Immigrants' job success linked to age of arrival: Study

2005/2006 university enrollment for various su...Image via Wikipedia
OTTAWA — Immigrants who arrive in Canada before the age of 18 have a better chance at job success than those who come as adults, according to a study released Tuesday.
The Institute for Research on Public Policy said immigrants who come to Canada as minors generally have similar success to those born in Canada, in terms of employment and pay levels.
The issue of Canadian employers recognizing foreign educational credentials was factored out by the study's methodology. It was based on Statistics Canada data on the employment status of people in 2005 who had completed Canadian post-secondary education in 2000.
"The earlier in life immigrants arrive, the more their academic paths will resemble those of their Canadian-born counterparts, and the easier it will be for them to master one of the official languages in Canada," said Maude Boulet, one of the study's authors and an expert in industrial relations at the Universite de Montreal.
Co-author Brahim Boudarbat, also an industrial relations specialist at the Universite de Montreal, said it comes down largely to linguistic ability and cultural integration of those who come to Canada at an earlier age.
"Those who learn (in the Canadian education system) very young make almost the same choices as Canadian-born," Boudarbat said in an interview. "They go through the same system, they learn the same information."
In some cases, immigrants who arrived in Canada as minors had better employment success rates than those born in Canada. People born in Canada with college diplomas had a 91.8 per cent employment rate, the study showed. Those who immigrated as a minor had an employment rate of 92.6 per cent, and those coming to Canada as adults were employed at a 90.6 per cent rate.
For those with bachelor's degrees, the employment rate was 91.5 per cent for those born in Canada, 94.2 per cent for those who immigrated younger than 18, and 81.6 per cent for those arriving at 18 or older.
Among those with master's degrees or doctorates, the employment rate was 93 per cent for Canadian-born people, 89.1 per cent for those who immigrated as youths, and 88.5 per cent for those who immigrated as adults.
Boudarbat said immigrants who came to Canada as youths tend to be more flexible in what jobs they will work than those born in this country and also those who arrive later in life. But this was also thought to be factor in the study's finding that younger immigrants are less likely to be in jobs related to their area of education.
The study recommends that immigrants of all ages more carefully consider their fields of study based on the needs of the labour market. It also calls on the federal government to favour younger newcomers in its labour-market-based approach to immigration. Boudarbat said this would include adult immigrants younger than 30, and also those with children. He said other studies shown that even younger adult immigrants tend to have more success in the labour market than older immigrants.

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Immigration pilot program tested in Manitoba

Manitoba Legislature, meeting place of the Leg...Image via Wikipedia
The Manitoba government is piloting a Canadian program designed to help new immigrants get a strong start when they arrive in the province.
Premier Greg Selinger made the announcement in Beijing Tuesday, where he is on a trade and tourism mission with Lt-Gov. Philip Lee.
The pilot program will offer immigrants from China and the Philippines a "pre-arrival" orientation to help people plan their training and employment before touching down in Manitoba, Selinger said.
'The more informed and prepared immigrants are before they arrive, the more likely they are to achieve their career goals and contribute to Manitoba's economic growth.'—Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger
The service, provided through the provincial nominee program, will include a career plan based on labour-market information and out-of-country job and education qualifications.
Qualified immigrants will also have access to Manitoba's English Online language program that provides facilitated English-language training using Manitoba-specific scenarios.
Students will be able to interact with language teachers based in Manitoba, who will provide one-on-one guidance throughout the student's training.
"Manitoba is dedicated to providing more supports to assist provincial nominees to begin their employment and settlement planning before they arrive in our province," said Selinger.
"The more informed and prepared immigrants are before they arrive, the more likely they are to achieve their career goals and contribute to Manitoba's economic growth."
The $15-million program is being funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
If proven successful, the program will then be adapted for provincial nominees destined for other provincial jurisdictions, federal Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney stated in a news release.
"This pilot demonstrates our aim to meet specific needs of newcomers destined for provinces across the country," he said.
The initiative will begin in November with approximately 40 Manitoba nominees.

