Canada's International Youth Exchange Program visa allows eligible foreign students and young workers from designated countries to work and live in Canada temporarily in order to learn new skills and gain valuable exposure to the Canadian culture. The programs vary from country to country and are managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs. Many of these programs offer a first-come first-served processing rule, while some programs have a limited number of spaces each year. Each program maintains its own requirements, application quotas, submission deadlines and upper age limits, and applications are processed on a first-come first-served basis.

There may also be conditions attached to the Working Holiday visa which may limit the type of work and the employer for whom the applicant may work. Once granted, Working Holiday visa holders can vacation and travel in Canada , explore the diverse country, and engage in temporary work to supplement their travel expenses.


In order to qualify for a Working Holiday visa, applicants must:

* Hold a valid passport from a country which has a reciprocal arrangement with Canada;
* Be aged between 18-35 years of age at the time of the application(depending on the relevant program);
* Be a full-time student in some cases, possess no criminal convictions or serious medical conditions; and
* Have sufficient funds for their intended stay in Canada.


Once an International Youth Exchange Program visa has been issued, applicants are generally provided with assistance on organizing their trip, job search, assistance and orientation in Canada upon arrival, accommodation arrangement and support. The duration of the visa will usually vary between 1-24 months. Applicants can also pursue language, general interest of self-improvement studies. An International Youth Exchange Program visa is an invaluable opportunity for young people to explore all that Canada has to offer. Applications are accepted on a yearly basis, on a first-come first-served basis. Some Working Holiday visas are issued as a once-in-a lifetime opportunity, while others allow for repeat participation. Temporary work permit holders can extend their stay in Canada by applying for another visa, during their stay.

Travel and Work in Canada

Did you know that if you are between the ages of 18 and 35, you can work legally for up to one year anywhere in Canada? Whether it is to gain valuable international work experience or to finally take that trip of a lifetime you’ve always imagined, why not become one of more than 35,000 young participants from around the world who travel and work in Canada with our program each year?

What is it all about?

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada has negotiated agreements with several countries and has partnered with various organizations. Through these agreements and partnerships, international young participants can easily obtain a temporary work permit and gain professional and personal experience in Canada.

You have two options:

Option A) Are you a modern-day adventure-seeker or a seasoned traveller who wants to plan your experience in Canada on your own? Consult the list of participating countries to see if your country of origin has an agreement with Canada.

Czech Republic
Korea, Rep.
New Zealand
United Kingdom

Option B) In order to gain experience, are you willing to pay a small fee to obtain guidance, assistance and support, either in Canada or in your country? Consult the list of partner countries:

Canada Immigration Options for People Under Age 30

By: Gianpaolo Panusa
As you probably know, immigration to Canada is restricted to a handful of occupations. One way around this is to acquire experience working in Canada at an appropriate job.

If you are without dependents and under age 30 (and in some cases, even over 30), you may qualify for an international youth exchange that will allow you to work in Canada from 6 months to two years depending on the country you are in.

You can usually work in any occupation you like, however, if you plan on immigrating permanently in the future, it would be crucial to work in a technical or management occupation in NOC A, B or O.

The following countries have youth exchange agreements with Canada:

* Argentina

* Armenia

* Australia

* Austria

* Belarus

* Belgium

* Brazil

* Chile

* Costa Rica

* Czech Republic

* Denmark

* Dominican Republic

* Finland

* France

* Germany

* Ireland

* Italy

* Japan

* Korea

* Lithuania

* Latvia

* Luxembourg

* Mexico

* Netherlands

* New Zealand

* Norway

* Peru

* Poland

* Russia

* Slovak Republic

* South Africa

* Spain

* Sweden

* Switzerland

* United Kingdom

* United States

There are also exchange programs with various international organizations such as AIESEC and IAESTE and others.

Each program has different qualifications, so check to see if any of these programs work for you.

Can I apply to immigrate to Canada from USA?

By Fatima-Zahra Fahmi
I am staying in the USA on a visitor visa and I want to know if I can apply to immigrate to Canada from here as I am not willing to go back to my home country.


