Financial literacy a skill all Canadians could get better at

In the last decade, Alberta's share of Canada's immigrants has almost doubled reaching nearly 12 per cent of Canada's total. And in Calgary alone there are more than 3,000 refugee claimants. Alberta and the West are increasingly a destination for immigrants.
It is no real surprise that the Canadian West is a becoming a bigger magnet for international immigration.
The relative health of our economy and strength of the job market makes places like B.C., Alberta, and Saskatchewan very attractive destinations. We need immigration, especially skilled workers, to help fuel continued economic growth.
To this end, Citizenship and Immigration Canada has plans for 42,000 to 45,000 people to arrive in Alberta next year through the Provincial Nominee Program.
Most Canadians think immigration is a positive force in our country. A poll released by the Trudeau Foundation earlier this month reveals that Canadians say, by a three-to-one margin, immigration is making the country a better place. The question, then, is how best to prepare and equip new Canadians to flourish in their adopted home.
Among the top challenges facing recent immigrants is money and financial literacy. Indeed, the same Trudeau Foundation poll found that six-in-10 say immigrants should be required to become economically self-sufficient in their first year in Canada.
Money and financial literacy is a big issue for a lot of Canadians, not just newcomers. The debt-todisposable income ratio has risen steadily over the last 20 years reaching 148 per cent in 2010. Momentum, a local organization that provides financial literacy programs for lower-income Calgarians, notes that more than half of Canadians say they need help with financial management skills.
Financial concerns rank even higher among immigrants. The most recent Signposts survey prepared for the City of Calgary and United Way found that while 18 per cent of Calgarians born in Canada are concerned with not having enough money for food, 29 per cent of immigrants are concerned about the same.
Recent immigrants have particular challenges when it comes to money. Earlier this year, the Minister of Finance's Financial Literacy Task Force noted that while recent immigrants are doing better keeping track of finances, they are struggling making ends meet, choosing financial products, planning ahead, and staying informed. New Canadians tend to have strong financial support from family, be resourceful, and are relatively thrifty. Recent immigrants, however, also tend to struggle with language barriers as well as with loans, credit, interest, and budgeting.
This challenge hit home a few weeks ago. A good friend volunteers her time helping a large number of refugees who arrived in Calgary over the last few years. She helps them find jobs and homes, prepare their taxes, visit doctors, figure out schools for their children, as well as deal with winter. She received a call from one of the young men recently. He excitedly told her that he bought a new truck and wanted her to come along to pick it up.
The papers were all signed and finalized; he had purchased a brand-new truck for $56,000. He now faces $800 monthly payments for the next seven years, $400 a month for insurance, and every tank of gas costs more than $100. He makes $17 an hour. This young man was frankly thrilled with his new truck, but he does not seem to understand the financial burden he has assumed.
He ultimately bears responsibility for his decision, but concepts of budgeting, loans and interest are totally unfamiliar to him, his friends, and family. He has little direct or indirect experience with buying a car, along with the options and negotiations usually associated with the process.
When my friend confronted the dealership, the salesman saw nothing wrong with the sale. The car salesman could have just as easily sold a base model or used truck, but instead was more than willing to take advantage of this young man's inexperience.
Canada needs these new Canadians, and we should want them to succeed in their new home. What, then, can be done to help improve financial literacy, especially among recent immigrants?
Minister Jim Flaherty's Task Force on Financial Literacy established a good framework. Edmontonarea MP James Rajotte has continued the effort with a motion in the House of Commons. Their efforts should be encouraged. Likewise, local organizations like Momentum should be supported in their work to encourage financial literacy.
Finally, newcomers to Canada also learn from the behaviour and example of other Canadians. Among us, there had better be more kindly volunteers teaching and modelling Canadian values than there are shady car salesmen.
Nicholas Gafuik lives and works in Calgary. His column appears the last Sunday of each month.


