Immigration in Canada: renewal of Labour Market Opinion essential to preservation of status

Recent reports from the Canadian business community reflect a growing concern that foreign workers awaiting approval of their Labor Market Opinions (LMO) are in danger of having their work permit renewal applications rejected, requiring them to depart Canada while in mid-assignment. Canadian companies are reminded to apply to obtain a new LMO six months in advance of the expiration of a current LMO in order to allow timely processing by Service Canada. 
Canadian immigration law requires that Canadian companies sponsoring foreign workers who do not qualify for either a work permit exemption or LMO-exempt work permit category must apply for an LMO to confirm that the position on offer is genuine and that employment of a foreign worker will have a neutral or positive economic effect on the Canadian labor market. LMO applications are filed with Service Canada and require a positive opinion prior to filing an initial or renewal work permit application with the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).
In recent months, there has been an increasing backlog of LMO applications adjudicated by Service Canada due to a combination of factors. As Service Canada officers have moved from emphasizing facilitation of hiring of foreign workers to more monitoring of employer compliance.
Canadian companies filing an LMO-exempt work permit renewal application can expect CIC processing times of between 15-20 days. However, for renewals requiring LMO re-certification, companies should bear in mind that the CIC will only hold open a work permit renewal application for 60 days from date of receipt by CIC. Therefore, it is imperative that companies file a new LMO application with the appropriate Service Canada center at least six months in advance of filing the work permit renewal application with the CIC.
Failure to file a timely LMO application can jeopardize a foreign worker's "implied status" (where the worker can continue working legally if their renewal application has been filed) should the CIC not receive a positive LMO within 60 days of filing the renewal application.
Service Canada is advising Canadian sponsors that there are longer wait times for some regions where there is a larger volume of LMO applications, and other delays are caused by incomplete applications and a more "rigorous LMO assessment process." The department is, however, trying to create a more simplified online application process to cut delays.
Barring a sudden clearing of backlogged applications, foreign workers nearing six months of expiration of status should review with their Canadian sponsors if a new LMO is required to renew status. If so, company HR should work with their Canadian immigration providers to confirm the worker remains qualified to receive a positive LMO and to determine the appropriate time to file in order to avoid rejection of the work permit renewal application by the CIC.
Information provided by Pro-Link GLOBAL, in coordination with Canadian KGNM- Rekai LLP

Canadian Construction Association Strongly Supports the Government of Canada’s Direction Regarding Immigration Reform

Ottawa, Canada, March 05, 2012 --( The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) was very pleased to learn of the proposed reforms to Canada’s immigration system, as outlined by the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, in his keynote address to the National Metropolis Conference on Thursday.

“Canada’s current immigration system does not adequately address the needs of the Canadian construction industry or the projected growth of the Canadian economy,” said Michael Atkinson, president of the Canadian Construction Association. “On the surface, the reforms outlined sound like they would go a long way to addressing the challenges that employers currently face to bring in skilled workers, which would ultimately contribute to a more competitive Canadian economy.”

With the projected growth in the Canadian economy, particularly in resource-oriented sectors, the need for an efficient construction industry will remain paramount in order to sustain Canadian competitiveness. This also includes building and maintaining the critical core infrastructure required to support those sectors.

According to the Construction Sector Council, projections currently indicate that the Canadian construction industry will experience a shortfall of 325,000 workers by 2019. At the same time, demand for construction services in Canada is expected to continue increasing throughout the decade, elevating Canada’s construction market to fifth-largest in the world.

While domestic efforts to increase skilled worker training in Canada is equally important, Canada’s domestic population growth will not be able to singularly address industry needs. Because of this, immigration will remain a critical component of Canada’s overall economic competitiveness for years to come.

The Canadian Construction Association looks forward to working with the Government of Canada to help make the Canadian immigration system more efficient, and help maintain Canada’s economic competitiveness.

About CCA

The Canadian Construction Association is the voice of the national non-residential construction industry. It represents over 17,000 members in an integrated structure of some 70 local and provincial construction associations. Construction has become a cornerstone of the Canadian economy. The sector employs 1.26 million Canadians or approximately 7 per cent of Canada’s total workforce. Annually, construction is responsible for nearly $90 billion in economic activity or 6 per cent of Canada’s overall Gross Domestic Product.