According to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, applications for permanent residence must be submitted to the visa office responsible for:

• The country where the applicant is residing, if the applicant has been lawfully admitted to that country for at least one year; or
• The applicant’s country of nationality, or if the applicant is stateless, their country of habitual residence other than a country where they are residing without having been lawfully admitted.

The applicant is not required to have been residing in the host country for one year at the time of application, but to have been lawfully admitted to that country for a minimum one year period at the time of application.

In the USA, visitor visas are generally issued for a period of six months but can be extended for another 6 months which makes it up to a total of one year.

If you have lawfully entered the USA and you are currently residing there on the basis of a 6 months visitor visa (B2) you would need to apply for an extension to meet the definition of been lawfully admitted for at least one year. If you already applied and were granted an extension, then you will be able to apply for permanent residence to Canada through the Buffalo visa office. You do not need to wait for the completion of the one year before you apply, you can submit your application as soon as you secure an extension. Also, if you lose your legal status after your application is submitted, whether or not your status is restored, you application will still be processed and assessed on its merits.

However, if you are not sure you can get an extension of your visitor status in the USA and the six months has not yet expired, you may consider applying for a temporary resident visa to Canada (Visitor, student or worker) and explore options to apply for permanent residence from within Canada. For a temporary residence visa, the rule of one year does not apply, yet you have to show that you were admitted lawfully.

Please note that this answer only covers the question on where an application can be submitted. A successful application will depend on whether you meet all the immigration requirements for the category you are applying under or not.

Immigrant talent adds to brewer's bottom line


Toronto — From Wednesday's Globe and Mail Published on Tuesday, Feb. 09, 2010 4:28PM EST Last updated on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2010 10:19AM EST

Adrian Joseph didn't have his certified general accountant designation, but he snagged a key finance job at Steam Whistle Brewing anyway.

The Sri Lanka-born accountant was professionally trained in Europe, and he won a world accountancy prize in Britain. But the lack of a CGA, CMA or CA, standard financial credentials in this country, is enough to cause many Canadian employers to skip right over such a résumé.

Steam Whistle, however, had a different point of view when it was looking to hire a controller eight years ago.

“[Immigrants] have risked everything to build a new life,” Steam Whistle co-founder Greg Taylor says. “They take their jobs very seriously and are very passionate, and at the end of the day that helps your bottom line.”

Since its inception in 1998, Toronto-based Steam Whistle has made inclusive hiring a priority, says Mr. Taylor. And while the practice is clearly good for the community, and adheres to the company's determination to be good corporate citizens, Mr. Taylor insists it has also aided the business. Today, 18 per cent of the company's 115 employees – and half of its management team – hail from other countries, including Sri Lanka, the Czech Republic, Cuba, Portugal and Russia.

At first, Steam Whistle had no choice but to look outside of Canada to fill certain positions. “We wanted a brew master with a master brewing degree,” says Sybil Taylor, Steam Whistle's director of marketing and Mr. Taylor's wife.

“If you're going to [produce] a pilsner that competes internationally, you need to have people capable of bringing that to the table,” agrees Mr. Taylor.

But no such postsecondary education programs exist in North America. In the end, they found a brew master who had received a master's degree in the field in the Czech Republic.

The experience was so positive, the Taylors say, that they saw no reason to limit hiring to candidates with only Canadian training and experience.

That's not to say homegrown talent should be overlooked, Mr. Taylor stresses. But to completely dismiss immigrants – because of foreign credentials or the lack of a Canadian equivalent – is simply bad for business.

For one thing, the work ethic of newcomers is second to none. “New Canadians come here for all the right reasons,” he says. “And that is to work and to take pride in their work. They're excited about the opportunities and they want to afford to live here. They're not taking anything for granted because of all the risks they've taken just to get here.”

For small businesses with limited budgets, hiring immigrants is a way to access top talent at a more reasonable cost. “Brewing is capital-intensive,” Ms. Taylor says. “It took us three years before we even broke even and our reality was that we couldn't afford to pay the top Canadian talent.”

Mr. Taylor gives the example of a marketing executive who wanted a salary of $200,000. “We talked to another guy who doesn't have the Canadian training and he wants half as much, but he has more experience.” This creates an opportunity for small businesses to access talent they could otherwise never afford, he says. “And it's only been created by the ignorance of people who don't value experience from abroad.”

