The Top 6 Job Interview Types

by Jodi Tingling
Source: WES

If you have been through a company’s hiring process, then you know job interviews vary in type, intensity, and duration. From undergoing an initial screening process to meeting with multiple interviewers, the process can be manageable once you know what to expect.
The following is an overview of the top six interview types to help you prepare and succeed during your interview.

Telephone (Screening) Interviews

This type of interview is typically done over the phone as an initial screening process with the aim of assessing your skills and abilities. This helps recruiters determine if you will make it to the next step of the interview process. You will likely be asked about qualifications on your résumé, such as your work history, education, volunteer experience, etc., and your motivation for applying to the position.
Tips for success:
  • Answer your phone in a quiet space free of distractions; if you cannot speak to the recruiter when they call, provide alternative times that would be better to talk.
  • Have your résumé in front of you when speaking to the recruiter; this will help you remember your accomplishments and job duties.
  • Print a copy of the job description to help you discuss how your qualifications align with the role.
  • Take notes; the interviewer may have more information about the job that will help you for the next round of interviews.
  • Maintain proper telephone etiquette throughout the conversation; keep focused, eliminate background noise, listen to the recruiter, and respond appropriately.

Virtual Interviews

This type of interview is usually done by video conference using Skype or another virtual platform. Employers will choose this type of interview if they are located remotely or if they would like to save on resources and time to bring applicants in.
To be successful:
  • Make sure your system is set up for video conferencing and you understand the technology; have someone assist you if necessary and test your connection prior to the interview.
  • Dress the part; dress as if you are attending a face-to-face interview, this means appropriate grooming as well.
  • Look into the camera and maintain eye contact as if you were there in person.
  • Prepare notes or have your résumé in front of you to help you remember your accomplishments and applicable experience.
  • Check what is visible around you; the area behind you should be neat and tidy and not create a visual distraction.

One-on-One Interviews

This type of interview is a more traditional format and usually includes you and the hiring manager discussing your qualifications for the role.
Tips for success:
  • Conduct research on your interviewer; find out recent projects they have worked on as a potential topic to discuss as it relates to the role.
  • Come prepared: Do your research on the company and have speaking points ready on what you can contribute to the company and why you want to work there.
  • Ask for clarification if you don’t understand the question; it is better to have a question repeated than answer it inaccurately.

Panel Interviews

A panel interview includes two or more people interviewing you. There may be two to six interviewers in the room; this can include members of the team, managers from other departments, and human resources personnel. The purpose of this interview is to see how well you perform in stressful situations and to help the hiring manager determine the best candidate for the position by getting feedback from other members of the team.
Special note: Make eye contact with each interviewer by rotating your head as you speak, do not only look at the hiring manager or the person asking you the questions. Remember to keep calm by preparing and practicing before going into the interview.

Group Interviews

A group interview is conducted with more than two applicants at a time. With this interview format, each person gets asked the same question and has a turn to answer. The purpose of this type of interview is for employers to interview multiple candidates at a time and to see how you present yourself in front of others.
How to stand out:
  • Speak up; make sure your voice is heard, don’t let your opinion get lost because there are other candidates in the room.
  • Do not repeat the answers of others; be specific and provide examples to strengthen your speaking points.
  • Ask insightful questions. Conduct research on the industry and the company to develop thoughtful questions.
  • Follow-up. At the end of the interview, ask for business cards from the interviewer, send an email thanking them for their time and restate your interest and suitability for the position.

Behavioral-Based Interview

The focus of this type of interview is on getting to know more about your past behavior within a work environment. The interviewer will typically ask questions that start with “tell me about a time when…” or “can you describe an instance where…”
Be prepared:
  • Have at least five examples of situations in which you used the skills required for the job that resulted in positive outcomes.
  • Practice, practice, practice; rehearse the scenarios out loud, have a friend or colleague give you feedback on your interview answer.
  • Use the STAR method to develop your answers to behavioral-based questions:
    • Situation: Provide an explanation of what happened (be specific on the relevance of the situation but do not overwhelm with details).
    • Task: Describe your roles and responsibilities within the situation.
    • Action: Provide a step-by-step account of your actions taken in the situation that contributed to the end results.
    • Result: Discuss the outcomes; connect your actions to the end result, including any follow-up items, what you learned, and what was accomplished.

Understanding these top six interview types will start to help you succeed in your journey to gain employment opportunities. Always learn from each interview you go through in order to strengthen your interview skills.