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Canada forecast to have more immigration and possibly 47 million people in 2036

Entrance of Mount Robson Provincial Park, Brit...Image via Wikipedia
Canada is projecting faster population growth because of more immigration than they have projected in the past. Previously Canada was projecting 39.4 million people in 2035 but now they are projecting a medium assumption forecast of 43.5 million in 2035. There will be many updated national population counts and new population forecasts starting from the end of 2010 and through 2011 and 2012 as the census results from 2010 are tabulated for different countries.

Canada's fastest growing province in British Columbia (BC) which could top 7 million people in 2036.

Canada would be in the range of 33 to 38th most populous country. I am expecting that over the next couple of decades that the current estimate will be revised upwards again. Canada is doing very well with oil in Alberta and Saskatchwan and natural gas in BC.

If Canada's population growth trends go towards the high-growth scenario then the 2050 population could be 60-75 million. This would put Canada around 25th in World population and possibly exceeding the expected population of France or the UK.

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Canada: An ideal destination for Americans who want to live abroad.

Canada speeds up foreign credential recognition for medical doctors

The Doctor, by Sir Luke Fildes (1891)Image via WikipediaIt will soon be a little easier for foreign medical doctors to obtain their licenses in Canada. Because of the shortage of medical doctors in this country, the Medical council of Canada will soon receive more than 2.8 million dollars to help foreign trained physicians practice in Canada.
While 2.8 million may seem like a lot, it is nothing compared to the $50 million that the government has invested to improve foreign credential recognition. Although it may seem that it is only now that Canada is realizing it’s shortage of skilled medical personnel, a lot of money has been invested since 2006 to ensure that foreign doctors have an easier time obtaining work in Canada. It is definitely a project that is important to both Canadian citizens and the government alike.
The Foreign Credentials Referral Office was created in 2007 with an initial investment of $37.2 million to be distributed over five years. This was increased by $7.5 million in Budget 2009 and subsequently by $6 million in 2010–2011.
“Canadians with loved ones who are sick or injured want foreign-trained medical doctors in the emergency room or the doctor’s office doing what they do best,” said Minister Kenney. “This investment is part of the federal government’s overall action plan to work with the provinces and territories to ensure that licensing bodies put in place better programs to recognize foreign credentials.”
The Medical Council of Canada will soon be implementing a system whereby foreign doctors can apply electronically to have their credentials recognized.
“Once the application for medical registration launches in 2012, the process to apply for a medical licence will become much easier,” said Dr. Trevor Theman, Vice-President of the Medical Council of Canada’s Executive Board. “Physicians will only have to submit a pre‑populated electronic application and provide access to authenticated credentials.”

Source: Canada Immigration news.
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More US doctors choosing immigration to Canada

September 13 2010 by Mario Hannah
Doctors immigrate to Canada
Doctors immigrate to Canada
Increasing numbers of doctors in the US are opting to move to Canada, believing their northern neighbour has become a more attractive place to work.
In two surprising new trends, the number of doctors leaving the States to immigrate to Canada is increasing, while the number leaving Canada has dropped.
Statistics released by Canadian Institute for Health Information show the number of doctors entering Canada has exceeded the number leaving every year for the past five years.
The news is surprising because Canada suffered for years from an exodus of its doctors to the United States. The problem dates back to the 1990s, when Canadian health reforms prompted many Canadian doctors to resort to US immigration.
Today, US health reforms seem to be having a similar effect. Uncertainty about the impact of the reforms – as well as the potential to earn more money – is making Canadian immigration an attractive option.
“Obama’s health plan is scaring the life out of all the doctors in the United States,” John Philpott, CEO of CanAM Physician Recruiting in Halifax, told Canada’s National Post.
He added: “Talking to physicians in the United States, they’re shocked how much more money they can make in Canada.”