Then there's the benefit of global perspectives and specialties.

“Internationally trained workers know different suppliers, they know different techniques to solve problems,” Ms. Taylor says. “You're just narrowing your information base by not hiring from a broader pool.” In some cases, like with Steam Whistle's brew master, international training provides precisely what the company needs.

That's a point of view with which Toronto-based Ratna Omidvar, president of Maytree, a private foundation dedicated to accelerating the settlement of immigrants and refugees, agrees.

“It's clear that because the world of marketing and technology has changed so much in the last 10 years, the same ideas can't be used to solve new and emerging problems,” she says. “And the more variety you have around the table, the more likely you will come to a new and different place for a solution.”

She backs up her argument by pointing to U.S. studies that show diversity contributes to the bottom line. Companies that don't embrace diversity are missing out on market share in Canada, she says, as well as markets beyond the borders.

Hiring immigrants can also help a business owner understand potential customers better, Mr. Taylor adds. In the case of Steam Whistle, “we're in downtown Toronto. The diverse culture is incredible here and our culture at Steam Whistle reflects that.” Ms. Taylor agrees: “It's reflective of our population here in Canada and so we understand the marketplace.”

The benefits go beyond any one company and extend into the greater community. “It's a way to actively support the country's immigration policy,” Mr. Taylor says.

The benefits may be many, but there are challenges. A lack of recognition of foreign credentials means that even though a candidate has the skills to do the job, additional training or credentials is still required. For example, Steam Whistle funded Mr. Joseph's CGA after hiring him as controller.

“It's an important credential in this country, and so we wanted him to have it,” Mr. Taylor says. It's paid for itself again and again, he adds, and since joining Steam Whistle, Mr. Joseph has been promoted from controller to CFO.

In 2007, Steam Whistle's inclusive hiring was recognized when the company won the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council's Immigrant Success Award for leadership and innovation in recruiting and retaining skilled immigrants.

“We're very proud of that, because it sends a message out that this is doable,” Mr. Taylor says. “Here we are, a successful small business, and the reason our product is so great is because of the hard work and skill of the people we've chosen to hire.”

Ghosts' in Punjab posing big threat to Canadian immigration (Lead)

Toronto, Feb 9 : Ghost immigration consultants have become a big threat to the immigration process in Canada which lets in more than 250,000 newcomers each year, a large number of them from Punjab.

According to figures, there are about 2,000 ghost immigration consultants as against just 1,655 registered by the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants. Operating out of the purview of law, these 'ghost' immigration consultants fleece thousands of prospective immigrants each year, defrauding them from $1,200 to $30,000 each.

Since India is the second largest source of immigration into Canada after China, the "ghost" problem is even deeper in the Indo-Canadian community as people here want to bring their relatives from India by hook or by crook.

The depth of the problem can be gauged from the following advertisement that appeared in a Chandigarh newspaper recently:

"JOB VACANCY IN CANADIAN HOTEL CANADA: Ominicity Hotel Director wish to advertise through this medium that the Following Job Vacancy in our Hotel. We need both men and females workers to fill in different categories of job openings. Currently, if your interested in working with us you can contact us back E-mail Address: Our Hotel Director shall connect you with our Canadian immigration director during your visa processing, SIGN BY DIRECTOR MRS RESOLING ANNA."

But inquiries revealed that there was no hotel by this name in Ottawa.

"Hundreds of such fly-by-night immigration operators have set shop in India to prey upon people desperate to move to Canada," Sheetal Jhuti, an Indo-Canadian immigration consultant based in Mississauga on the outskirts of Toronto, told IANS.

"These people go to Punjab and anywhere in India to scam the poor gullible people waiting to get any opportunity to get out of India," she says.

Jhuti adds, "Since an immigration consultant here has to pay high fees to the regulatory Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC), many of these so-called consultants choose to operate out of Canada in their native countries where they don't come under any supervision. That's what is happening in India."

Once you are operating outside the system, anyone can call himself or herself an immigration consultant, she says.

