Immigration lawyers... what are they good for?

Canadian ImmigrationImage by Shooting Genre - phoebe via Flickr Immigration by Guidy Mamann
Published: September 27, 2010 1:00 p.m.
Last modified: September 27, 2010 8:47 a.m.

When I checked my inbox this morning I found a very important email from an organization of immigration professionals which I belong to.
In fact, this email is so crucial to my ability to practice immigration law that I forwarded it to all of my staff, saved it in our firm’s electronic address book, and printed it for inclusion in the binder that sits on my desk right by my telephone.
Yet, the truth is that this email makes me feel like I am a silent partner in a bit of a deception being perpetrated on the public by CIC. Let me explain.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada clearly takes great public pride in the amount of information and resources it provides to the public through its website and call centre. CIC boasts that “All the forms and information that you need to apply for a visa are available for free on this website.”
Therefore, it's no wonder that in the website's FAQ, the answer to the question: “Do I need an immigration representative to help me apply?” is a "no."
The public is told that “The Government of Canada treats everyone equally, whether they use a representative or not.”
Will your case be processed more quickly if you hire a representative? CIC advises that “If you choose to hire a representative, your application will not be given special attention by the immigration officer.”
Is this really true? Is all the information you need really out there? Do you need a lawyer? Would it make any difference if you have one? Put another way: are people who are using lawyers and consultants to handle their immigration applications just throwing away their money?
I hate answering these questions since doing other people’s immigration work is how I make my living. People would be justified in being sceptical about my answers to these questions.
But the truth is “all the information you need” is not really out there and, yes, in many cases a lawyer or..
consultant’s involvement can spell the difference between success, delay, or abject failure.The information at is general in nature and cannot possibly contemplate the infinite factual scenarios that applicants might present when applying. Furthermore, the agents at the call centre cannot and do not provide callers with legal advice. It is simply not in their mandate to do so. Instead, they give “general information on the CIC lines of business ... provide case specific information, and accept orders for CIC publications and application kits.”
In other words, they can’t tell you what you ‘should’ do when confronted with obstacles or strategic decisions to make.
Also, if you encounter a problem that needs to be escalated, which is not uncommon, you will find precious little information on the CIC website as to where to direct your complaint or question.
Not so with immigration professionals.
The email I received this morning is an update of CIC’s protocol on how immigration professionals should direct their queries. The correspondence contains the email address for every Canadian visa post overseas and the names and email addresses of the immigration program managers at each of those offices. It tells us how, and to whom, to direct case-specific enquiries to the Case Management Branch in Ottawa and when and how to follow up if we do not receive a timely reply. It provides instructions on how to direct communications relating to quality of service complaints, situations involving possible misconduct or malfeasance of immigration officers, procedures, operational and selection policy, and processing times and levels.
To my knowledge, this information is not shared with members of the public. CIC’s failure to publicise this information does not reflect preferential treatment for those who are represented. Instead, it is simply an acknowledgement that immigration professionals do, and have always, played a vital role in making an overburdened and under-resourced program function at all (if not function well).
Sharing this information with the public would result in an avalanche of correspondence being directed at senior officials who are spread out so thinly that they could never get any other work done.
It is true that, except in exceptional and deserving cases, hiring a lawyer or consultant can’t get an application moved from the back of the line to the front of the line. Also, an officer will not approve an applicant who is not qualified just because he or she is represented. However, it is also true that an honest and experienced representative won’t clog up the system by submitting an application that simply won’t fly.
Furthermore, professionals who specialize in this area know the process and know how to avoid errors that cause delays. They know how to sift through mounds of convoluted facts and properly and convincingly document and present the salient ones in order to establish the basis for the approval of the application quickly and efficiently.
CIC doesn’t like to acknowledge the positive role lawyers and consultants play in making its bureaucracy work for the public. It is loath to see us as partners in delivering the immigration plan it is given annually by Canada’s immigration minister of the day.
That’s ok ... this morning’s email is all the acknowledgement I need.
Guidy Mamann practices law in Toronto at Mamann, Sandaluk and is certified by the Law Society of Upper Canada as an immigration specialist. For more information, visit or email
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Help save a Life of a Child

