Obtaining a Study Permit in Canada


A Study Permit is an official document allowing someone who is not a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada to study in Canada. Most international students need a Study Permit to study in Canada. Some international students also need a temporary resident visa. A separate application for a temporary resident visa is not necessary- it will be issued at the same time as the documentation necessary to enter Canada as an international student.

When a Study Permit for Canada is Required
If you are not a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, a family or staff member of a foreign representative to Canada or a member of a foreign armed force under the Visiting Forces Act, and you wish to take a course of six months or more, then you will need a Study Permit for Canada.

When A Study Permit for Canada is Not Required
International students do not need a study permit to study in Canada in the following cases:

* Short course or program (6 months or less)
* Courses that are not academic, professional or vocational
* Courses included in a tour package for tourists
* Nursery schools or kindergarten
* Foreign Armed Forces

Students cannot apply for a Study Permit for Canada until they receive an Acceptance Letter from a recognized school, university of college in Canada. Study Permits are issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, who advise students to begin the process of obtaining a permit at least six months before proposed date of entry.

Education is a responsibility of the provincial and territory governments in Canada, and the individual provinces and territories set educational standards. The process and documents required to study in the province of Quebec are different, so check the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles for details. There are a variety of resources available for international students interested in studying in Canada.

Application Requirements

An Immigration Officer will review each completed application, which should include the following:

* Evidence that the student will leave Canada after study;
* An official Letter of Acceptance from a recognized school, university or college in Canada;
* Evidence of funding to pay for tuition, to support the stay in Canada, and to return home;
* Student will be law abiding and has no record of criminal activity,
* Student is not a risk to the security of Canada; and
* Student is in good health (a medical exam may be required).

Local Requirements
Students should check with their local visa office for any specific local requirements, for additional information or with any questions about applying for a Study Permit for Canada.

Foreign Credentials Evaluation for Students Applying to Study in Canada

By:Kathleen Legris

Maintaining the quality of postsecondary programs in Canada is primarily the responsibility of individual institutions, which must operate within legislative and policy frameworks established by their respective provincial or territorial governments. Given the increasing numbers of international students applying to study in Canada, mechanisms for maintaining quality are increasingly important.
In Canada each university or college sets its own admission requirements and its own criteria for recognizing academic qualifications obtained abroad. Therefore, individual Admissions Office determine the procedures required to assess international qualifications.
The Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC) collects, organizes, and distributes information, and acts as a national clearing house and referral service to support the recognition and portability of Canadian and international educational and occupational qualifications. The organization collects data about procedures for recognizing academic and occupational credentials in different Canadian jurisdictions. This information is stored in a regularly updated database covering more than 800 professional organizations. In partnership with the provinces and territories, they also provide current information about postsecondary education systems in Canada for a variety of users, including Canadian missions and evaluation agencies abroad. Publications include a Directory of Universities, Colleges and Schools in the Provinces and Territories of Canada, which lists Canada's recognized, authorized, registered and licensed institutions.
Students who wish to have an assessment of qualifications for information purposes can consult a credentials evaluation service. Although these services offer expert advice on how credentials obtained outside Canada compare with credentials from a Canadian province or territory, the evaluation is advisory only and does not guarantee recognition of credentials for purposes of admission to a postsecondary institution in Canada. The credential evaluation service will advise about document and translation requirements. Credentials evaluation services charge a fee for their services. Applicants should check with institutions of choice to verify whether they will accept the assessment completed by these services. Although it may assist postsecondary institutions in understanding foreign credentials, there is no guarantee they will be acceptable.

Studying in Canada: A Guide for International Students

By:Kathleen Legris

Each year, more than 130,000 international students enroll in Canadian high schools, colleges, and universities. With one of the most respected education systems in the world, new opportunities to gain work experience during and after studies, and permanent immigration options for international students who have graduated from post-secondary programs in Canada, the numbers are expected to rise over the next decade.

Secondary Schools: There are numerous public, private, and independent high schools in Canada that offer specific programs for international students. Students can choose to study intensive English, an integrated English and academic program, or with strong English language skills, an academic program that leads to a Canadian high school diploma.

Colleges and Universities: In the Canadian education system, which varies from province to province, colleges are geared towards individuals seeking applied careers, such as a chef or hotel management, while universities prepare individuals for more academic careers, or for entrance into graduate school or a professional program such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy or law. The government subsidizes almost all Canadian post-secondary institutions, so entrance to some professional programs is limited to Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents.