The modus operandi of these 'ghost' immigration consultants, she explains, is to open offices in Chandigarh or Jalandhar and appoint some people to fill up immigration forms for them.

Since these 'ghost' operators are not under jurisdiction of the Canadian regulatory body, they can advertise for jobs that don't exist. When people respond, they charge huge sums of money to fill up their forms and then vanish, sayimmigration sources here.

"Thousands of these ghost consultants advertise daily, thousands of so-called education consultancies lie and cheat in the name of getting student visas to the UK, Canada, and Australia," says Jhuti.

"So, while people like me are paying through our nose to get our licences to run a model consultancy, my neighbourhood pizza store owner is making more money than me by just providing form filling services," she adds.

"The situation is simply unacceptable. It not only threatens the integrity of our citizenship and immigration systems but it also raises in my mind national security issues," John Ryan, chair of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants, told the Globe and Mail newspaper last week.

"We know who (the ghost consultants) are and where they're operating. But law enforcement agencies can't do anything currently to stop them," he said.

The cheating is equally rampant in immigration from China, Pakistan and the Philippines - the other major sources of immigration into Canada.

Copyright Indo Asian News

Time to exorcise ghost immigration consultants

Some bilk newcomers, jeopardize national security

Vancouver SunFebruary 9, 2010

Many immigrants, leaving less than ideal circumstances in their own countries, choose to come to Canada in search of a better life. It's sad, then, that the first experience many of these vulnerable people have in Canada is one of exploitation.

The Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants drew attention to this problem last week, with the announcement of a $1-million advertising campaign. The campaign, which features the image of a shark attacking a seal, draws attention to the fact the unscrupulous, unaccredited immigration consultants -- known as "ghost" consultants -- treat prospective immigrants as prey. The ads will appear in a number of languages and will include a toll-free line to help immigrants find an accredited consultant.

The society, which was created in 2004, accredits and educates consultants, and by law, members are only allowed to take money in exchange for help in the immigration process. The problem, however, is that consultants need not be members of the society, and those who aren't frequently fleece prospective immigrants out of thousands of dollars.

For example, a Surrey woman recently claimed more than $50,000 had been illegally transferred from an account she had set up on the advice of Fereydoun Hadad, a West Vancouver immigration consultant. Hadad pleaded guilty in January to charges of fraud and uttering a forged document, and he will be sentenced in March.

And just last week it was revealed that the RCMP is investigating a case in which 300 people claimed to be living at the same address, This is not a unique situation, as shady agents often attempt to get around residency requirements by advising prospective immigrants to falsely claim they've been living in Canada.

In fact, these few examples don't convey the likely scope of this problem. The society notes that there are more ghost agents than there are accredited ones: While there are a total of 1,655 registered members, the society has identified some 1,920 ghost agents.

Not all of these ghosts are involved in illegal activities, but their sheer volume, and the fact that they operate in an entirely unregulated atmosphere, virtually guarantees that unscrupulous agents can quietly bilk people out of their life savings -- and put Canada's national security in jeopardy.

And this could become an even bigger problem, given that many Haitians are attempting to immigrate to Canada, particularly Quebec, where there are just 150 registered consultants.

Clearly, this is an area in need of significant reform.

The society was created in an effort to solve some problems associated with the immigration system, but given that membership in the society is entirely voluntary, the problems remain.

The society is calling on the federal government to crack down on ghost agents, something that has been promised for more than a year.

In response to the recent controversy, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said regulatory reforms will be announced this year.

It's about time to exorcise these ghosts. Our international reputation, and our national security, depend on it.
© Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun

N.B. rule change aims to boost immigration

FREDERICTON - The provincial government has changed immigration rules to allow residents to sponsor family members to move to the province from outside of Canada.

The changes to the Provincial Nominee Program are targeted to attract skilled workers and entrepreneurs to the province.

"The immediate family members of permanent residents should be afforded an opportunity to be successful in New Brunswick," said Business New Brunswick Minister Victor Boudreau, who is also responsible for the Population Growth Secretariat.

"This program change encourages retention by attracting newcomers with a genuine desire to stay in New Brunswick. Ultimately, we want our staff processing applications from individuals who are sincere about establishing businesses in our province."