Job opening in Canada: Heavy-duty Equipment Mechanic.


Main duties are the following:

Ø  Inspecting cranes, forklifts and other heavy construction equipment for proper performance and inspect equipment to detect faults and malfunctions
Ø  Diagnosing faults or malfunctions using computerized and other testing equipment to determine the extent of repair required
Ø  Dismantling and reassembling heavy equipment using hoists and hand tools
Ø  Adjusting equipment and repairing or replacing defective parts, components or systems using hand power tools
Ø  Testing repaired equipment for proper performance and to ensure that work meets manufacturers’ specifications
Ø  Cleaning, lubricating and performing other routine maintenance work on equipment
Ø  Any other related duties

The work is physically demanding and involves heavy lifting. Heavy-duty mechanics often work with grease, oil, dirt and diesel fuel, and are exposed to fumes and noise.



Las tareas principales son las siguientes:

Ø Inspeccionar grúas, carretillas elevadoras y otros equipos de construcción pesados ​​para un rendimiento adecuado e inspeccionar equipos para detectar fallas y mal funcionamiento
Ø Diagnóstico de fallas o mal funcionamiento utilizando equipos computarizados y otros equipos de prueba para determinar el alcance de la reparación requerida
Ø Desmontaje y reensamblaje de equipos pesados ​​utilizando polipastos y herramientas manuales
Ø Ajuste de equipos y reparación o reemplazo de piezas, componentes o sistemas defectuosos utilizando herramientas manuales
Ø Prueba de equipos reparados para un rendimiento adecuado y para garantizar que el trabajo cumpla con las especificaciones de los fabricantes
Ø Limpiar, lubricar y realizar otros trabajos de mantenimiento de rutina en el equipo
Ø Cualquier otra tarea relacionada

El trabajo es físicamente exigente e implica levantar objetos pesados. Los mecánicos de servicio pesado a menudo trabajan con grasa, aceite, suciedad y combustible diesel, y están expuestos a humos y ruido.

For more information about the benefits, wages, and location. Please register in the link below:

15 Must-Have Tools for International Students in Canada

September 25, 2019, | by Fazreen Razeek
Source: WES
Canada is a top study abroad destination for international students. The North American country is recognized for its top-notch quality of education. It is home to internationally acclaimed universities, including the University of Toronto, University of Alberta, and the University of British Columbia.
Although studying abroad is an exciting opportunity, it is also common for students to feel overwhelmed. It can be challenging to simultaneously sort out your student visa documents while finding housing accommodations, selecting your classes, and learning how to pay for your education in Canada.
For this reason, we have prepared a list of must-have tools for international students. The suggestions listed below can help you manage your workload and adjust to your new environment quickly. Then, you will simply have to focus on your studies and the future that awaits you in Canada!

Studying Tools

When you think about “learning tools,” you might picture something old-fashioned, like a textbook or a calculator. However, a learning tool can also be a free mobile app that reinforces your communication skills, encourages you to study successfully, or helps you find correct answers while you are completing coursework.
If English is not your first language, but you need to complete assignments in English, then these tools might be helpful with communicating your ideas to peers and teachers, as well. You can learn to strengthen your arguments and organize your thoughts according to your new country’s way of teaching, which might be quite different from what you were used to at home.
These are the kinds of tools that help students work through concepts while encouraging them to demonstrate their thinking, decision-making, and planning abilities.
Some learning and studying tools include:
  • Skillshare: This app connects you with individual classes that can elevate your skills in just about any subject. In particular, it can help you hone your creative abilities and enhance your presentation skills. Design skills can help you demonstrate your thought process if you feel limited by your English. Each lesson is accompanied by a small assignment that lets you test what you have learned through practical application. Skillshare is an excellent platform for building your talent in areas like animation, photography, graphic design, and more.
  • GoConqr: Everyone has a unique learning style—and your grades are certain to improve if you can identify the one that matches you best. GoConqr helps you figure out what works for you by creating your own learning resources such as slides, quizzes, flashcards, notes, and more. Additionally, this app lets you practice working with others and communicating ideas.
  • Brilliant: But what happens if your professor’s teaching style does not match your learning style? You might need to discover ways to study the lessons yourself. Brilliant is a tool that helps students learn mathematic and scientific concepts through application rather than memorization. A comprehensive understanding is the first step to expressing your intelligence to others.
  • Wolfram|Alpha: Sometimes you simply need to come up with the correct answer, quickly. Using a large database of algorithms and computational intelligence, this tool can help you solve equations in fields ranging from engineering to math.