Admission to any Canadian university or college requires completion of a high school diploma, such as the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or the foreign equivalent. Generally, students wishing to enter a Canadian university or college should have completed the course of studies that would make them eligible to enter university or college in their home country. Students whose first language is not English will also have to present results of an English Language Proficiency exam. Acceptable tests and scores will vary from institution to institution, so students should refer to individual colleges or universities for specific language requirements.

Master or Doctoral: As with other parts of the world, post-graduate schools in Canada are restricted to universities. Entrance to post-graduate programs will vary from university to university, and from department to department within each university. Masters and doctoral candidates should refer to the Graduate Studies Office of universities of interest for specific information.

There are numerous resources for international students thinking about studying in Canada. Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the agency responsible for issuing Study Permits and Work Permits, has a comprehensive website for international students. Organizations such as the CEC Network offer information and resources for students including costs, admission and Visa requirements, and cultural adjustment. Additionally, many schools, governments, and educational agents promote Study in Canada throughout the world through local visits, educational fairs, and internet campaigns.

Canada works to welcome more Indian students to Canadian colleges

Toronto, January 28, 2010 — The acceptance rate for Indian students coming to study at a group of Canadian colleges has doubled thanks to a new program between Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC). The announcement was made today by Member of Parliament Tim Uppal, on behalf of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney, and by James Knight, President and CEO of the ACCC.

A joint pilot project called the Student Partners Program was launched in April 2009 between Canada’s visa offices in India and twenty member colleges of the ACCC. The goal of the program is to increase the approval rate for study permit applications at participating Canadian colleges.

“The Student Partners Program has resulted in an increase in the number of Indian students on our college campuses,” said Minister Kenney. “International students bring with them new ideas and experiences and contribute both financially and culturally to the communities and institutions where they study.”

In 2008, India ranked seventh with 3,244 people in terms of source countries for students.

The total number of international students in Canada has more than doubled since 1998 to 178,000 and their presence provided employment for over 83,000 Canadians last year. A 2009 study commissioned by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada found international students contributed more than $6.5 billion to the Canadian economy in 2008.

“International students contribute to the cultural life and economic success of colleges and institutes and of the communities they serve. In partnership with CIC, we have doubled the approval rate of visas for students from India coming to Canadian colleges. We will work with CIC to expand the initiative to other ACCC members,” said Mr. Knight.

During the first nine months of the launch of the program, CIC’s visa offices in India received over 4,000 applications in the program. The program has successfully met its objective: the approval rate for the first group of students under the program coming to study this past September was more than double the approval rate for the same colleges the preceding year. Furthermore, 95 percent of the students remain in good standing at an ACCC college. Processing times within the program are faster than the global norm, with an average of about two and a half weeks.

The program has several checks and balances, from requiring applicants to provide verifiable documentation, to a feedback mechanism where colleges report back on whether students show up. The safety, security and health of Canadians are of the utmost importance. All students who come to Canada through the Student Partnership Program must adhere to the same screening requirements as any visitor or student.

“This type of program benefits both our country and those who participate in it,” said Minister Kenney. “When all is said and done, these graduates may remain in Canada and apply to immigrate under the Canada Experience Class. They would make Canada their home and continue to contribute to our country’s social and economic fabric.”

Canada’s network of community colleges offers many outstanding programs to train young Canadians and their counterparts from around the world for the opportunities of today's economy.

The Government of Canada will continue to look at ways to encourage international students to study in Canada.

For further information (media only), please contact:

Media Relations
Communications Branch
Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Quebec Offers Fast-Tracked Canadian Citizenship to International Students

By:Kathleen Legris

In a move that may be designed to take advantage of Australia's and Britain's recent problems in the Indian-student market, Quebec is offering Canadian citizenship to international students who graduate from any university in the province.

The province's premier, Jean Charest, who is leading a delegation of university heads on a visit to India, told students and experts at the University of Mumbai on Monday that, beginning on February 14th, international students who graduate from universities in Quebec would get "a certificate of selection" that would put them on a fast track to Canadian citizenship.

According to The Times of India, Charest told the packed house that, "Any student who secures a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree from any university in Quebec will obtain a certificate of selection to become a citizen of Canada.” Mr. Charest said that once foreign students had the certificate, the federal government would then carry out security and health checks before awarding citizenship.

The premier's announcement may encourage Indian students to think about Canada, especially in the wake of recent issues in two popular countries of study. In Australia, racial violence against Indian students has increased, and the sudden closure of four colleges left thousands of Indian students without credentials, while in the U.K., a report over the weekend revealed that British authorities had temporarily suspended all student-visa applications from northern India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation, British officials feel the system has been overwhelmed and there are concerns that many cases are not genuine.