BC PNP APPLICATION PROCESS Business Skills, Fast-Track

The chamber of the British Columbia provincial...Image via WikipediaThe BC PNP is a provincial immigration program which is operated in partnership with Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The specific program we will describe below is known as the “Business Skills” program and is suitable for investment in the GVRD or Abbotsford. Applicants can be fast-tracked if a client is willing to deposit $125,000 interest free with the province after nomination. The deposit is refundable in full when the client satisfies the terms of the PNP program.

Compared to the Federal Investor Program, the BC PNP business programs typically offer a number of advantages, including early entry in Canada on a work permit, control over investor dollars and flexible qualification criteria.

The general requirements of the program include:

  • Confirmation of a personal net worth of at least $800,000.00
  • An minimum investment in a BC business of $400,000.00 (existing business or start-up)
  • The investment must create three full time jobs in the business
  • You must actively participate in the management of the business
  • You must demonstrate enough unencumbered funds to make the investment
  • You must own at least 33.3% of the voting and non-redeemable shares in the business

The Investment

The general guidelines regarding the $400,000 investment are flexible, but must still conform to a number of rules, including:

  • A maximum of $267,000 of the $400,000 investment (2/3) can be attributed to the purchase of shares. You may purchase shares for more than this amount but will only get credit for $267,000.
  • Investments in real-property are generally not credited except for in unique situation
  • The balance of the investment may be used for items such as equipment, leasehold improvements, inventory, patents, promotion/marketing, professional/start-up fees and start-up wage
  • The business investment has to be reasonable and make good commercial sense

A Regional Program exists for clients wishing to invest outside of the GVRD or Abbotsford, but still in BC. The requirements under the Regional Program are half of the Business Skills program, i.e., $400,000 net worth and a $200,000 investment and at least one full-time job created.
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Government of Canada Welcoming Growing Number of Indian Visitors, Students and Immigrants

Geopolitical map of CanadaImage via Wikipedia
CHANDIGARH, INDIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 9, 2010) - Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is helping a growing number of Indians to visit, study in and immigrate to Canada, says Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.
"For over a century, Canada has benefited from the talent and hard work of newcomers from the subcontinent," Minister Kenney said. "Some one million Canadians can trace their ancestry to India, and now a growing number of Indians are getting the chance to visit family and friends in Canada, study at Canadian colleges and universities, or indeed immigrate to Canada as permanent residents."
Last year, India was the top source country of immigration to Canada, with more than 32,000 permanent resident visas issued to Indian nationals, an increase of 13% from the year before, and 53% more than the three-year average from 1997 to 1999.
The number of Indian students granted visas to study in Canada has seen a steep increase in the recent past. By the end of 2010, it is estimated that the number of student visas that CIC issues to Indian students will have tripled over 2008 levels. This is in part due to the Canada-in-India Student Partners Program launched earlier this year by CIC in cooperation with the Association of Canadian Community Colleges.
"Thanks to the new Canadian Experience Class introduced by our government, many of these bright young Indians will have a convenient way to become permanent residents in Canada if they choose to do so at the end of their studies," Minister Kenney said.
The Minister also issued a progress report on visa services being offered out of the Canadian Consulate in Chandigarh, which assists would-be travellers from the Indian states of Punjab and Haryana.
The report reveals that in 2009, Canada issued more than double the number of visitor visas out of the Chandigarh office than in 2004, the year that the bureau was first opened. The increase in the number of visas issued in Chandigarh—from 3,300 in 2004 to 10,040 in 2009—is matched by an increase in the visa approval rate to 48%, up from 34% in 2006. Minister Kenney underscored that the number of visas issued by the CIC Chandigarh office in the first six months of 2010 exceeded the total number of visas issued in 2005.
"This is good news for those applying to visit family and friends in Canada," Minister Kenney noted. "While every visa decision is made on the merits of each application, these increased figures show that CIC officials have been working harder, and more efficiently, to make it possible for a growing number of bona fide travellers to visit Canada. I want to thank them for their hard work."
Minister Kenney also commended Indian officials for the progress made in addressing immigration fraud. "One of the reasons why many visa applications are rejected is that they include counterfeit documents, or have been mishandled by crooked immigration consultants. I raised this matter with Punjab Chief Minister Singh in early 2009, and am pleased to see that local authorities have increased their efforts to crack down on many immigration fraudsters. Even stronger enforcement of the laws against this kind of fraud and exploitation would help us to continue improving visa services to our clients."
Following his visit to Chandigarh, Minister Kenney will head to Hong Kong for the next leg of his Asian trip.
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How Canada will become a superpower, making the Northern Rim the envy of the world