Productivity Tools

All college students run into trouble with organization and scheduling; sometimes, there is so much going on in the classroom, at work, and in your social life that it is hard to fit everything in. It might be okay if something falls through the cracks in your social life, but you do not want a busy schedule to hurt your GPA. Thankfully, there are plenty of technological solutions to help you avoid that.
Productivity tools can help students to meet their deadlines more effectively. But there are many ways to think about productivity. For example, Google Maps is an important tool for productivity because it can store addresses and help you locate the places you need to be, with efficient directions updated in real-time. But you are probably thinking about something that sends you reminders to do your homework! So first, you should identify the areas where you need the most help.
When it comes to managing your workload, Asana offers several advantages. This project management tool is perfect for managing your own work, as well as group projects. Plus, this is a tool that many of your future employers might use—giving you an advantage when you enter the workforce. Asana lets you assign tasks to yourself or others, track progress through a set of steps, and meet deadlines (with notifications about when to get started and when something is due).
Another option is Google Drive. This is a widely used co-working tool that is available online and offline. The cool thing about keeping documents and projects live online, though, is that multiple users can access the same project and make changes together. Within Google Drive, you will find many tools you might recognize from offline business platforms like Microsoft Suite (including slides, spreadsheets, and blank documents). Many university programs require students to participate in group presentations, essays, collaborative research, and so on. With Google Drive’s simple sharing options and distinct editing tools, you will have a way to successfully collaborate on group projects and track contributions.

Writing Tools

Writing tools allow students to record, organize, and file important information. This will come in handy for taking notes during class, and it will also help you turn those notes into impressive essays.
One very popular writing tool is Evernote. This is a useful note-taking tool that helps students record, organize, file, and share lecture notes. Another option is Grammarly, a tool that ensures your writing is polished and there are no grammar or spelling mistakes. This can be a big help for international students! The best part is that you can either use it as a browser extension or add it to Microsoft Word.

Career Tools

When you are in college, you will spend a lot of time thinking about your future career. There are countless websites that connect students with career-related resources and guidance.
But the most prominent of them all is LinkedIn. It is never too early to set-up a LinkedIn account; in fact, you should definitely join this career-search platform before you are actively looking for a job. That will give you time to engage socially with others in your field of interest and begin to grow your network.
LinkedIn not only allows you to connect with industry professionals, but it also lets you follow specific businesses (for example, if you want to track job openings and important company-wide developments).
This platform also lets you upload your résumé and advertise your specific skills. This tool is widely used by job recruiters, so make sure that you complete your profile thoroughly and honestly. Then, be sure to update your account regularly with any new classes you have taken or experience you have gained.

Safety Tools

Safety is paramount when you are getting settled in a new country. The good news is that there are tons of apps that promote personal safety and well-being.
Circle of Six is an app that helps students to stay connected with their friends and family by way of GPS. Users get to choose six contacts to include in their “circle”—and these will be the people who can quickly find, call, or text you if needed. Not only can you immediately geo-locate your contacts in the event of an emergency, but the app also lets you send an instant call for help with just the touch of a button. Similar location-based student safety apps include React Mobile (which links to a portable “panic button”) and bSafe, an app that includes sirens, check-in timers, and several ways of sending an SOS.

Scholarship Tools

Obviously, one of the most important parts of studying abroad in North America is figuring out how you will pay for everything. That not only includes your travel, but also tuition, textbooks, meal plans, housing, and more! Thankfully, there are many places to look for loans and scholarships that were created with immigrants and international students in mind.
Start by learning what opportunities might be available to with the WES Scholarship Finder. This scholarship tool provides a list of potential funding options based on your prior education and country of origin. You can also broaden your chances by exploring all potential financial aid avenues. For example, you may also want to download the newly published e-guide about Financial Aid at Canadian Colleges and Universities.

There are many reasons that you might have difficulty adapting as an international student in Canada. But thanks to an impressive array of apps, websites, and computer programs, you will have access to all of the essential tools that you could possibly need to succeed.
The 15 must-have tools listed here are just a few recommendations; however, companies are constantly developing new technology that would be useful for college students. With a little experimentation, you will be able to choose the tools that work best for you and complement your unique learning style.

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