose of this interview is to see how well you perform in stressful situations and to help the hiring manager determine the best candidate for the position by getting feedback from other members of the team.
Special note: Make eye contact with each interviewer by rotating your head as you speak, do not only look at the hiring manager or the person asking you the questions. Remember to keep calm by preparing and practicing before going into the interview.

Group Interviews

A group interview is conducted with more than two applicants at a time. With this interview format, each person gets asked the same question and has a turn to answer. The purpose of this type of interview is for employers to interview multiple candidates at a time and to see how you present yourself in front of others.
How to stand out:
  • Speak up; make sure your voice is heard, don’t let your opinion get lost because there are other candidates in the room.
  • Do not repeat the answers of others; be specific and provide examples to strengthen your speaking points.
  • Ask insightful questions. Conduct research on the industry and the company to develop thoughtful questions.
  • Follow-up. At the end of the interview, ask for business cards from the interviewer, send an email thanking them for their time and restate your interest and suitability for the position.

Behavioral-Based Interview

The focus of this type of interview is on getting to know more about your past behavior within a work environment. The interviewer will typically ask questions that start with “tell me about a time when…” or “can you describe an instance where…”
Be prepared:
  • Have at least five examples of situations in which you used the skills required for the job that resulted in positive outcomes.
  • Practice, practice, practice; rehearse the scenarios out loud, have a friend or colleague give you feedback on your interview answer.
  • Use the STAR method to develop your answers to behavioral-based questions:
    • Situation: Provide an explanation of what happened (be specific on the relevance of the situation but do not overwhelm with details).
    • Task: Describe your roles and responsibilities within the situation.
    • Action: Provide a step-by-step account of your actions taken in the situation that contributed to the end results.
    • Result: Discuss the outcomes; connect your actions to the end result, including any follow-up items, what you learned, and what was accomplished.

Understanding these top six interview types will start to help you succeed in your journey to gain employment opportunities. Always learn from each interview you go through in order to strengthen your interview skills.

Job opening in Canada: Heavy-duty Equipment Mechanic.


Main duties are the following:

Ø  Inspecting cranes, forklifts and other heavy construction equipment for proper performance and inspect equipment to detect faults and malfunctions
Ø  Diagnosing faults or malfunctions using computerized and other testing equipment to determine the extent of repair required
Ø  Dismantling and reassembling heavy equipment using hoists and hand tools
Ø  Adjusting equipment and repairing or replacing defective parts, components or systems using hand power tools
Ø  Testing repaired equipment for proper performance and to ensure that work meets manufacturers’ specifications
Ø  Cleaning, lubricating and performing other routine maintenance work on equipment
Ø  Any other related duties

The work is physically demanding and involves heavy lifting. Heavy-duty mechanics often work with grease, oil, dirt and diesel fuel, and are exposed to fumes and noise.



Las tareas principales son las siguientes:

Ø Inspeccionar grúas, carretillas elevadoras y otros equipos de construcción pesados ​​para un rendimiento adecuado e inspeccionar equipos para detectar fallas y mal funcionamiento
Ø Diagnóstico de fallas o mal funcionamiento utilizando equipos computarizados y otros equipos de prueba para determinar el alcance de la reparación requerida
Ø Desmontaje y reensamblaje de equipos pesados ​​utilizando polipastos y herramientas manuales
Ø Ajuste de equipos y reparación o reemplazo de piezas, componentes o sistemas defectuosos utilizando herramientas manuales
Ø Prueba de equipos reparados para un rendimiento adecuado y para garantizar que el trabajo cumpla con las especificaciones de los fabricantes
Ø Limpiar, lubricar y realizar otros trabajos de mantenimiento de rutina en el equipo
Ø Cualquier otra tarea relacionada

El trabajo es físicamente exigente e implica levantar objetos pesados. Los mecánicos de servicio pesado a menudo trabajan con grasa, aceite, suciedad y combustible diesel, y están expuestos a humos y ruido.

For more information about the benefits, wages, and location. Please register in the link below:

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