Institute of Geosciences of the Universidade F...Image via WikipediaAlthough climate change could still have devastating effects for much of the world, some regions stand to benefit immensely. Canada, Scandinavia, and even Greenland could all become economic powerhouses, making "The New North" a very attractive destination. This is one of the central premises of respected climate scientist Laurence Smith's new book, The World in 2050: Four Forces Shaping Civilization's Northern Future, which is published later this month. Just as the Pacific Rim has gained ever-increasing economic importance over the last half-century, melting in the polar regions will allow a similarly powerful Arctic Rim to develop, providing an unprecedented economic jolt to Canada, Russia, the northern United States, Scandinavia, Iceland, and Greenland.
Smith calls these countries Northern Rim Countries, or NORCs for short. While the rest of the world's resources will be badly overstretched by climate change - Smith sees a 4.5 degree increase in temperature as abest-case scenario, and anything up to 10 degrees is possible - the vast natural resources that are currently frozen beneath the Canadian or Siberian tundra will be unlocked. That will both make current residents of these areas much wealthier and attract lots of new immigrants. Canada in particular could see massive population growth thanks to oil resources that are only surpassed by those of Saudi Arabia. The Canadian population could grow by 30 percent in the next few decades, which is comparable to India's current growth rate.
Collectively, these NORCs would be the world's fourth biggest economic power, trailing only the BRIC countries (the combined might of Brazil, Russia, India, and China), the European Union, and the United States. The Northern Rim could be the only place in the world where climate change will cause increased crop production, which could turn Greenland into the world's very unlikely breadbasket.
Water will also be a hot commodity - summer shipping lanes in the Arctic will finally provide a direct trade link between Europe and the Far East, which will provide further drive for Northern Rim economic growth, not to mention make a bunch of sixteenth century kings very happy. The NORCs could also have huge supplies of fresh water, which might become a major trade item depending on how severe the effects of Climate Change are elsewhere.
Smith says looking for the bright side of global warming is unfamiliar territory for him, but he realized he couldn't ignore the possibility when researching the human side of climate change in the northern regions:
"I kept badgering people for stories about climate change. They'd sigh and oblige me, but then say, 'There's also this oil plant going up behind me' or 'All these Filipino immigrants are pouring in.' Within about two months, I realized there is a lot more going on up there besides climate change. Climate change is a critical threat to many people, but it isn't the sole development in their lives. I went up there to write a book about climate change. I came out of it writing about the world and the big pressures it faces."
Not all of his predictions are so rosy, of course. Alternative energy technologies still won't be up to the task of meeting global energy needs in 2050, meaning we are stuck with fossil fuels for a long while yet. In fact, he thinks coal, the dirtiest of all energy sources, might be the only option for impoverished nations struggling to meet the energy demand. Megacities - cities with more than ten million people - will only increase in number, but he doubts they will become any more livable. In fact, he says many megacities in the developing world are already "hell on Earth", and they will only get worse during the energy crunch.
Wildlife could also be badly affected. Smith believes we will see the greatest mass extinction event since an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Many species will be forced to migrate northward to survive, which will also cause widespread hybridization between those species already in the north and their cousins currently in the south.
Smith stresses that the NORCs won't displace more southern economic powerhouses, but they will offer a very attractive alternative:
"It's not that London or L.A. are going to become empty wastelands. Even in 2050, there will be far more people down here than in the north. But many northern places that are now marginal or not really thought much about will emerge as very nice places to be. In many ways, the stresses that will be very apparent in other parts of the world by 2050 - like coastal inundation, water scarcity, heat waves and violent cities - will be easing or unapparent in northern places. The cities that are rising in these NORC countries are amazingly globalized, livable and peaceful."
So which cities in particular will see the biggest benefits from this climate change? Smith points to Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Seattle, Calgary, Edmonton, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Ottawa, Reykjavik, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, St. Petersburg and Moscow as cities that will all grow in size, economic power, and prestige over the next few decades. He also identifies ten "ports of the future" that will be hubs of the Arctic Rim shipping lanes: Prudhoe Bay, Alaska; Churchill, Canada; Archangelsk, Dudinka, and Murmansk in Russia; Norway's Hammerfest, Kirkenes, and Tromsø; and Nuuk, Greenland.
There's also some cause for optimism that indigenous people in the NORCs will actually benefit from these changes. Self-determination treaties are common in many of these countries, which give indigenous peoples control over the natural resources on their lands.
Ultimately, Smith doesn't mean to minimize the immense challenges that global warming will give us, but that still doesn't mean we have to ignore the potential benefits:
"It's like the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. There's a new part of the world that's emerging, with vast continents and a harsh geographical gradient but also resource and immigration bonanzas. Humanity will increasingly look north in response to the four global pressures of rising population, resource demand, globalization and climate change."
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The quiet Americans who are Canada’s invisible immigrants