Olive: Skills shortage highlights faulty thinking on immigration

By David OliveBusiness Columnist

In most parts of the world, the voices sound alike. And that’s not ideal. Canada’s traditional open-door immigration policy is arguably the greatest factor in Canada’s consistently high ranking among the U.N.’s best places to live.One of the reasons I don’t have an iPod is that I like to hear ambient sounds, especially the voices around me. I try to guess Chinese dialects, and from which part of Texas that woman hails from. That man with the turban and the laptop chatting with the woman next to him on the subway, is he a scientist or an entrepreneur?
New arrivals built and build this world’s most nearly-perfect country, from the one Chinese worker who died for every mile of the CPR that was built, to the Jews so prominent in the GTA’s philanthropic network.
Like the Italian émigrés who moved on and up after building our houses and highways, Korean families are now giving way to Iranians and Iraqis in the convenience-store trade.
That Canada’s prudent Big Five banks came through the global financial meltdown with flying colours owes much to their Scottish roots.
We cannot ever properly atone for the head tax we imposed on Chinese in Canada, for incarcerating Japanese-Canadians during the Second World War, for failing to rescue Jews from Nazi extermination. That is our original sin, bound up with chronic mistreatment of our aboriginal population.
The economic blessings of immigration cannot be exaggerated, though the current federal government seems unmindful of that.
Canada has emerged from economic recovery to pre-recession growth rates faster than any of its industrialized peers. But our greater prosperity is held back by shortages of skilled workers in practically every region and vocation. Yet Ottawa has cut the inflow of immigrants from an annual 250,000 to 225,000, trapped by a recession-era mindset that is obsolete.
Yes, we have an intolerably high number of unemployed Canadians.
More than 1.4 million of us are out of work. In the main, these fellow Canadians do not yet have the skills required of a 21st century economy driven by brains rather than brawn. That can be remedied by ensuring that specialized vocational education is accessible (read affordable) to all Canadians who want to be contributors.
The scourge of the credentialed Pakistani heart surgeon relegated to driving cab remains plainly evident on GTA streets. Yet Ottawa has slashed its funding of immigrant settlement services for Ontario by $70 million.
And both Ottawa and Queen’s Park haven’t even tried to break the retrograde guild-like practices of professional credentialing groups that function to keep supply low and incomes high by disqualifying the qualified from practice.
Instead, Ottawa is “cracking down” (a favoured pastime of the Harper government) on immigrant marriages of convenience. While marriage fraud certainly exists, tackling it with the gusto of Stephen Harper’s government misses the big picture.
The big picture is that the industrialized world will soon begin to shrink in population. It is an iron law of demographics, in all societies, that procreation declines as affluence rises.
Already Japan’s population has begun to shrink. Russia’s population is in steep decline. The trend will sweep across Western Europe, where populations in Britain, France, Germany and so on will soon plateau, then begin to fall. The prosperity and influence of those regions will drop accordingly.
Only America, where high fertility rates among the 25 per cent of Americans who are black or Hispanic, will see continued population growth. And it will be significant growth – a projected 40 per cent jump by mid-century. At which point Americans of non-European heritage will for the first time be in the majority.
As a matter of competitive necessity, Canada cannot afford to be left on the sidelines in that stunning U.S. success story of population growth and the greater cultural and intellectual diversity that comes with it.
Our own population is projected to increase, a demographic blessing we share only with the U.S. among mature economies. But it will increase by a modest annual 2 per cent or so over the next decade. We need more new arrivals, and the work ethic, innovative and entrepreneurial instincts, and patriotism for their adopted homelands that they bring.
Given the Ontario Liberal government’s near-panic over its current 30-year-low in share of new immigrants to Canada, and the task force it called into action last Friday to deal with the crisis, one could too easily conclude that the Liberals are traditionally pro-immigration and the Tories less so.
Yet the first, relentless appeal to potential immigrants was made by John A. Macdonald. Real Tories are pro-immigration. Purported converts from the nativist Reform Party, not so much. And it shows.

