Census – numbers only tell half the story

CensusThe 2011 Census: Population and dwelling counts revealed that immigration “accounted for two-thirds of Canada’s population growth during the last 10 years.”
As expected, given previous reporting about settlement data and efforts by particular regions to attract immigrants, all growth was immigration related. Even Ontario grew, in spite of “lower immigration levels and increases in the number of migrants leaving for other parts of the country.”
According to Haroon Siddiqui, “Immigrants are our bread and butter and the census proves it.”
So, will population growth by immigrants lead Canada to prosperity? In general, the census reveals merely demographic numbers. The challenging realities of the labour market persist for newcomers to Canada, and most media stories about the census discuss both the immigration numbers and labour market challenges facing newcomers.

Where demographics and labour market intersect
  • “Immigrants are key drivers behind our country’s growth, according to 2011 census findings. Released last week by Statistics Canada, census figures indicate two-thirds of overall population growth is being fuelled by newcomers.
  • While immigration should continue to play a large role in boosting our economy, it is particularly important that we put an emphasis on accepting skilled immigrants. In setting immigration policy and targets, it is important to know how well immigrants in various admission categories have fared in their initial years of Canadian residence.
  • Immigrants who were admitted under the Federal Skilled Worker program had the highest median annual earnings among the four categories in all arrival groups. The median earnings of skilled workers exceed the earnings of other groups by as much as 56 per cent, in some cases.
  • But there is also a story to tell about refugees who arrived at the same time as the skilled workers. They initially had low earnings, but over their first 10 years in Canada, male and female refugees in all groups consistently had the highest earnings growth rates. That is, their earnings grew the fastest.”
The challenge:
“It is important that Canadian immigration policy adapt to increasing global competition for skilled workers. During the past decade, European countries have introduced programs specifically aimed at attracting skilled immigrants. Canada cannot afford to be complacent in seeking to attract and retain skilled workers.”
  • “Canada is well on its way toward becoming a nation of immigrants – figuratively and literally. While it’s no secret that immigrants have helped build this country and Canada has long celebrated its rich multicultural history, 2011 census figures released Wednesday by Statistics Canada indicate two-thirds of overall population growth is being fuelled by newcomers.
  • Population projections suggest the trend will continue as boomers die off and that by 2031, immigration will account for more than 80 per cent of Canada’s overall population growth.
  • While it’s not clear exactly how many of the 33,476,688 people enumerated in the 2011 census are landed immigrants, refugees or people here on study or work permits, all are included in Canada’s total population. All enjoy varying rights and privileges with respect to work, social programs such as health care and mobility, but none is eligible to vote in Canadian elections.”
The challenge:
“With an immigration system that’s placing a greater emphasis on temporary foreign workers and international students, combined with huge backlogs in applications for permanent residence and stricter citizenship requirements, it also raises questions about whether Canada may not just become a country of immigrants, but whether it may also become a country of non-Canadians.”
  • “It is immigrants who are fuelling population growth in every region of Canada. Even Atlantic Canada is attracting immigrants.
  • It is they who are primarily fuelling the boom in population and real estate in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, the three metropolitan areas that account for 35 per cent of our total population.
  • It is they who are also responsible for the growth of smaller cities — the 33 urban centres where more than 23 million Canadians now live.”
The challenge:
“Whereas Canada has always been dependant on immigrants, we are more dependent on them now than ever before. This is well understood by governments and businesses, even if not by a noisy anti-immigrant rump that keeps railing against immigrants. Yet we remain inept at managing immigration. The problems that have long plagued the system continue to.”
  • “Canadians have long taken for granted that a constant stream of skilled foreign workers dream of the opportunity to immigrate here. The country’s growth model is essentially built on that assumption.
  • ‘We’re one of the very few countries in the world where immigration is seen as a net plus when you poll the public,’ said Perrin Beatty, president of the Chamber of Commerce. That alone is a crucial competitive advantage, he explained. For workers of the world considering migration, Canadian cities are unusually welcoming. ‘We have a pluralistic, multicultural society,’ Mr. Beatty said. ‘There’s no more diverse region anywhere in the world than the GTA. It’s come as you are, and it works.’
  • The country, of course, needs top talent to fill vacancies in professions and trades. Canada draws most of its immigrants from China and India. But those countries are intensifying efforts to retain skilled workers.”
The challenge:
“Although Canada has much to offer migrant workers, those looking for a reason to avoid Canada have much to choose from. The long-identified problems of integrating immigrants into the labour force persist and have begun to spoil Canada’s international reputation, Mr. Woo said.”