President George W. Bush and Canadian Prime Mi...Image via Wikipedia
From Monday's Globe and Mail
Canada takes pride in being a country of immigrants. Scholars devote much time to researching the social and economic outcomes of newcomers, most of whom hail from visible-minority communities. It is fitting, then, that someone has delved into Canada’s fourth-largest immigration source: Americans.
These invisible immigrants – there are one million, more than at any time since the Vietnam War – are a unique group. According to a leading American geographer, they come to Canada not for economic opportunities, but for the country’s set of values.
Of course, every immigrant’s motivations are intensely personal. However, extensive research by Susan Hardwick, a professor at the University of Oregon, shows that the over-arching inspiration for moving north of the border is an idealistic one.
Americans are attracted by their view of Canada’s more liberal culture. That includes support for a universal public health-care system, positive attitudes toward gays and lesbians, gun control laws and multiculturalism.
In British Columbia, for example, Prof. Hardwick found that most recent arrivals from the U.S. reported their primary reason for leaving was the idea that Canada is a safe refuge for liberal thinkers and idealists.
There are also a growing number of what she calls “midlife mavericks,” who are seeking new lives in what they see as the promised land.
The trend, it seems, is enduring. Reciprocal migration means Canadians need not worry about the brain drain south.
Prof. Hardwick attributes the spike in American immigration, in part, to dissatisfaction with the conservative policies of former president George W. Bush’s years in office.
Now that President Barack Obama, a Democrat, is in the White House, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper leads a Conservative minority government, will liberal Americans sour on Canada? Early research results show that American immigrants are not inclined to move back, especially in light of Canada’s stronger economy.
As well, given Tea Party activism, anti-immigration policies in states such as Arizona, and popularity of commentators such as Glenn Beck, liberal Americans remain unsettled by U.S. political culture.
American-Canadians are enthusiastic Canadians. Even those who retain dual citizenship embrace their new identity. Two-thirds of American immigrants have a “very strong” sense of belonging to Canada, according to the Canadian Ethnic Diversity Study. For many, Canada is the “America idealized” in the post-9/11 world, says Prof. Hardwick.
American-Canadians also earn higher salaries and are more educated than other immigrant groups in Canada.
Canadians should embrace these newcomers, and be careful not to tar them as overly individualistic, flag-waving or materialistic – stereotypical traits often, wrongly, associated with Americans.
The presence of American immigrants is doing as much to shape Canada as the influence of newcomers from China, South Asia and the Philippines.
Canadians should resist the urge to repeat negative clichés about the U.S., and view Americans as among the most buoyant new Canadians.
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