Foreign workers need link to Sask. jobs

When one HR manager in Sudbury, Ont., heard that Louise Van Winkle would be in Toronto, the exec grabbed a colleague, jumped on a plane and flew to see her the same day.
The attraction? Trying to find skilled workers - machinists, in this case - for northern Ontario's burgeoning mining industry.
Van Winkle, a senior manager in the immigration section of the Canadian embassy in Paris, told that story to illustrate the need some Canadian employers have for trained and experienced workers - and how the federal government program for which she works can help them.
As a Saskatchewan delegation went to Ireland last week to search for workers, "we're the mirror image of that, in a way," Van Winkle said. "We're telling employers how they can post their jobs and recruit at a distance."
Employers can recruit workers from Tunisia, for example. Tunisia, the small north African country between Libya and Algeria was much in the news one year ago because of the political revolution that started there, toppled a government, then spread to other Arab countries.
Now Tunisia is quiet, but has fallen on hard economic times. Its government is amenable to emigration of trained workers in the belief this will lower unemployment - and that these workers might someday return home if things look up. It's what Van Winkle calls "circular mobility."
Van Winkle and colleague Marie Pouliot from the Canadian embassy in Tunis were here to tell employers and provincial government agencies about a 10-year-old program that facilitates the migration of workers and, not incidentally, helps minority-language communities.
As they, and Muriel Pagnoni of France's Pole Emploi employment agency, explain, it's a win-win situation for all involved. People get jobs, employers get skilled workers and small linguistic communities - like the francophone one in Saskatchewan - get immigrants to join their community, fill schools and perhaps become entrepreneurs and lifelong members.
They say Tunisia, which has already sent some immigrants to Saskatchewan, is particularly interesting because its trades training program is highly sophisticated and many graduates have the equivalent of a master's degree.
Linguistically, Arabic is the most common language there, but French is in second place and English is widely learned and spoken.
There's enough interest in this program that a delegation of employers from New Brunswick and Ontario went to Paris last autumn and another is scheduled to visit this spring.
Van Winkel said if interested, Saskatchewan's employers should contact Darron Taylor, director of employment and immigration at the Assemblee communautaire fransaskoise in Regina, via direction.
Pagnoni said there's also interest in immigration to Canada from metropolitan France, where youth unemployment is high and people are reading glowing reviews of Canada's healthy economy.
To that end, Van Winkle said the Canadian embassy in Paris last year issued 14,000 temporary work permits and 6,000 permanent resident visas, adding, "It would be greater if the jobs were more visible."

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Business leaders cite skilled-labour shortage as priority