Nexus Canada joins the international efforts of saving the life of a baby: Eva
Any contribution will be welcome for this good cause.
Please, find the video of baby Eva, that needs help for medical consultation and surgery.
Although the video is in Russian, I wanted to introduce you to Eva and her momVeronica,
Please check this link to read about a little baby Eva, who is very sick and needs our mutual help 
Donation accounts are open in the USA, Canada, Belgium and Belarus
Please, find the donations reports on this page
I want to thank everyone who kindly contributed in Eva's chance to survive!
Your financial help and your IDEAS how to improve our way to raise money for this cause are very much appreciated!!!!
 We'll be grateful if you help us spread the call for help among your contacts and social networks.
"You're happiest while you're making the greatest contribution" (Robert F. Kennedy) but What can be a greater contribution than helping a child have a chance to live?

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BMO Announces Sponsorship of ACCES Employment's Speed Mentoring(R) Initiative

The Bank of Montreal buildingImage via Wikipedia BMO Financial Group and ACCES Employment have announced that BMO has become sponsor of the Speed Mentoring(R) program, a program designed to assist immigrants to Canada in entering the workforce in their areas of expertise.
Speed Mentoring(R) involves a group of employees - mentors - from a leading company meeting with new Canadian job seekers. Such meetings offer immigrants an opportunity for getting inspired, making connections, being coached and motivated. An innovative solution to the barrier that newcomers experience given their lack of a professional network, Speed Mentoring(R) has provided over 1600 newcomers in Toronto with the opportunity to meet and connect to professionals in their fields since 2006. With the help of this sponsorship, the program will be able expand to cities nationwide, including Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary and Halifax.
"BMO's support of ACCES Employment's Speed Mentoring(R) initiatives is helping talented new Canadians make professional connections and find employment in their field of expertise," said Allison Pond, Executive Director, ACCES Employment.
"As Canada's first bank, BMO has a long and proud history serving the financial needs of new Canadians," said Frank Techar, President and Chief Executive Officer, Personal and Commercial Banking Canada. "We first came to know ACCES through the United Way Toronto's Days of Caring. Our team volunteered with in the Speed Mentoring program. Each of us met one-on-one for ten minutes with each jobseeker. The Speed Mentoring program is a win-win, providing each job seeker with great networking and employers with a rich source of incredibly talented people."
About BMO Financial Group
Established in 1817, BMO Financial Group is highly diversified. BMO works with millions of personal, commercial, corporate and institutional customers through its operating groups: Personal and Commercial Banking Canada, Personal and Commercial Banking U.S., Private Client Group and BMO Capital Markets. BMO employees are dedicated to making BMO the bank that defines great customer experience.
About ACCES Employment
ACCES Employment is a leader in connecting employers with qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds. More than 15,000 job seekers are served annually at five locations across the Greater Toronto Area. As a not-for-profit charitable corporation, ACCES receives funding from all levels of government, corporate sponsors, various supporters and the United Way Toronto.

ACCES Employment:
Shawn Mintz
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Canada to Hire 8,000 Filipinos

