Program helps a new wave of Irish immigrants transition to Montreal

Montreal City HallImage via Wikipedia
MONTREAL — There's a steady increase in the number of Irish immigrants coming to Montreal for job opportunities.
The Canadian government has increased quotas in its working holiday program with Ireland and a new Montreal group is helping Irish immigrants make the most of Montreal.
Catherine McKee moved from Ireland to Montreal in January.
She studied French in university, and wanted to continue improving her language skills.
"I've lived in France previously, so I wanted a new experience and I thought that Montreal would be a good place to learn," she told CTV Montreal.
McKee quickly found work as a receptionist at an IT company.
She credits a newly formed group, called the Irish Immigrant Integration Initiative, with helping her get started.
"It all seems to be very well organized," she said. "They're really looking out for the Irish people that are coming in."
The group organized a networking event back in February. Newly-arrived immigrants had the opportunity to learn about Montreal's Irish community.
More importantly, they were introduced to potential employers. 
Michelle Vahey of the St. Patrick's Society of Montreal says that ever since the economic downturn there are fewer opportunities in Ireland. 
"Some companies folded, some other companies weren't taking on possibly as many graduates as they had done in the past," she said. 
Canadian and Irish governments also have a working holiday program agreement available for people aged 18-35. Canada has increased the number of Irish working holiday visas -- from 2,000 to 5,000 -- and the term has also been extended -- from one year to two. 
Vahey says it shows the strong ties between the two countries and stands to benefit both.

Study Shows Vast Skills, Labour Shortages Looming for Canada’s Tech Sector

Facade of Ives Hall, Cornell UniversityImage via Wikipedia
20 April 2011
March 29, 2011
Canada’s ICT sector, representing the country’s information, communications and technology employment base, is facing alarming skills and labour shortages in the next five years. Today’s release of Outlook for Human Resources in the ICT Labour Market, 2011-2016 by the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) , in partnership with the Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC) , underscores the shortages, and paints a picture of a new job market for ICT that has radically changed. ICTC also reported that all stakeholders in the sector—industry and education, the associations that represent them, and government—recognize the looming shortages and are poised to act.

The new report underscores that in most regions in Canada and for most ICT occupations, demand will far exceed supply.  Employers will encounter systemic shortages when recruiting for ICT jobs that require five or more years’ experience. The severity of these shortages will increase when employers are seeking to recruit ICT people with leading edge skills such as marketing, accounting and finance competencies.

The results also show a new job market for ICT, one that has radically changed. Industry now needs workers with the leading edge package of skills, for example systems analysis and design combined with marketing, operations management and HR management, or people with particular combinations of domain experience (such as e-health, e-finance and digital media) together with ICT expertise.

Over the next five years, Canadian employers will need to hire an estimated 106,000 ICT workers.

“The potential skills and labour shortage crisis has been identified as one of the most defining issues facing the ICT sector in Canada today, said Bernard Courtois, President and CEO of ITAC. Global job mobility, technological change, demographics, declining enrolments, and shifting investment patterns have combined to create a pending shortfall among skilled ICT workers. “ITAC and other sector stakeholders asked ICTC to help us understand the reasons for these trends and offer regional and occupational forecast,” said Courtois, “and we are now armed with this fresh survey information and ground-breaking analysis by leading Canadian experts to assess current and forecasted trends, and to recommend and implement corrective actions.”

British expats have voted Canada the best place to live in.

Map Gaels Brythons Picts GBImage via Wikipedia
According to a study of over 1,000 expats carried out by NatWest International, Canada is the country which offers the best qualify of life for Britons abroad.
92 per cent of British expats in Canada surveyed by the bank praised their working environment as "very good” or "excellent”, while 90 per cent rated their financial security as meeting the same criteria.
Canada's health care system, educational standards and attractive natural environment were similarly rated highly by respondents.
Dave Isley, head of NatWest International Personal Banking said: “This is the second year Canada has topped the tables of the NatWest IPB Quality of Life Index. Its excellent working conditions, financial security and peaceful reputation have pushed Canada into this year’s pole position.
“As a member of the Commonwealth, Canada offers Brits common values and goals shared with the UK, helping British expats settle into the country and feel at home.”
Expat Stephen Davis, who lives in Toronto, said: "The media gives excessive attention to areas of sun, sand, sea and easy living etc. Life is not like that in Canada, but what we do have is a meritocracy in an ordered and quite well-organised society... where salaries are reasonable, the country's economy is relatively sound, and almost everyone has access to high quality health care. While no country can ever be perfect, I'm personally very glad I live here."
Stephanie Ash, a British expat who lives in Thunder Bay, north-western Ontario, added that she had personally found that the quality of life in Canada was “superior to anywhere else in the world”.
“Families here enjoy a high disposable income, which means a great lifestyle,” she said. "We have large and affordable homes, a clean and beautiful environment, great employment standards, plenty of business opportunities, and world-class education."
The country does, however, have one crippling disadvantage for expats. It is one of the 150 or so countries where British migrants can expect to have their pensions frozen at the rate they are when they first start drawing them abroad - something which causes serious financial difficulties for many of the country's oldest British settlers.
New Zealand and Australia occupied the second and third places on the index respectively.
The survey found that more than half of those Britons living and working abroad earn between £50,000 and £100,000, with expats based in Hong Kong earning the highest salaries. Nearly half of the expats based there said they were earning more than £100,000 a year
Canada has long sought to boost economic and demographic growth through immigration, and has one of the highest per-capita immigration rates in the world.