What’s to come?
Toronto Star: “The corporate sector and the self-regulated professions also continue to be a hindrance. They still do not readily recognize foreign credentials and experience, despite repeated promises by politicians at both the federal and provincial levels. This has led to underemployment or unemployment for immigrants, whose skills we should be using to the fullest, for our mutual benefit.”
Ottawa Citizen: “Nationally, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has identified immigration reform as a necessary prerequisite to building a stronger Canadian economy. He has signalled the government will put a greater emphasis on accepting immigrants into Canada who have a particular skill that is needed in the workforce. As new immigrants typically face disproportionately lower job participation, the hope is that newcomers will be able to hit the ground running and contribute more quickly to the country’s coffers which are facing mounting pressures related to things such as rising pension and old age security costs.”

We’re up to the challenge
Of course, we all know what needs to be done, and Maytree’s ALLIES project is on it.

Important message about the Canadian education market

Under recent Canadian Regulations, educational agents, whether in Canada or abroad, must be authorized representatives if they provide immigration advice or representation to their clients, even if these activities occur prior to the submission of the application.
Similarly, agents who wish to represent students on immigration matters after their student applications have been submitted need to be authorized representatives.

Authorized representatives for Canadian immigration matters include members of Canadian law societies and the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC)

 This is what the bill states
At its core, the Act amends the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), making it an offence for anyone other than an authorized representative to conduct business, for a fee or other consideration, at any stage of an application or proceeding. This includes the period before a proceeding begins or an application is submitted and means that anyone who provides paid immigration advice at the pre-application stage will need to be an authorized representative, as identified in section 91 of the Act.

Compensated Representatives as identified by the Bill are as follows
Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC)
Lawyers and Quebec Notaries
Student-At-Law (Under guidance)
Paralegal (The province of Ontario only)

Education Agents Abroad.

Education agents, who are often engaged by Canadian Educational Institutions to assist their foreign students, typically charge for their services u to and including sending a signed student permit application to Canadian embassy. Under the regulation such agents must be authorized representatives if they provide immigration advice or representation to their clients even if these activities occur prior to the submission of the application
Similarly, agents who wish to represent students on immigration matters after their student applications have been submitted needs to be authorized representatives.
Education Agents that needs a Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) member in good standing can contact us www.reezsolutions.com.

The bottom line is education agents can only advice strictly on education. They can not advice on visa procurement or filling in of visa application.

What does ‘Canadian experience’ really mean for immigrants?