From Monday's Globe and Mail

As Canada drags itself through a slow-motion recovery, one of the most pressing issues facing executives across the country is an acute shortage of skilled labour.
The most recent C-Suite survey of Canadian corporate executives shows that despite the high level of unemployment, companies just can’t get all the people they need to fill the skilled positions that are available.
wo-thirds of executives say they are having difficulty finding qualified employees, and one-third say the labour shortage is so severe it is preventing their company from growing as quickly as it could.
With a federal budget coming this month, the executives say they want Ottawa to temper spending cuts with some new investments in skills training, and to open up immigration laws to allow more foreign workers to fill empty jobs.
The problem extends far beyond the oil patch. Executive from the Maritimes to Ontario’s high-tech heartland to Western Canada share similar difficulties in matching employee skills to job openings.
“It is a national problem,” said Francis McGuire, chief executive officer of Moncton, N.B.-based Major Drilling Group International Inc. “It exists everywhere.”
While many of the tough-to-fill jobs are in technical, engineering or information technology positions, Mr. McGuire said, it goes far beyond that. In his company, which conducts intense outdoor work on drilling rigs, “it is very difficult to attract people,” he said. “Salaries are very good … but [people say] they don’t want to be out with the black flies and the snow and the cold and sleeping in camp and being away from home for 21 days at a time.”
Across the country, at trucking firm Trimac Transportation Ltd. in Calgary, chief financial officer Scott Calver said it is becoming increasingly difficult to find professional truck drivers. “It is a problem and it is getting worse,” he said, because many young people are not interested in the long hours required for the job, despite relatively high pay rates.
In Saskatchewan, mining company Golden Band Resources Inc. is having trouble finding geology and mining professionals, CFO Mark Thiel said. The province’s mining boom is creating a sellers’ market for skills, he noted, and the competition for qualified workers is fierce.
And in Waterloo, Ont., Brian Doody, chief executive officer of electronics firm Teledyne Dalsa Inc., said his company would like to expand into some new markets, “but the reality is we can’t get people locally to fill the ranks of our engineering and R&D teams to the level that we need to address those opportunities.”
Despite the fact that the Waterloo region is a centre of high-tech education, “the lack of young people pursuing further education in engineering, science and technology, is definitely a strain on our ability to grow,” Mr. Doody said.
Executives responding to the C-Suite survey clearly put the government on notice that it must deal with this issue. Eighty-nine per cent said increased spending in skills training and apprenticeships should be a high or modest budget priority, more than the 84 per cent who considered spending cuts a high or modest priority.
To deal with the skills shortage, many companies are bringing in employees from outside the country to fill jobs. Almost 50 per cent of the executives surveyed said they are looking at this option as a way to fill specific positions.
It would help if Ottawa streamlined regulations to make it easier to bring in foreign workers, said Jan Hein Bax, president of Toronto-based recruitment firm Randstad Canada. Right now there are restrictions that make this difficult, he said, adding: “I’d like to see the government helping industries to get talent from abroad.” Some executives say the federal government should even help pay for skilled immigrants to obtain Canadian qualifications.
When it comes to budget cuts, the vast majority of C-suite executives aren’t looking for Ottawa to slash spending across the board. More than 50 per cent said it would be wise to keep spending at current levels or make cuts of roughly 5 per cent. Thirty per cent called for a 10-per-cent reduction, and about 8 per cent felt Ottawa should cut more than 10 per cent.
Mr. Doody, of Teledyne Dalsa, said he thinks it would be a mistake for Ottawa to make across-the-board spending cuts in the budget. “I’d be happier to see targeted reduction in areas that are not as helpful to our economy and economic growth,” he said. It is crucial, for example, that the government maintain its commitment to research and development funding, he said. “I’d hate to see that scaled back.”
Mr. McGuire, of Major Drilling, said he recognizes the need for cuts to be made now, but he also feels low-income seniors have to be protected, and there should be significant amounts of money spent to train young people. “We have to absolutely avoid the phenomenon we’ve seen in Greece and Spain where you have 50-per-cent youth unemployment,” he said. “That would be a terrible burden for the country.”
Federal politicians should focus specifically on educating youth in information technology and related fields, he said, as that sector is crucial to the country’s future and will be a huge source of jobs. “If I was policy maker I would throw the whole bucket at it,” said Mr. McGuire, who was once New Brunswick’s deputy minister of economic development.
The quarterly C-Suite survey was conducted for Report on Business and Business News Network by Gandalf Group and sponsored by KPMG.
The survey interviewed 151 executives between Feb. 10 and Feb. 27, 2012. Respondents represent ROB 1,000 companies from across Canada in the manufacturing, service and resource sectors. The margin of error is 7.3 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
Each quarter, a $1,000 charitable contribution is made on behalf of a survey participant. For the December survey, a donation was made to KidSport Calgary on behalf of Laura Cillis, chief financial officer of Calfrac Well Services Ltd.
Want to know more about what Canada’s business leaders think? Watch for coverage throughout Monday on BNN, and go online to for the full report.

A new immigration point system for Canada starts in 2012

Nicholas KeungImmigration Reporter
A revised points-based selection grid will be introduced to favour young immigrants with strong language skills, says federal Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.
Prospective immigrants in licensed professions will need to be pre-assessed to ensure they are likely to get certification in Canada before their applications are processed, Kenney said in Toronto at the annual gathering of Metropolis, an immigration research network that is about to lose its federal funding.
Currently, immigration applicants can skirt the mandatory language requirement by entering through the Provincial Nominee Program, which allows provinces to select immigrants with job offers from local employers.
Under the new grid, to be introduced by the end of the year, Kenney said provincial nominees will face a higher bar as well, because research has shown that language proficiency enhances social and economic integration in the long run.
“We must make better choices. We must select immigrants who have the skills and traits we know will lead to their success, and qualifications that are already recognized in Canada, or can be recognized in a short time,” he said.
While the federal government does not plan to require spouses of applicants in the federal skilled worker program to undergo language tests, Kenney said they will be awarded more points if their spouses are proficient in English or French.
Calling the revised system “more flexible and intelligent,” Kenney said a welder with a job offer in Prince George would not face the same expectations with regard to language skills as someone expecting to work as a physician.
Plans are also underway to change the federal immigration programs for entrepreneurs and investors, though Kenney gave few details.
“In the United States, half of the top 50 venture-capital backed companies are founded by immigrants. We do not nearly do as well in Canada. We must do a better job attracting entrepreneurs and investors to Canada,” he said.
Meanwhile, Kenney said Canada will continue to offer protection to refugees and the family reunification program.
“I strongly believe that economic integration is the best path to social integration,” he said. If new Canadians can maximize their contribution to the labour market, social integration will quickly follow.”