staten island: weirdImage by trontnort via Flickr
September 22, 2010, 11:26am
MANILA, Philippines — The Canadian province of Manitoba will be hiring about 8,000 Filipino workers annually starting this year until 2016, the Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE) said on Tuesday, during a signing of a renewed agreement with Canadian dignitaries at Makati City.
The overseas Filipino workers (OFW) will compose about 40 percent of the 20,000 job requirements, which the local government of Manitoba plans to fill by 2016 due to its expanding markets. The remaining 60 percent of the job orders will be sourced out to other countries like Germany, India, China, Korea, Israel, and Ukraine.
Among the jobs which are in demand in Manitoba are in the field of finance, construction, manufacturing, mining, health, agriculture, and hotel and restaurant.
“We hope that the memorandum of understanding (MoU) will increase the protection of Filipino workers being deployed to Manitoba, and facilitate their recruitment and hiring process, which in turn would enable the Philippines to get a bigger share of the projected demand of Manitoba,” Labor and Employment Rosalinda Baldoz said in a statement.
Aside from the job order, the MoU, which was first signed in 2008, will also focus on the skills assessment of OFWs which will be deployed in Canada, promote their welfare, and speed up the processing of their visas.
“Our governments have worked together over the past two and a half years to make it easier and safer for skilled Filipinos workers to find jobs and settle in Manitoba and we look forward to continuing this important partnership, Province of Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger said in a statement.
Assistant Deputy Minister of Manitoba Labor Immigration Ben Rempel said that the Canadian government gave particular preference to Filipino immigrants since they already have the necessary skill requirements. Another factor was the existence of a  large Filipino community in Manitoba, which will be able to assist new Filipino immigrants during their period of adjustment in Canada.
“You have workers who speak English and are adaptable to working in the international environment. So I think the Filipinos will remain very well positioned to take advantage of the economic opportunities that are starting to rebound in our jurisdictions like in Manitoba,” Rempel said.
Rempel said that aside from having the lowest unemployment rate and highest employment of immigrants, Manitoba also has the most advanced legislation protecting the rights of its laborers, which will be attractive for OFWs.
“Workers from the Philippines will know when they are offered a contract by Manitoba employer that contract will be honored,” Rempel said.
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RP, Manitoba renew OFW deployment agreement

The flag of the Canadian province of Manitoba,...Image via WikipediaProspective overseas Filipino workers in Canada – especially those in health, agricultural production, hotel and restaurant, and construction – stand to benefit from a renewed labor agreement between the Philippines and the Canadian province of Manitoba.

Department of Labor (DOLE) Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz signed the renewed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Manitoba's Department of Labour and Immigration (LIM).

“This MOU is closely aligned to the overarching goal of President Benigno S. Aquino III to invest and develop our human resources to make us more competitive and employable. It is also in line with the 22-point labor and employment agenda which, among others, calls for expanded protection of our OFWs," Baldoz said in an article on the DOLE website, after the signing.

Baldoz said that with the new RP-Manitoba agreement and the improving world economy, more OFWs may be deployed to Manitoba starting this year.

She said Filipino workers from the health, agricultural production, hotel, and restaurant and construction sectors will continue to be in demand in Manitoba.

“We hope that the MOU will result not only to the increased protection of Filipino workers being deployed to Manitoba, but more importantly, to the facilitation of the recruitment and hiring process, which in turn would enable the Philippines to get a bigger share of the projected demand of Manitoba for approximately 20,000 workers by 2016," Baldoz said.

Baldoz signed the agreement for the Philippines while Premier Greg Selinger signed on behalf of Manitoba.

Selinger flew in to Manila to sign the MOU and to lead a delegation seeking to explore trade, investment, and cultural cooperation with the Philippines.

The renewed agreement is a follow-through of the initial MOU signed by the DOLE and Manitoba in 2008.

It provides a framework for the partnership and collaboration between the Philippines and Manitoba in the recruitment and deployment of skilled OFWs to Manitoba, in their protection, and in the further development of human resources.

Baldoz said that with the MOU, the recruitment and deployment of OFWs for Manitoba that began in 2008 will be sustained, adding it is a testimony to the continued preference of Manitoba employers for OFWs.

Under the MOU, both parties will work together to enable Filipino workers to enter Manitoba under a process that is effective and clearly communicated to employers and workers alike.

The shared priorities for collaboration and cooperation under the new MOU are:
  • Ensure that the need of Manitoba employers for Filipino workers with appropriate skills are met through training and credential-recognition activities;

  • Expedite the approval of selected workers for employment opportunities in Manitoba, including efforts to support the work of the Canadian visa office in Manila it the processing of worker workers’ permits and visas;

  • Promote sound, ethical, and equitable recruitment and employment practices;

  • Share information to support initiatives, subject to privacy laws of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of Manitoba, Canada; and

  • On prior agreement, explore the role for the International Organization for Migration to support the foregoing initiatives.
Both parties also agree to regularly determine other priority areas for collaboration and cooperation.