By Bill TaylorColumnist
Three simple words, but they can add up to a Catch-22 for new immigrants looking for work: “Canadian experience required.”
If you can’t land your first job, how are you supposed to build that all-important breadth of knowledge?
There’s more to it, experts say, than getting up at the crack of dawn to drive your kids to hockey and stopping en route to pick up a double-double at Tim Hortons. And knowing what a double-double is.
The clichéd example of doctors and engineers driving cabs in Toronto is a truism for a reason, says Allison Pond: “It still happens more than it needs to. It’s still an issue.”
Pond is executive director of Acces Employment, a not-for-profit charitable organization with five locations across the GTA, handling about 16,000 clients per year and “very focused” on finding them jobs in their field.
Acces and other groups, such as TRIEC (the Toronto Region Immigrant Council), are beacons of hope in a sometimes barren landscape where newcomers can face everything in the job market from ignorance to outright discrimination.
The latter is almost impossible to pinpoint and prove. But it certainly exists, says Izumi Sakamoto, an associate professor in the U of T’s social work faculty, who has spent the past six years researching “Canadian experience” and just what is meant by the term.
“Some people think of Canadian experience as general cultural exposure living in Canada,” she says. “Others think that it is actual work experience . . . others think that volunteering and working in survival jobs would be sufficient. The problem is that nobody can really define a benchmark or competency requirement that can be shown or taught.”
“We’re trying to pinpoint tell-tale signs of discrimination. We all know, ‘Sorry. We can’t hire you.’ But what does that mean? It’s hard to nail down. Any employer always has discretionary power in hiring someone. You have five qualified candidates, so who do you hire? Probably the one you get along with best.”
Elizabeth McIsaac, executive director of TRIEC, says some employers use Canadian experience as “a catch-all.” Sometimes there are bona-fide legal and regulatory reasons, such as in the health-care, legal and engineering fields. In that case, the province has funded several bridging programs.
“But very often, it’s also used to say, ‘I’m not sure what your experience and education mean. I’m not sure how you’re going to fit into the environment.’ ”
TRIEC works with employers as a bridge to the talent, skills and experience immigrants bring.
“I’ve seen incredible progress over the eight years since we started TRIEC,” says McIssac. “Sometimes, though, while executives get it, it doesn’t always trickle down to the people who make the hiring decisions.”
She says smaller companies often understand “intuitively” that diversity and international experience can lead them into new markets.
“They’re nimble and smart and can turn things on a dime. It takes time for large bureaucracies to change. It’s like turning a ship.”
Genuine discrimination can create a toxic work environment, McIsaac says. “ ‘I’m not fond of the way you speak or comfortable with your culture, so I’m shying away.’ But it’s not good business. These places will run themselves into extinction.”
According to Sakamoto, the acquisition of soft skills are a significant part of Canadian experience.
“These may be elusive,” she says. “When do you ask questions? How does the boss operate? These are things you have to navigate.
“The simple answer is to be creative in the hiring process and initial integration with role models within the company. If you don’t have senior managers who are immigrants, what kind of message does that send?”
She’d like to see companies adopt a policy of having a certain percentage of immigrants on the short list for any job. They must also place less emphasis on where immigrant applicants were educated or got their experience, and more on what they have achieved and their transferable skills.
Banks are among the leaders in this. Sakamoto says CIBC doesn’t ask a candidate’s country of origin on its job application form.
TD has programs to improve newcomers’ language and soft skills. On a TRIEC video at hireimmigrants.ca, Craig Alexander, chief economist at TD Economics, talks about the company’s “English-French café,” informal get-togethers where immigrants meet other employees to chat, network and build relationships. Language trainers join in the conversations to provide guidance.
Alexander has also mentored newcomers in a program he says is “incredibly impactful” in revealing the challenges immigrants face.
But, over-all, the immigration “ship” takes some turning around.
“The Canadian government says we need more immigrants to strengthen the economy; the brightest people from outside to help us along,” Sakamoto says. “They go through the lengthy system of immigration, maybe spend their life savings and then. . . .
“We’re losing out here, because we’re not effectively integrating immigrants into our workforce.”
New Canadians settle in Toronto
According to the 2006 Census:
  Half of Toronto’s population was born outside of Canada, up from 48 per cent in 1996.
  The city of Toronto had 45 per cent of the GTA’s over-all population, but 52 per cent of its immigrants.
  Between 2001 and 2006, almost 25 per cent of all new immigrants to Canada settled here.
  Half of all immigrants to Toronto have lived in Canada for less than 15 years.
  In 2006, the city was home to 8 per cent of Canada’s population, 30 per cent of all recent immigrants and 20 per cent of all immigrants.
  Almost half the population has a mother tongue other than English or French.

Employers Have Access to More Online Information to Hire Workers Needed to Fill Labour Shortages

OTTAWA, ONTARIO, Mar 07, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Employers can now access more information online about Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) programs to hire permanent and temporary foreign workers, Minister Jason Kenney announced today.
In keeping with the government's focus on the importance of immigration to Canada's economy and growth, the CIC website has been redesigned to include a new section to guide employers to the most suitable program.
"The economy and job growth remain the number one priority of the Government," said Minister Jason Kenney. "Labour shortages are becoming a growing problem in many regions, and this website will help employers access information that will help them hire permanent or temporary foreign workers when no Canadians are able to fill a position."
Employers can learn the steps involved in hiring temporary foreign workers, helping to bring a worker to Canada permanently and hiring international students studying in Canada.
In addition to the enhanced website, the Department is reaching out directly to employers through public consultations.
"Immigration is becoming increasingly important to meeting our labour market needs," said Minister Kenney. "I want to strengthen the partnership with employers to ensure our economic immigration program better meets the needs of our economy."
This new website, a work in progress, builds on the success of other online tools for employers, such as the Employer's Roadmap, available at http://www.credentials.gc.ca/employers/roadmap/index.asp
Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/CitImmCanada
Photo of Minister Kenney available at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/photos/high-res/index.asp .
Building a stronger Canada: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) strengthens Canada's economic, social and cultural prosperity, helping ensure Canadian safety and security while managing one of the largest and most generous immigration programs in the world.
        Citizenship and Immigration Canada
        Minister's Office
        Ana Curic
        Citizenship and Immigration Canada
        Communications Branch
        Media Relations

