Intake of applications in Quebec-update

Following a decision by the governmentdecision published in the Gazette officielle du Québec on March 27, 2013, the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles is renewing its rules relating to the intake of applications according to immigration class.

Rules according to immigration class

Immigration subclass

  • Investors
No new applications will be accepted
until July 31, 2013
  • Entrepreneurs and
    self-employed workers
No new applications will be accepted
until July 31, 2013
Skilled workers
See below to determine if you can submit
an application in the Skilled worker class
until July 31, 2013

Skilled workers

You can submit an immigration application as a skilled worker only if one of the following situations applies to you:
  • You have obtained a diploma awarded by a Québec teaching institution for studies done in Québec or you are about to obtain that diploma and you meet the eligibility conditions of the Programme de l’expérience québécoise (Québec Graduate) (PEQ - Québec experience program for Québec graduates).
  • You reside temporarily in Québec as a foreign student, you are eligible to apply for a selection certificate under the regular program for skilled workers and you are submitting your application in Québec.
  • You reside temporarily in Québec within the framework of a youth exchange program subject to an international agreement, such as a work holiday program. You are working full time in Québec, you areeligible to apply for a selection certificate under the regular program for skilled workers and you are submitting your application in Québec.
  • You or your accompanying spouse hold a diploma awarded by a teaching institution in an area of training allowing you to get 6 (see list, inFrench, 38 kb), 12 or 16 points under the area of training criterion of the selection grid for skilled workers (see list, in French, 35 kb). The number of years of study required to obtain your diploma must be at least equal to the number of years required to obtain that diploma in Québec. This diploma was obtained less than five years before the date of your application. Failing that, you must have practised, on a full-time basis and for at least one year out of the five years preceding the date of your application, a profession or trade in an area related to that diploma.
  • You or your accompanying spouse hold a Québec diploma or a diploma treated as a Québec diploma that sanctions at least one year of full-time studies. This diploma was obtained less than five years before the date of your application. Failing that, you must have practised, on a full-time basis and for at least one year out of the five years preceding the date of your application, a profession or trade in an area related to that diploma.
  • You or your accompanying spouse hold an employment offer made by a Québec employer and validated by the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles.
  • Citizenship and Immigration Canada informed you that your application for permanent residence in Canada was admissible for processing.
  • You reside temporarily in Québec, you were a Canadian citizen at one time and you are submitting you application in Québec.

If none of these situations applies to you, you cannot submit an application until July 31, 2013

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