Taking liberties: Canada's booming business of detention and deportation


Most Canadians would shudder at the thought of women being shackled to their hospital beds after giving birth. Yet that is exactly what happens to a specific class of women who, having come to Canada seeking safety, are detained even though they pose no threat to the public.
Detained refugees experience the trauma of being shackled and chained on their journey to and from medical care and during certain procedures in Canadian hospitals, according to a brief presented to the House of Commons last month by McGill University researchers Janet Cleveland, Cécile Rousseau and Rachel Kronick. In addition, they reported many detained refugees forgo health-care visits for fear of being shackled and humiliated.
This shameful state of affairs represents just one of the many abusive practices currently applied against some of the world's most vulnerable people once they arrive in Canada. It also shines a spotlight on the devastating consequences of both the Balanced Refugee Reform Act passed last year and Jason Kenney's further repressive Protecting Canada's Immigration System Act, introduced last week.
Fallout from both pieces of legislation include increased detention and deportation of those who, through no fault of their own, have become an easy scapegoat in the so-called Global War on Terror. And the Canadian government has not been shy about tarring the millions forced to wander the globe in search of safety as the petrie dish in which the terrorist virus incubates.
As with most aspects of the "national security" economy, detention and deportation is a huge and growing business. Last year, the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) released an evaluation of their "Detentions and Removals Program" that framed their analysis within the context of "securing Canada's borders in support of national security priorities." Over $92 million are annually spent on detention and removal of human beings, the report states, with some $22 million of that under the rubric of "Public Safety Anti-Terrorism." The report, a remarkably lifeless document that doesn't document the fear and terror experienced by individuals seeking asylum, speaks instead to achieving efficiencies in a system designed to ensure "those who pose a threat to the integrity of Canada's immigration laws and/or Canadian society" are detained and removed as quickly as possible. But the report fails, like most of Canada's legislation in this field, to define terms like threats and national security.
Without reflecting on the major faults with Canada's refugee determination system, CBSA concludes that "it is clear that the need to detain and remove foreign nationals will continue." Consequently, one of Canada's fastest growing exports is the traffic in traumatized human beings. Between 2006 and 2011, CBSA carried out 83,382 deportations of women, children, and men, while from 2004-2010, there were 72,000-plus refugees arbitrarily detained. Among those thousands deported were women fleeing male violence (indeed, there are high profile cases of Mexican women who, having been sent back, are found murdered) as well as Roma fleeing a wave of racist violence and state-supported discrimination across Eastern Europe.
Kenney's new legislation reflects the pervasive attitude throughout the immigration bureaucracy that refugees are guilty parties hiding something rather than survivors of war and torture who need counselling and support. The CBSA report, for example, reports the consistent feedback of officers who wish to have better training not to assist those arriving in desperate straits, but to strengthen their cases against refugees at the hearing stage and thereby add notches to their deportation belts.