The move by Quebec reflects a broader national interest in focusing on India. Canadian universities appear to be showing an increased interest in strategic engagement with India, and Quebec universities, like their counterparts in other provinces, already have a number of partnerships with Indian institutions.

A pilot project run by Canadian immigration authorities and community colleges to speed up applications from India has doubled the acceptance rate, according to a report released by the government in late January. It showed that processing visas took an average of about two and a half weeks. The program is designed to uncover any fraud with a variety of checks, including a requirement that applicants provide verifiable documentation and a feedback mechanism in which colleges report back on whether students show up.

Additionally, the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) recently published a guidebook designed to assist universities and colleges in identifying good practices for recruiting international students in India.

Tougher laws sought to punish "ghost" immigration consultants

By Mike Barber, Canwest News ServiceFebruary 3, 2010
OTTAWA — The federal government needs to introduce tough penalties for uncertified immigration consultants, the industry's professional society urged Wednesday.

The Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants said vulnerable new Canadians need protection from "ghost" consultants who "don't have to prove their competence and (are) not accountable to anyone."

John Ryan, the society's chief executive officer, said ghost agents routinely prey upon landed immigrants, providing false advice and posing as guarantors of their clients' citizenship ambitions.

There are about 1,600 certified consultants across Canada. But with more than 200,000 immigrants coming here each year, some are bound to end up working with those outside of the professional body's jurisdiction.

As it stands, there is a provision under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act that punishes fraud by up to five years in prison and a fine of $100,000. But Ryan said the breadth of the law is too narrow, allowing agents to charge for services without ever committing their signature to paper.

Ghost agents "'front end' their advice by providing representation and consultation functions and simply withhold their name from submitted applications, said Ryan. "When things go wrong, it is the consumer who is ultimately responsible and ends a victim."

With prospective Canadians paying anywhere from $1,000 to $30,000 for a consultant's services, a failed application can all but scuttle the chances of some for becoming a citizen.

Calling it a "serious offence," Karen Shadd, a spokeswoman for Citizenship and Immigration Canada, confirmed that the minister, Jason Kenney, "intends to tighten the rules to make it more difficult for unauthorized third parties to operate."
© Copyright (c) Canwest News Service

Employers urged to use immigrants to fill jobs


With at least 425,000 jobs opening up in Canada this year due to baby-boomer retirements, employment analysts are looking to immigrants to fill the gap. Trouble is, not everyone is ready for the shift.

Studies indicate between 50 and 60 per cent of Canadian newcomers are working in fields other than what they trained for.

In cross-country workshops organized by the Conference Board of Canada, the business group is trying to raise awareness of the problem and to come up with solutions to put these skilled people in the right spot.

"We have a need not only for the highly trained workers, but for all kinds of workers such as tradespeople," says the board's Diane MacKay.

"We need them, we need them working and this is an issue that employers need to pay attention to."

'I won't get a job just because I say . . . give me a job'

In Ottawa, immigrants like Karina Regalia are trying to upgrade their skills and volunteer in places related to their field to make themselves more attractive for employers.

But the new arrival from Poland, who came less than a year ago, says it's been tough going to find a job.

"The newcomers have to change to be part of the way things are done in Canada," she acknowledges.

"I won't get a job just because I say that I am Karina from Poland and now give me a job. That is not the way its going to happen."

A new approach to fill the gap

Tech firms are more experienced at looking outside of Canada for workers -- they're well-aware that labour shortages can hold them back from expansion.

Hire Immigrants Ottawa cautions that smaller employers may not be aware of that pool of talent.

"The statistics show clearly that in the next year or two, if you hire a new employee you will hire an immigrant," says Kelly McGahey, who works with the organization.

Adds Ottawa consultant Alice Kubicek, the solution to the shortage problem will have to come quickly.

"People may hope that this is a problem that is just going to go away, but it's not. It's not going to get any easier to find and hire the talent you need, and you also need to work at how to keep them ."

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Paul Brent

Quebec to expand sponsorship program for Haitians

Quebec will allow Haitian-Quebecers to sponsor a wider range of relatives as part of an expanded immigration policy.

Immigration Minister Yolande James says her government is changing the rules because of last month's devastating earthquake, and as a result the list of Haitians who can be sponsored now includes brothers and sisters and their families, and adult children.

Quebecers who do not have relatives in Haiti will also be allowed to act as co-sponsors.

"In the face of this terrible tragedy, our government has chosen to use its discretionary power to offer a concrete response," said James.

"It's a recognition to some of the requests coming from members of the Haitian community and to see a reunification of family take place in Quebec."

Families relieved

Savienne Charlot, whose three nephews in Haiti were orphaned by the earthquake, is relieved by the decision.