Under the RP-Manitoba agreement, 91 OFWs were deployed to the Canadian province in 2008. Deployment rose to 162 in 2009, 44 percent higher than the 2008 deployment.

Of the total deployed in 2009, 61 percent were nurses, 23 percent were production workers, and 16 percent were service workers.

In pursuing the areas of collaboration and cooperation under the MOU the DOLE and the LIM agree to act in compliance with their respective laws and regulations.

These include the Employment Standards Code, the Worker Recruitment and Protection Act, and the Workplace Safety and Health Act on the part of Manitoba; and the Philippine Labor Code, as amended, and the 2002 POEA Rules and Regulations Governing the Recruitment and Employment of Land-Based Overseas Workers implementing R. A. 8042, as well as amendments to such legislation on the part of the Philippines. — LBG/RSJ, GMANews.TV
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20,000 jobs in the works in Canada

Province of Manitoba in CanadaImage via WikipediaTHE Department of Labor and Employment yesterday announced that there are 20,000 jobs available in the Canadian province of Manitoba until 2016 following the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Canada’s Department of Labour and Immigration.
Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz said aside from increasing employment opportunities, the MOU also aims to strengthen areas of cooperation in the fields of ethical and safe employment.
She said with the new RP-Manitoba agreement, the recruitment and deployment of OFWs to Manitoba that began in 2008 will be sustained.
DOLE records showed 91 OFWs were deployed to Manitoba in 2008, the year when RP signed a first MOU.
The figure rose to 162 in 2009 with 61 percent employed as nurses, 23 percent as production workers, and 16 percent as service workers.
Manitoba has an area of 649,950 square kilometers. It has over 110,000 lakes and has a largely continental climate because of its flat topography. Agriculture, mostly concentrated in the fertile southern and western parts of the province, is vital to the province’s economy; other major industries are transportation, manufacturing, mining, forestry, energy, and tourism. – Gerard Naval
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Province wants immigrants

Newfoundland and Labrador logoImage via WikipediaCompared with other provinces in Atlantic Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador is experiencing greater difficulty attracting immigrants. The provincial government’s Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism is looking to get communities in on the effort, including Gander.
Topics :
Statistics Canada , Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism , Newfoundland and Labrador , Canada , Nova Scotia
Jamie Valvasori, the central region’s representative for the office, met with the Town’s economic and social development committee on Aug. 23 to speak about efforts to retain immigrants in the area.
According to notes from the meeting, Mr. Valvasori said the province is attracting many professionals who choose to move to larger centres. His office is now working on ways to make communities more welcoming to immigrants faced with living in a new place.
The Town has committed to working with his office on hosting a three-day workshop focusing on creating a welcoming community through specific initiatives.
According to Statistics Canada, 565 immigrants came to Canada from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. In the same time frame, the remaining three Atlantic Provinces welcomed many more immigrants. Nova Scotia attracted the most with 2,377, while New Brunswick welcomed 1,922 immigrants. Even Prince Edward Island, with almost one-quarter the population of Newfoundland and Labrador, managed to attract more immigrants – 1,793.
“While the numbers may be lower than other Atlantic provinces, we believe we’re seeing great progress.” - Minister Susan Sullivan
Susan Sullivan, Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment, said she could not speak to the approach those provinces are taking.
“We’ve chosen to focus on skilled individuals who will make an economic, social, and cultural contribution to the province,” said Minister Sullivan. “We’re looking for people who are able to make that contribution and also people who have demonstrated a strong interest in staying in the province, and we think this approach will serve the immigrants and our province well.”
A major component of that approach is the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), which seeks to recruits immigrants with specialized skills that are also in demand. The minister said 53 per cent of immigrants that came through the program are living in St. John’s.
Numbers up
Since 2007, Minister Sullivan said immigration numbers have been increasing, moving from an average of 400 per year to over 600 in 2009 – with 700 expected in 2010.
“While the numbers may be lower than other Atlantic provinces, we believe we’re seeing great progress,” she said.
A Statistics Canada publication from February 2010 found Newfoundland and Labrador had the highest match rates in Canada for foreign-educated immigrants working in the field they were trained for at 60 per cent. Nova Scotia placed second in Canada with 40 per cent, while Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick were tied at fourth with 37 per cent. The Canadian average was 33 per cent for data collected in the 2006 Canadian census.
Minister Sullivan said this shows the province is a good option for immigrants looking to work in their chosen profession.
Rather than offer specific selling points as a province, she said the Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism is using immigrants already here to sell Newfoundland and Labrador to others who may consider making a move. Its website currently offers video testimonials.
“They’re really inspiring examples of why it is that people have chosen to come and then decide to stay here,” said the minister.
She said a low population density constitutes a major attraction for foreigners coming to Newfoundland and Labrador, as many only have experience living in crowded cities. The videos also show people extolling the virtues of living in a place with a lower crime rate.
The efforts to create welcoming communities is being spearheaded by employees at the regional offices, said Minister Sullivan, as becoming a part of the community goes a long way in ensuring an immigrant will stay in an area.
“The workshops engage key stakeholders in the community who have an interest in the topic,” she said, adding the Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism has already held a number of successful ones in other areas.
“What we’re learning form them is the stakeholders who’ve taken the opportunity to go and participate have all reported that these have exceptionally helped them in terms of understanding the immigration process, and helping those who come to settle into their communities.”
By Andrew Robinson
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Canada's Immigration Minister Says Doors Are Open to Chinese to Come to Canada