Notably, the McGill brief found that the hundreds of Tamils who were detained after arriving by boat in B.C. reported that among the most traumatizing of experiences -- having survived a horrific war zone in Sri Lanka -- were lengthy and repeated interrogations by CBSA officers that occurred between 3 and 20 times and lasted as long as eight hours.
The logic of CBSA, however, is that these human cargo are meant to be inspected and, if they do not fit a particular profile, must be stamped "return to sender" before they can access the limited resources available to asylum seekers. Indeed, the CBSA evaluation of its operations stated a general concern that the agency needed to deport as many people possible in short order "prior to additional avenues of recourse becoming available," an admission that the rights of the asylum seeker are considered an annoyance preventing the factory-like efficiency of roundups and removals.
The McGill report further notes 95 per cent of those detained are for identification purposes and concerns about an individual showing up for their hearing, neither of which poses a threat. Many refugees have to come to Canada with false documents for their own safety, but are nonetheless thrown either into a prison or an immigration holding centre which replicates the worst aspects of prisons (complete with razor wire fences, security guards, surveillance cameras, and regimented wake-up and meal times). Detention remains indeterminate, and though the average detention time in 2009-2010 was 28 days, the McGill report notes that, especially for traumatized individuals, even a few days behind bars can trigger symptoms of post-traumatic stress (PTSD) and other debilitating conditions.
Indeed, their study compared the lives of detained versus non-detained refugee claimants and found that the majority of refugees experienced on average nine severe traumas before coming here, from physical and sexual assault to being close to death and the murder of friends and family. Following a median detention of 18 days, over 75 per cent were clinically depressed, two-thirds clinically anxious, and a third exhibited PTSD symptoms. Those detained were twice as likely as non-detained to show PTSD symptoms, while depression rates were 50 per cent higher among those detained.
Meanwhile, a companion report to the McGill study, written for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) by Delphine Nakache, notes that CBSA does not keep adequate enough records to record variations in age, gender and periods of time in detention. However, the report found CBSA's own statistics reveal 27 per cent of asylum seekers are detained in penal institutions even though less than 6 per cent are suspected of criminal activity or behaviour. Those held in jails are detained for longer periods than those in immigration holding centres, and detainees who become suicidal or exhibit behavioural or mental health issues are frequently sent to jail and placed in solitary confinement, further traumatizing individuals who require counseling, not punishment.
The UN report recommends detention only in the most exceptional of circumstances, and quotes from the respected International Commission of Jurists, which finds that poor and overcrowded conditions for migrants in detention "have regularly been found by international courts and human rights bodies to violate the right to be free from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment." Canadian courts have also affirmed that alternatives to detention should always be considered by immigration officials, but CBSA, like its brother agencies in the national security apparatus, tends to ignore or bypass such jurisprudence whenever possible.
Kenney's legislation mandating one year of detention without bail for refugees who arrive in Canada by "irregular means," such as by a boat, translates into an increase in the human misery documented above. In addition, the fetishization of "securing" identity documents places refugees at further risk because, rather than accepting a driver's licence or national identity card, continued detention is called for while CBSA seeks ID verification abroad, which could lead to the detainee's ID being disclosed in the home country. Needless to say, investigative detention has been found by the Supreme Court of Canada to be a form of arbitrary detention.
But CBSA continues moving on. While Canadian airlines handle many of the agency's deportations, the search is on for "alternative service delivery arrangements," code for privatization. Among those making a profit off this trafficking in trauma is Skyservice Business Aviation, a firm already on standby whenever someone bound for torture under the secret hearing security certificate process is ready for rendering to a country like Egypt or Algeria.
Skyservice makes great efforts to accommodate CBSA requests for deportation flights, even pulling their medevac aircraft out of rotation if need be. Documents obtained under an Access to Information request reveal an email from Mike Vallee of Skyservice to Reg Williams of the Greater Toronto Enforcement Centre thanking Williams for the deportation business, stating "it is one of the more rewarding (exciting) aspects of life here in the hangar." Skyservice has performed "removals" to such human rights abusing countries as Egypt, Algeria and Somalia (an email with respect to the Somalia flight suggests throwing a "few Kenyans" on board as well.) On other flights, Skyservice will hire members of the Montreal Urban Police tactical squad to escort deportees.
As with all aspects of privatization, controls over issues such as privacy and personal safety of the deported individual are even further debased. In an Albanian deportation, for example, Skyservice writes to CBSA that they need further personal details on an individual being deported, but does that information get shared with a receiving government that will then use it to harass or detain the individual? "The Albanian government must be provided proof that this individual is actually an Albanian," the CBSA memo reads, noting "there have been incidents in the past where the detainee turned out to be from another country."
Refugees and immigrants in Canada have traditionally suffered a lower standard of justice than Canadian citizens, but the precedents created in repressing the former group eventually become a wedge designed to deprive everyone else of their rights. And while thousands of Canadians have rightfully expressed outrage over the fact that the government seeks to monitor all of their Internet communications, the deprivations of liberty increasingly suffered by migrants will, hopefully, similarly shock the conscience of Canadians, spur them to action, and end this insidious aspect of Canada's "national security" strategy.
Matthew Behrens is a freelance writer and social justice advocate who co-ordinates the Homes not Bombs non-violent direct action network. He has worked closely with the targets of Canadian and U.S. 'national security' profiling for many years.