Under the program's existing categories, nominees must have a job offer or a business plan. The changes will create a new category for skilled workers who already have family within New Brunswick.

Boudreau said residents will be able to help skilled family members find jobs and integrate into the province.

"Anyone looking for a job can tell you that the process often takes time and requires face-to-face contact with potential employers," he said.

"The process is even more difficult for those who live abroad."

In 2008, almost 2,000 immigrants arrived in New Brunswick through the program. The Population Growth Secretariat has a government mandate to attract 5,000 immigrants by 2015 and to significantly increase the retention rate once they arrive.

Lorraine LeClair, the executive director of the Multicultural Association of the Greater Moncton Area, said the new categories will make the program more effective for both the province and new immigrants.

"I think it's going to be a good initiative for New Brunswick," she said. "It's also going to be a great thing for our newcomers so that they'll be able to keep their families together and have an opportunity to bring more folks to New Brunswick."

LeClair said that should help New Brunswick meet its population growth goals, as well as provide benefits to immigrants.

"It shows that there are roots that are going to be built here," she said. "It keeps that family unit as a whole and it shows that we're a welcoming community, not just for the bottom line, but for a healthier, overall family environment."

Entrepreneurial immigrants looking to set up a business in New Brunswick must now submit a deposit, which will be refunded if they establish a business within two years of arriving in the province and it stays in operation for at least one year.

Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island also have similar programs that require a refundable deposit.


New rules help draw foreign students

Colleges laud move to speed visa process

Nicholas Keung,
Immigration Reporter

Until nine months ago, prospective students from India had to wait up to eight months for a visa to study in Canada – with many of them being rejected after a long delay or missing the course deadlines.

But a pilot program to fast-track applicants by Citizenship and Immigration Canada has dramatically reduced the visa-processing time to mere weeks for students like New Delhi's Dharam Pratap Singh, 29, who is enrolled in Centennial College's one-year project management post-graduate program.

Until the visa change was made, he says, students had to pay a fee and wait, possibly for too long, until they missed a term "and it's a year lost."

Canadian colleges laud the program, saying it will help them compete with schools in the United States, Britain and Australia in attracting international students, who pay far higher tuitions than local students.

The joint program between Canada's visa offices in India and the Association of Canadian Community Colleges has tightened the screening of applicants. Among other things, college officials must verify an applicant's financial resources and English proficiency.

"We want our international students' first experience with Canada to be a welcoming one," said Lorraine Trotter, dean of international and immigration education at George Brown College.

Under the pilot program, visa offices in India have received more than 4,000 applications with an approval rate more than double the previous year. Visa processing averages only 2 1/2 weeks.

As a result, Centennial College has seen its students from India increase from 450 to 975, with the visa-approval rate jumping from 27 per cent to 87 per cent.

"We want good students. Canada wants good immigrants. The program is marrying both," said Virginia Macchiavello, Centennial's international education director.

The number of foreign students in Canada has doubled since 1998 to 178,000, creating an estimated 83,000 jobs for Canadians last year. A 2009 government report found the students contributed $6.5 billion to the local economy.

As a result of globalization, George Brown's Trotter said many colleges have developed international strategies that include the delivery of programs overseas through partners and the globalization of curriculum for Canadian students.

"Employers are always looking for global-savvy employees," said Trotter, who just returned from a month-long tour of China and Korea to meet with overseas partners and promote the college.

Macchiavello said many visa students are keen on immigrating to Canada after graduation.

Their investment in a Canadian education can help cut integration costs, she said.

Rashmeet Kaur, a food and nutrition post-graduate student at Centennial, is one of those interested in staying in Canada.

"I like Canada," the 23-year-old New Delhi native said.

"I like its multicultural environment."


China: ..................................... 42,154

Korea: .................................... 27,440

U.S.: .......................................... 11,317

France: ..................................... 8,553

India: ......................................... 7,314

Japan:....................................... 6,627

Saudi Arabia: .......................... 4,672

Taiwan:...................................... 4,127

Hong Kong: .............................. 4,116

Mexico: .................................... 3,853

TOTAL: ................................ 178,227

Source: Citizenship and Immigration

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