SOURCE: Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Kenney points to 'transformational' changes to immigration system


OTTAWA — Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is calling for a "transformational change" to Canada's immigration system that emphasizes the need for skilled newcomers who can fill gaps in the country's labour market.
In a speech to business leaders Wednesday at an Economic Club of Canada luncheon, Kenney outlined several pilot projects and strategies the federal government is considering to reduce the backlog of nearly one million applications while making the system more economically focused.
Noting New Zealand "legislated an end" to its backlog in 2003 by creating a "pool" from which all applicants could be selected based on specific criteria as opposed to time spent in the queue, Kenney said Canada is looking at a similar option.
Meanwhile, a new pilot project, he said, is now in place to give provinces the opportunity to "mine the backlog" for newcomers who meet local labour force needs.
Applicants "stuck" in the backlog are also being urged to pull their applications and consider re-applying through the much faster provincial nominee program.
"We are also considering ways to obtain consent from applicants in the backlog to be considered directly by Canadian employers for employment," he said. "With job offers in hand, applicants would see their applications processed on a priority basis."
High level consultations are also taking place with employers across the country, he said, to discuss ways of creating a more "active" immigration system in which employers play a greater role in recruiting people from abroad.
NDP immigration critic Don Davies said he has grave concerns about the government's overall direction and it may be time for a national debate.
"There's two very different visions of immigration in this country. One is the Statue of Liberty: give me your poor, your oppressed, your weak and tired, yearning for freedom. That's what built the U.S. and Canada. It wasn't give me your rich, give me your educated, give me your wealthy investors," he said.
"I think this transformation is moving more toward the latter and I think we need to have a healthy Canadian debate about that because I'm not so sure that's the way to build your economy."

Changes needed to ensure immigrants and jobs better matched: Kenney

By Stephanie Levitz, The Canadian Press  | March 07, 2012
Minister of Immigration Jason Kenney delivers a speech to the Economic Club of Canada in Ottawa on Wednesday, March 7, 2012. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick
Minister of Immigration Jason Kenney delivers a speech to the Economic Club of Canada in Ottawa on Wednesday, March 7, 2012. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick
OTTAWA - Major changes to the immigration system could include erasing a massive backlog of applications, the minister in charge said Wednesday.
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said all options are on the table when it comes to modernizing the process of bringing in would-be immigrants.
"We must have transformational change to move to an immigration program that works for Canada and for newcomers," he said in a speech to the Economic Club of Canada.
He said the changes which will roll out over the course of 2012, will include one to give the provinces the ability to cherry-pick the immigrants they want.
He said Canada also has an eye on New Zealand, where a backlog of immigration applications was legislated away in 2003 and replaced by a pool of prospective applicants.
For now, a pilot program will allow provinces and territories to accept an additional 1,500 immigrants a year if they select them from an existing backlog of skilled worker applications.
"At this point we are looking at all options of dealing with these backlogs and coming up with a faster, more responsive system," Kenney told reporters after the speech.
A parliamentary committee report tabled Tuesday said there is currently a backlog of over a million applications, including as many as 460,000 in the skilled worker category.
Officials told the committee that without changes to the system that backlog won't be eliminated until 2017.
Kenney said the system as it stands is dysfunctional.
"We can’t continue to tell people that they’re going to wait for eight years for a decision on whether they can come to Canada," he said.
He said the government also needs to be more proactive when it comes to communicating with potential applicants about different routes into Canada.
But NDP Immigration critic Don Davies says while it's important to match immigrants with economic needs, there needs to be a more holistic approach to the issue.
"Immigration deals with people, it deals with families and human beings," Davies said.
"It's not just treating people like economic widgets in a machine that we can ruthlessly bring into our country."
And he said the idea of transferring more power to the provinces and in turn to employers, has risks.
"I don't think we want to be delegating the choice of who comes to the country to the private sector," he said.
Kenney said that wouldn't be the point of allowing more matching between jobs and immigrants.
"It's not about privatizing the immigration system, it's about a more active role of recruitment for people so they have jobs when they show up," he said.
"I'd rather have an engineer working as an engineer than a cab driver. That's really where we are trying to go with this."