BEIJING, CHINA--(Marketwire - Sept. 15, 2010) - China is, and will continue to be, one of the most important source countries for immigrants to Canada, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney said today in Beijing, the second-to-last stop on his trip to Asia.

"Canada has benefited enormously from immigration from China," said Minister Kenney. China remains the number one source country for immigrants to Canada.

Minister Kenney notes that more visitors are coming to Canada from China as well. In the first quarter of this year, China ranked first in visas and extensions issued to visitors. Canada saw 14% more visitors from China than in the first quarter of 2009, or 46% more than in the first quarter of 2005.

"That means more Chinese nationals are visiting their family here in Canada than ever before. With the implementation of the Approved Destination Status, which allows Chinese travel agents to advertise and organize tour groups to Canada, that number will only rise," said the Minister.

And the number of Chinese students studying in Canada is also on the rise. Almost 50,000 students from China resided in Canada last year. The number of Chinese students living in Canada has grown by more than 300% in the past decade.

"We are committed to increasing the number of Chinese students attending Canadian colleges and universities," said the Minister, "and in the course of my visit to Beijing, I made an important announcement about how our government will encourage even more students to study in Canada."

But he also warns that while the door is open to Chinese students, visitors and immigrants, the Government of Canada is serious about cracking down on immigration fraud. This includes drawing attention to fraudulent immigration consultants.

"While many consultants do good work, we want people to know that it's not necessary to hire a consultant to come to Canada," said Minister Kenney. "And with the help of the Chinese government, we want to put a stop to the ones who are engaging in fraud."

Minister Kenney will travel to Manila tomorrow. He will then go on to Canberra and Sydney, the final two stops on this trip.