McGuinty wants more control over immigration

Dalton McGuinyImage via Wikipedia
TORONTO - Ontario should have greater control over which immigrants come to the province and the programs that help them settle in, Premier Dalton McGuinty says.
"We want the federal government to devolve to Ontario the authority to administer, plan and design our own integration and settlement programs for newcomers," McGuinty said.
"We also want more say in the selection of immigrants coming to Ontario so we can make choices that support our economic growth," he said Wednesday.
At present, for example, Ontario gets 16% of economic-class immigrants while the national average is 25%."
Manitoba, B.C. and Quebec have been given more autonomy over immigration matters than Ontario, he said.
Employers complain to the government that they cannot find workers with necessary skills and the province needs to be able to attract immigrants with economically important skills to boost its overall bottom line, he said.
But McGuinty said the province will still welcome new immigrants who arrive through other routes such as family reunification.
"Most of us here come from other parts of the world at some point in time and I bet you that most of our parents, or grandparents or great-grandparents didn't have extraordinary skill sets," he said.
"We started at the bottom. That's certainly where my family came into this. So we never want to shut those people out but what we do want is a better balance."
He intends to continue raising issues of concern to the province, like immigration and health care, throughout the federal campaign, McGuinty said.
Tory MPP Jim Wilson said the premier is deflecting criticism from his own domestic policies that have led to an unemployment rate that's been higher than the national average for 51 months.
NDP Leader Andrea Horwath also accused McGuinty of trying to change the channel, insisting he should focus on finding appropriate jobs for immigrants who have already arrived.
"We still see many, many people who have skills who are driving cabs, who have skills who are delivering pizzas," Horwath said.

Canada undergoing temporary growth spurt: BoC

Due to its soaring value against the American ...Image via Wikipedia
The Canadian economy likely expanded by a surprisingly strong 4.2 per cent in the first three months of the year, but it was a temporary burst of activity that is already over, the Bank of Canada says in its new outlook.
Topics : 
Canada , United States , Middle East
The central bank's new quarterly outlook paints a picture of an economy that is settling down to a protracted period of slow growth, being held back by a high loonie, a tapped-out consumer and government spending restraint.
The bank says the current second quarter will see growth brake to two per cent, less than half what it was in the first, in part because of supply disruptions to Canada's auto sector caused by the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. The disruption will lessen going forward, however.
On an annual basis, the economy is forecast to slow from 2.9 per cent this year, to 2.6 per cent next year and 2.1 per cent in 2013.
The overall take from the document is that the bank appears in no hurry to start raising interest rates to slow the economy because other factors are doing the job.
The bank doesn't appear to be overly worried that high oil and food prices might trigger inflation. It briefly notes that inflation may hit three per cent, at the upper end of the bank's acceptable range, in the next few months, but appears unconcerned.
"The combination of modest growth in labour compensation (wages) and higher productivity is expected to continue to dampen inflationary pressures, with the higher assumed value of the Canadian dollar providing further restraint," the bank said.
Economists had been pointing to either May or July as the most likely dates for the bank to start raising its policy rate from the current one per cent, which would have the effect of also raising short-term interest rates for such things as variable mortgages.
But the dovish tone of the latest outlook suggests interest rates could remain low longer, especially amid fears that moving aggressively in advance of the United States likely would have the undesired effect of lifting the loonie even higher.
The bank does concede that it has been taken by surprise by the 3.3 per cent expansion in the fourth quarter of 2010, and the likely even stronger 4.2 per cent spurt in the first three months of this year.
That means Canada's economy will likely return to full capacity by the middle of next year, earlier than previously expected.
But it stresses temporary factors were responsible, including stronger exports and domestic consumption, and that there is still plenty of slack in the economy.
The exports surge is already over, the bank says, and the persistently strong dollar averaging $1.03 US will continue to restrain exports going forward.
"The bank continues to project ... that the recovery in exports will be subdued relative to earlier global recoveries, with the higher level of the Canadian dollar assumed in this projection adding to long-standing competitive challenges," it said.
Consumption may remain moderately stronger than would be assumed, the bank says, in part because high commodity prices are increasing household purchasing power through gains in the terms of trade, the difference between export and import prices. It estimates the country's gross domestic income will rise by 4.7 this year.
Still, it believes the housing market will continue to cool and that government spending restraint will be a net drag on the economy this year.
The biggest engine of growth remains business investment, it says, in part because the higher Canadian dollar makes investment in foreign-made machinery and equipment less expensive.
Globally, the bank sees little change in the economic outlook, although it continues to stress risk factors such as high debt both among households and governments in the advanced economies, the Japanese crisis, turmoil in the Middle East and high commodity prices, especially oil.
Despite the risks, it says the global recovery is becoming more rooted and that even growth in troubled Europe is strengthening.
"The global economic recovery is projected to proceed at a steady pace over 2011-13," the bank says, projecting growth of 4.1 per cent this year and 3.9 per cent next.
The bank has slightly lowered its forecast for U.S. growth this year to three per cent, from its previous 3.3 per cent call four months ago.