Immigration backlog could be erased, Kenney suggests

Posted: Mar 7, 2012 12:25 PM ET 

The government is considering all options for clearing a backlog of hundreds of thousands of applications from people who want to immigrate to Canada, Jason Kenney said Wednesday.
Kenney, the minister of citizenship and immigration, wouldn't rule out an option used in New Zealand, where the government legislated away the backlog — clearing it by eliminating the files.
Asked how seriously he's looking at that option, Kenney said the department is looking at all options for dealing with the backlog.
"We owe it to newcomers to do that. So we haven’t made any decisions, we’re still consulting, we’re looking at all the options, but I do think that we can’t continue to tell people that they’re going to wait for eight years for a decision on whether they can come to Canada," he said.
Canada's backlog is around 300,000 applications and could take until 2017 to clear.
That's unfair to the applicants and inefficient for employers looking to fill gaps for skilled labour, Kenney said, since after five or six years people's skills may be outdated for what the market requires. Canada's immigration system must function faster and be more responsive to changing needs, he said.
Kenney has already made major changes to the refugee and family reunification systems, in both cases offering compromises on some issues while taking a hard line overall. For example, last fall the department temporarily stopped taking new applications for family reunification but started offering a super visa, valid for 10 years, that allows visitors to stay longer than before.
Although he floated the idea of eliminating old files to kill the backlog, Kenney also offered the option of letting provincial and territorial governments go through current applications and pull out the ones that match their needs with what the applicants seek.
"We are launching a pilot project that will allow provinces and territories to 'mine the backlog' — in other words, to review the applications in the backlog and nominate those applicants they think their economies need now. We are also informing some applicants stuck in the federal skilled workers backlog about possible opportunities under the provincial nominee program," he said.
The provincial nominee program lets the provinces select and recommend immigrants to fill sectors where they're most needed. The federal government then processes the applications.

Using immigration to help the economy

Critics have accused the government of focusing Canada's immigration system too narrowly on economic factors and limiting the opportunities to, for example, bring in aging relatives.
Kenney says statistics show highly skilled people with prearranged jobs do well when they come to Canada, earning an average annual salary of $79,000.
"What we are going to be encouraging prospective immigrants to do more and more is try to get a job lined up before they get to Canada. And that will allow us to help bring them in very quickly in the future. So the doors are always going to be open," he said.
The government has talked in the past about how Canada will have to rely on immigration to supplement an aging workforce.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a January speech in Davos, Switzerland, that Canada is looking at ways to modernize its immigration system.