Canada eases restrictions on foreign-trained architects

OTTAWA, Sep. 14, 2010 (Xinhua News Agency) -- The Canadian government is trying to fix a problem that has angered immigrants to this country for many years: the inability of newcomers to practice their trades as their education and skills are not recognized in Canada.
At a news conference here Tuesday, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development Diane Finley said the government is funding a project that will make it easier for internationally trained architects to find work in their field.
The government has reached an agreement with the professional body that governs architects to develop a system to recognize the skills and experience of foreign-trained architects, Finley said.
"Newcomers need to have their credentials and their work experience recognized, and done so in a timely manner," Finley told reporters.
"That is why the government of Canada is working with the provinces and territories, and encouraging partners to work together to improve foreign credential recognition," she added.
Finley is expected to make a similar announcement Wednesday about dentists.
Finley said the acceptance of foreign credentials not only helps immigrants, it also aids employers who need their skills.
"Attracting and retaining the best international talent to address existing and future labor market challenges is critical to Canada's long-term economic success," she said. "When newcomers succeed, we strengthen the economy and improve the standard of living for all Canadians."
She said the Canadian government, under its Pan-Canadian Framework for the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Qualifications, is working on rules to streamline credential recognition for eight professions, including architects, engineers, accountants, medical laboratory technicians, pharmacists, physiotherapists and registered nurses.
Another six professions will be addressed soon, government officials said. These include engineering technicians, licensed practical nurses, medical radiation technicians, physicians, and teachers.
Architecture Canada is the first professional organization to work on a project to evaluate and license foreign-trained professions. The agency will examine the training and work experience of immigrant architects, then assign them academic work at Athabaska University if they need training in Canadian methods and help learning one of Canada's official languages.
The courses will begin at the Center of Architecture at Athabasca University in Sept. 2011.
"Architecture Canada and the Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities welcome the grant from the federal government to undertake this worthwhile study," said Jim McKee, Executive Director of Architecture Canada. "The architectural profession is committed to increasing the number of architects in practice to provide services to our clients in Canada and abroad."
McKee said Canada needs about 100 to 200 foreign architects each year to meet the demands of the country, and that number will grow as hundreds of architects retire in the next few years. He said many Canadian architecture graduates leave Canada for jobs in the United States.
McKee said foreign-trained architects may save up to five years of re-training. Formerly, they had to perform 5,600 hours of apprenticeship training and take academic courses before being licensed to work in Canada.
(Source: iStockAnalyst )

Funding announced to help immigrants integrate

Births and immigration in Canada from 1850 to 2000Image via WikipediaThe province is partnering with Ottawa and the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) on a new initiative to better prepare immigrants from China and the Philippines for life in Canada.
The new program was announced early today by Premier Greg Selinger, who is travelling in China, and federal Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney.
Selinger said in an telephone interview Tuesday the new immigration program will better prepare immigrants for not only what to expect when they first arrive, but to channel them into jobs sooner.
"We have an obligation to prepare them for success," Selinger said. "They're coming because Canada has a good reputation in China. It's a safe place to live and they feel they're going to be welcomed."
Many families also come to Canada to see their children get a solid education in our country's universities and colleges, he added.
The pilot program will provide Manitoba nominees in China and the Philippines with pre-arrival settlement orientation and labour-market preparation services. These services will include the development of a career plan based on Manitoba-specific labour-market information and guidance on qualifications recognition procedures. It will then be adapted for provincial nominees destined to other provincial jurisdictions as well as for Manitoba nominees in other parts of the world.
These new services for provincial nominees will be delivered through Phase 2 of the Canadian Immigrant Integration Program (CIIP), funded through a $15-million contribution agreement from Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
"Pre-arrival services are an essential part of our strategy to help newcomers succeed. ACCC's partnership with Manitoba to create province-specific CIIP information and services is an important step in our commitment to prepare immigrants before they arrive in Canada," said Kenney. "This pilot demonstrates our aim to meet specific needs of newcomers destined for provinces across the country."
"ACCC members play a vital role in the economic integration of newcomers in Canada," said James Knight, president and CEO of ACCC. "Through ACCC's overseas offices, they are also providing pre-arrival advice to federal skilled workers in their country of origin. Red River College has been delivering this service for three years and is now working with ACCC and the Manitoba government to develop overseas pre-arrival services for provincial nominees."
Before arriving in Canada, nominees will also have access to Manitoba's successful English online language program, which provides language training using Manitoba specific scenarios. Students will be able to interact with adult English-as-an-additional-language teachers based in Manitoba, who will provide one-on-one guidance throughout the student's training.
The initiative will begin in November with approximately 40 Manitoba nominees. CIIP services for provincial nominees will be available at all CIIP locations in the coming year.
Selinger is in China to also drum up more business for the CentrePort development at Winnipeg's airport and to lure more tourists to the province.

Source: Winnipeg Free Press
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