Sounding alarm on labour shortages


More than 15 major Alberta business groups say the feds and the province need to do much more to avoid what they regard as a looming labour crisis.
The newly formed Alberta Coalition for Action on Labour Shortages (ACALS) says a projected deficiency of 114,000 workers over the next decade represents a serious threat to economic growth and future government revenues.
The alliance, which has scheduled a news conference today to air its concerns, wants the federal and provincial governments to reform immigration rules and aggressively ramp up efforts with employers to boost the flow of new workers to the province.
The coalition's members include the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), Alberta Chambers of Commerce, Alberta
Forest Products Association, Merit Contractors Association, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, Canadian Energy Pipeline Association and Alberta Enterprise Group (AEG), among others.
"We want to raise labour shortages to the top of the list of issues facing not just Alberta, but quite frankly Western Canada," says AEG president Tim Shipton, whose group's members employ about 50,000 workers provincewide.
"If there is a (limit) on our future prosperity, it will be labour shortages impacting not just the energy sec-tor but all sectors of the economy, and that's why so many groups are coming together and calling for action now."
Tom Huffaker, CAPP's vice-president, policy and environment echoes that message.
"We all perceive that we have a very substantial (labour) crunch coming, if it hasn't already begun, and there's a strong expectation that it's going to get worse," he says. "Whereas in the past it's been somewhat cyclical, there's a perception this time that it's going to be sustained over a long period of time, and we need to start organizing how to deal with that on a number of levels."
The Petroleum Human Resources Council estimates that 39,000 new workers will be needed by 2020 just to replace those who retire, and as many as 130,000 new energy workers may be needed by the end of the decade.
Other industries are looking at similar shortfalls, with the province projecting the creation of 600,000 new jobs in Alberta over the next 10 years.
At 4.9 per cent, Alberta already boasts the lowest unemployment rate in Canada, and with more than $20 billion of oilsands capital spending this year, the Conference Board of Canada expects the provincial jobless rate to fall to 4.5 per cent by next year. Saskatchewan is facing a labour shortage of its own, with a jobless rate that's nearly as low as Alberta's.
"It's not a crisis for the time being, but it's clearly going to be a chronic long-term issue, so it is a very important, high-profile issue for us," says Huffaker. "Our ability to grow the industry depends on having an ad-equate, high-quality labour supply, and we're really concerned about our ability to meet that."
Although Huffaker, Shipton and others give the Harper government credit for boosting the flow of temporary foreign workers and those recruited under the provincial nominee program, the province it-self wants annual quotas under the latter program doubled to 10,000 from 5,000.
The coalition is also asking the federal government to:
- Change the point system under the Federal Skilled Worker Program (TFWP), so it places greater emphasis on marketplace demand for labour as well as validated employment offers, rather than factors like advanced degrees;
- Expand opportunities for temporary foreign workers to become permanent Canadian residents under the Provincial Immigrant Nominee Program;
Amend the national occupation ? ? codes that are used in assessing workers under both the permanent and temporary immigration streams, so the codes better reflect actual employer needs and a broader range of skill positions;
- Reform the screening processes under the temporary-foreign-worker program so employers can better pre-qualify workers, speeding up the cumbersome application and approval process.
The coalition also wants to see a far more aggressive campaign to recruit skilled workers internationally, something that Australia has done over the past couple of years right in Alberta's backyard.
Federal Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says he understands employers' concerns, but he insists the Harper government is already doing a lot to address them.
"Since we came to office five years ago, the number of newcomers coming to Canada who have settled in Alberta has more than doubled, and we've increased the numbers to Alberta under the provincial nominee program 17-fold, so this is a huge success story," he says.
"One of the key initiatives of our government this year will be significant additional reforms to our economic immigration programs, precisely to address this issue, (including) significant changes to the points grid for the selection of federal skilled workers," he adds.
"But the key thing is this: We'll be making broad reforms to move from a slow-moving, rigid and very passive immigration system to a much faster and more flexible proactive system . . . to complement what the provincial nominee programs are doing."
Kenney says the federal government has also quadrupled its in-vestment in settlement services for newcomers to Alberta. "It's a huge in-crease in federal investment in those services that's not been matched by the province."

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