Pythian Receives Employer Excellence Award from Hire Immigrants Ottawa

OTTAWA, CANADA, Mar 07, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Pythian, a leading provider of data infrastructure services, was honoured today with the 2012 Employer Excellence Award for Retention and Engagement by Hire Immigrants Ottawa (HIO) for its achievement in workplace diversity.
Presented at the HIO Employer Council of Champions Summit-a multidisciplinary council comprising executives from top Ottawa public and private sector companies, business associations and labour groups-the award recognizes Pythian's ability to recruit the top five percent of the world's technology talent to create a diverse workforce of experts speaking more than 20 languages.
"As a culture of experts, we search the world over to recruit the best skilled professionals to work at Pythian," said Paul Vallee, Pythian's Founder and Executive Chairman. "It's an honour to receive this recognition from an organization dedicated to enhancing the abilities of employers like us to access the talents of skilled immigrants in Canada's capital city. Here, we don't care about the last country that you've worked in, we care that you love data."
Warner Chaves of Costa Rica is just one example of Pythian's knack for attracting the world's top talent. After reading about the company in Oracle Magazine, Chaves wrote to Pythian on a whim to see if it would consider him as a candidate; after a stint as a database administrator, he now leads the Microsoft SQL Server team.
"I wasn't considering a move to Canada, but their support persuaded me. I thought of it as an adventure-I would try it for six months. I'm now a permanent Canadian resident," he said. "My colleagues are experts in their field and I'm challenged to produce innovative work. Pythian has not only opened the doors for me to come to Canada, they've also paved the way to help me advance my career."
Employee retention and engagement are top priorities for Heidi Hauver, Pythian's Director of Human Resources. As the architect behind Pythian's successful incentive programs, she says her leadership team has an open-door policy to ensure employee recommendations are given a voice.
"We do monthly check-ins with new hires and the majority say they like it here because they can see that people enjoy working together," she said. "People at Pythian are valued and they know it. They're challenged daily, and they're given the tools and resources to grow personally and professionally. We invest in people because we want them to stay, be engaged and, most importantly, be happy."
About Pythian
Pythian is a global database and application infrastructure services company for Oracle, MySQL and SQL Server. Since 1997, companies have entrusted Pythian to keep their database infrastructures running efficiently and to help them strategically align their IT and business goals. Pythian's unparalleled DBA skills, mature methodologies, best practices and tools enable clients to do more with fewer resources. Pythian's corporate headquarters is in Ottawa, Canada, with offices worldwide. To find out more, visit Pythian online at http://www.pythian.com or view our job listings at http://www.pythian.com/about/careers/job-listings/
        Media Contact:
        Vanessa Simmons
        Director of Marketing

SOURCE: The Pythian Group

Copyright 2012 Marketwire, Inc., All rights reserved. 

Canada looks to ease huge immigration backlog

OTTAWA (Reuters) - The government of Canada is looking at ways to streamline its immigration system in order to eliminate a backlog of more than a million applicants.
Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said on Wednesday the government was considering a wide range of options to create a more nimble immigration system better able to meet employers' needs for skilled labor.
"The doors are always going to be open. We're planning on continuing to receive over a quarter of a million immigrants per year," he said. "The question is how do we select those who are most likely to succeed and do so on a fast basis."
He stressed that he had not made any decisions.
One idea is to have provinces go through the backlog of applicants and pick out people with the qualifications companies need, such as engineers in the oil business.
"It's about ... matching the immigrants with the jobs rather than just pushing them into the general labor market to sink or swim," Kenney said.
Canada remains relatively open to immigrants, but many newcomers complain it is difficult to get their education and professional qualifications recognized, forcing them to retrain or find work in a different, often unskilled, field.
Kenney said he was considering requiring prospective immigrants who already have credentials to get a pre-assessment from professional associations in Canada of their chances of having their credentials recognized.
(Reporting by Randall Palmer; Editing by Janet Guttsman and Rob Wilson)

Tories consider capping immigration applications


OTTAWA - Even as Canadian officials hack away at a backlog of immigration applications, their workload is increasing.
Documents obtained by QMI Agency show Citizenship and Immigration Canada officials have raised the goal for approving overseas immigration visas this year to more than 255,000 — an increase of 17% from 2011.
The biggest growth will be in family visas — parents and grandparents — the number of which is expected to more than triple to 36,500 in 2012.
However, officials say the actual number of people who come to Canada will be lower because not everyone who receives a visa actually uses it.
So, about 25,000 parents and grandparents are expected to arrive in Canada through the year, matching a number announced by Immigration Minister Jason Kenney last November.
Last fall, Kenney also froze applications from parents and grandparents for two years while officials try to deal with a backlog of 165,000 applicants, some waiting for up to seven years for an answer.
Officials are also targeting a slight increase in skilled worker immigrants, while the number of business immigrants is set to decrease.
The Commons immigration committee released a new report Tuesday that makes several recommendations, including a limit on the number of applications to help reduce backlogs.
"There needs to be a cap on the application process," said Rick Dykstra, parliamentary secretary to the immigration minister, without recommending a specific number.
NDP immigration critic Don Davies says instead, Canada should just approve more applications, noting approvals hit a high of 280,000 in 2010.
"We have suggested that we build on that 280,000 visas in 2010 and go up, perhaps 10,000 a year over the next three or four years," Davies said.

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