"I was going to go to Haiti next week to be with them, but now I will try to bring them here to live with me and my mother instead," said Charlot.

A maximum of 3,000 Haitians will be allowed into Canada under the sponsorship program, which will run from Feb. 17 until Dec. 31, 2010.

The magnitude-7.0 earthquake on Jan. 12 killed at least 150,000 people and demolished much of the capital of Port-au-Prince.

1 million people are homeless, many huddling in crude tents and bed sheets.

Previously, Haitians in Quebec who wanted to sponsor relatives could only bring in their own children, spouses, parents and grandparents.


A 24-hour hotline has been set up to connect the public with registered immigration consultants.

The number is 1-877-311-7926.

Also on Wednesday Quebec said it would waive tuition fees and student fees for foreign students from Haiti for the winter semester.

The measure affects 350 students in Quebec, and will cost taxpayers about $1.3 million.

Skills shortage to leave Ontarians jobless by 2021: report

By QMI Agency

A shortage of skills and lack of education will mean that more than 700,000 people in Ontario will be unemployable by 2021, according to Seneca College President emeritus Rick Miner.

That figure would add to the 5% of people who are traditionally unemployed, boosting the total of jobless to 1.1 million, he said in a speech to the Canadian Club of Toronto.

"If current trends continue, hundreds of thousands of people will lack the necessary skills to find any work," Miner said presenting a report. "The unemployment crisis in Ontario will be far more severe than the current recession."

Although Miner’s study focused on Ontario, a similar trend has been noted in separate studies Canada-wide. A lack of skills coupled with the retirement of the baby-boomer generation may mean the country will have to rely on immigration to fill the available jobs, reports have found.

"The reality is that immigration could account for virtually all labour force growth in Canada within the next decade," Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said recently.

Miner say immigration alone won't be enough to fill in the employment gaps and that more education is needed.

The study said it can be conservatively estimated that at least 75% of workers in Ontario will need postsecondary education and/or training by 2021 if they are to be employable in Ontario's new innovation economy.

However, if current trends continue, only about 64% is actually expected to have acquired postsecondary credentials by that point.

Miner said Ontario must begin taking action now to address this challenge.

"We need to make significant changes," he said. "If we don't, the result will be an economy that can't compete globally and a society that can't provide opportunities for people to find employment."

Canada Works to Welcome More Indian Students to Canadian Colleges

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 28, 2010) - The acceptance rate for Indian students coming to study at a group of Canadian colleges has doubled thanks to a new program between Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC). The announcement was made today by Member of Parliament Tim Uppal, on behalf of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney, and by James Knight, President and CEO of the ACCC.

A joint pilot project called the Student Partners Program was launched in April 2009 between Canada's visa offices in India and twenty member colleges of the ACCC. The goal of the program is to increase the approval rate for study permit applications at participating Canadian colleges.

"The Student Partners Program has resulted in an increase in the number of Indian students on our college campuses," said Minister Kenney. "International students bring with them new ideas and experiences and contribute both financially and culturally to the communities and institutions where they study."

In 2008, India ranked seventh with 3,244 people in terms of source countries for students. The total number of international students in Canada has more than doubled since 1998 to 178,000 and their presence provided employment for over 83,000 Canadians last year. A 2009 study commissioned by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada found international students contributed more than $6.5 billion to the Canadian economy in 2008.

"International students contribute to the cultural life and economic success of colleges and institutes and of the communities they serve. In partnership with CIC, we have doubled the approval rate of visas for students from India coming to Canadian colleges. We will work with CIC to expand the initiative to other ACCC members," said Mr. Knight.

During the first nine months of the launch of the program, CIC's visa offices in India received over 4,000 applications in the program. The program has successfully met its objective: the approval rate for the first group of students under the program coming to study this past September was more than double the approval rate for the same colleges the preceding year. Furthermore, 95 percent of the students remain in good standing at an ACCC college. Processing times within the program are faster than the global norm, with an average of about two and a half weeks.

The program has several checks and balances, from requiring applicants to provide verifiable documentation, to a feedback mechanism where colleges report back on whether students show up. The safety, security and health of Canadians are of the utmost importance. All students who come to Canada through the Student Partnership Program must adhere to the same screening requirements as any visitor or student.

"This type of program benefits both our country and those who participate in it," said Minister Kenney. "When all is said and done, these graduates may remain in Canada and apply to immigrate under the Canada Experience Class. They would make Canada their home and continue to contribute to our country's social and economic fabric."

Canada's network of community colleges offers many outstanding programs to train young Canadians and their counterparts from around the world for the opportunities of today's economy.

The Government of Canada will continue to look at ways to encourage international students to study in Canada.

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