Ladner's Chinese rant ignores economic boom

View on Vancouver on October 1, 2005Image via WikipediaBY ETHAN BARON, THE PROVINCE

Former Vancouver councillor Peter Ladner argues that wealthy Chinese homebuyers are driving Vancouver's real-estate prices to heights unaffordable for regular British Columbians.
"Mainland Chinese immigrants are moving to Metro Vancouver at the rate of 10,000 a year," Ladner said. "These immigrants are in some sense political and economic refugees, securing citizenship in Canada as a backup plan for their children's futures."
Rich Chinese buyers, Ladner suggests, are making a killing. He quotes a realtor's flyer boasting that his average client's equity rose from $150,000 to $4.5 million between 1993 and 2011.
"The result of this frenzy is that Vancouver's housing has priced its average citizens well out of the market," Ladner added.
Cry me a river, and make it the Yangtze. Unless you don't buy Chinese-made products, you've got no grounds for complaint.
British Columbians purchase billions of dollars in goods from China, fuelling the economic boom enriching the people who are buying up Vancouver real estate.
In 2000, B.C. Stats predicted British Columbians' contribution to China's economic expansion.
"As China industrializes, the early indications are that British Columbia will . . . play an important supporting role in the emergence of an Asian economic giant," the agency reported.
Imports to B.C. from China the year that prediction was made stood at $3 billion, according to Statistics Canada. Last year, B.C. imported $8.8 billion in goods from China. Canada as a whole imported $44.5 billion in Chinese products in 2010.
"The top five commodities imported from China in 2010 were electronic computers, telecommunication equipment, games and toys, furniture and fixtures and outerwear," StatsCan's 2010 international trade review says.
China's share of Canada's imports rose to 11 per cent in 2010 from 3.7 per cent in 2001, according to StatsCan.
Why do we buy so many Chinese products? Because they're cheap. Why are they cheap? Because Chinese workers are paid very poorly, often toil in abysmal conditions and sometimes get kicked out of their homes so wealthy industrialists can level them and build more factories. Who benefits from this trade relationship? Why, we British Columbians who save money buying cheap goods, and those Chinese who make money off the cheap production of cheap goods. We get inexpensive sweaters. They get houses in Shaughnessy.
Shop at the dollar store all you want, it ain't gonna get you into West Point Grey.
Ladner is right. He's identified a problem that few will speak about for fear of being labelled as racist. But if you're going to point a finger, make sure you're standing in front of a mirror.
Oh, and about that mirror . . .

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Tories promise loans for immigrants seeking to upgrade skills

DSC_0124 Prime Minister Stephen HarperImage by Kashmera via FlickrBY ANDREW MAYEDA, POSTMEDIA NEWS

MARKHAM, Ont. — A re-elected Conservative government would offer loans to immigrants so they can get the training they need to have their credentials recognized in Canada, Stephen Harper said Wednesday.
Many recent immigrants have trouble getting jobs in the field in which they were educated because their credentials often aren't recognized by professional regulatory bodies.
It's a persistent problem that, according to some studies, has increased the gap in standards of living between immigrants and Canadian-born workers with similar education levels.
The Conservatives hinted at addressing the issue in the budget unveiled last month. On Wednesday, Harper said the Conservatives will offer loans to help immigrants pay for the skills training or upgrading required for credential recognition.
"These bridge loans will make it easier for new Canadians to find jobs that take full advantage of their experience and expertise," Harper said in a statement.
The loans will cover expenses associated with training, training materials, exams, administration and registration fees, and other costs associated with the foreign credential recognition process.
The measure will cost about $6 million annually and won't be delayed until the budget is balanced, like other announcements the Conservatives have made on the campaign.
The Tories hope the measure will help their chances with the large population of immigrants in Canada's biggest city. The Conservatives are optimistic they can increase their seat total in the Greater Toronto Area, especially in the suburban ridings that encircle the city.
Led by Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, the party has been aggressively courting various ethnic communities in the GTA.
Harper announced the measure in the riding of Oak Ridges-Markham, where Conservative Paul Calandra is the incumbent. Harper will later address a rally in Ajax-Pickering, where Liberal incumbent Mark Holland is facing off against Conservative star candidate Chris Alexander, Canada's former ambassador to Afghanistan.
The Conservatives note that many immigrants have trouble paying the tuition and training costs needed to go through the credential-recognition process.
Many such individuals don't have a credit history that would enable them to take out private loans, and their training courses might not qualify them for federal student loans.

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