Getting on Canada's wanted list

What does it take to be on Canada's wanted list for suspected war crimes or crimes against humanity?
- Individuals have a removal (deportation) order that is in force.
- Individuals have a Canada-wide warrant for arrest and detention for removal issued under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
- The Canada Border Services Agency has actively investigated the whereabouts of these individuals "using all the tools at our disposal with no results."
Number of refugee claimants in Canada currently under investigation for war crimes or genocide: 132
- Number of non-refugee claimants under investigation: 28
- Total number of permanent resident applications referred to the Canada Border Services Agency for screening for war crimes or crimes against humanity in 2010-2011: 415
- Total number deemed inadmissible to Canada: 22
- Total number of applicants referred to the CBSA last year for possible links to organized crime: 162
- Total number deemed inadmissible: 23
- Estimated cost of prosecuting Rwandan Desire Munyaneza for genocide and war crimes in Montreal: $4 million.
- Cost of revoking citizenship of accused Serbian war criminal Branko Rogan: $300,000.
- Minimum number of illegal immigrants - people under a removal order - in Canada: 124,000
- Number of active arrest warrants for illegal immigrants: 28,737
- Annual budget for Canada's War Crimes Program, 2005-2010: $15.6 million
- Proposed annual budget starting in 2011: $8.4 million

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A primer on the immigration appeal process

OTTAWA — Federal Court judges hear appeals and judicial review applications from a wide range of processes and decision-makers in immigration, refugee and citizenship cases. But only a small percentage of those decisions ever make it to Federal Court. Here's a short overview.
The IRB, Canada's largest independent administrative tribunal, makes decisions on immigration and refugee matters. It has three divisions, with a fourth on the way.
- The Refugee Protection Division (RPD) rules on claims for refugee protection made by people already in Canada. Last year, it finalized 32,634 claims for refugee protection, accepting 38 per cent of those. In the first six months of this year, it accepted 37 per cent of the 17,021 claims it dealt with.
- The Immigration Division (ID) conducts immigration admissibility hearings for permanent residents or foreign nationals who may have contravened the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, as well as detention reviews in cases involving permanent residents or foreign nationals. Last year it concluded 2,779 admissibility hearings and 13,888 detention reviews. Between Jan. 1 and June 30 of this year, it concluded 1,322 admissibility hearings and 5,939 detention reviews.
- The Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) hears appeals on immigration matters, including appeals of removal orders and appeals by sponsors whose applications to bring family members to Canada have been denied by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. In 2010, it finalized 7,019 cases and concluded a further 3,537 in the first six months of this year.
- Next June, a new Refugee Appeal Division (RAD) will come into being, staffed by people appointed by cabinet. It will hear appeals of decisions made by public servants at the IRB's Refugee Protection Division. Only after the RAD has ruled will claimants be able to apply to the Federal Court for judicial review.
CIC has overall responsibility for immigration and refugee matters. Among other responsibilities, it selects those who can immigrate to Canada, issues visas to visitors, students and temporary workers, grants Canadian citizenship and decides who can apply to the IRB for refugee protection.
Last year, CIC officers made nearly 450,000 decisions for permanent resident status, approving about 281,000 of those. That included 13,283 decisions from applicants seeking permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate (H&C) grounds. Those came from people already in Canada who must convince a CIC officer that they would suffer excessive hardship if they had to return to their home countries to apply for permanent residence. CIC officers approved 63 per cent of the H&C applications they ruled on in 2010.
Another group of CIC officers considers Pre-Removal Assessment Risk (PRRA) applications from unsuccessful refugee applicants who have been given a removal order and argue they face a risk of persecution, torture, death or cruel and unusual treatment or punishment if removed from Canada. These are rarely successful; last year, PRRA officers upheld just 89 applications in 6,601 decisions.
As well, citizenship judges evaluate and rule on applications from permanent residents for Canadian citizenship. In 2010, they made 153,825 decisions, approving more than 93 per cent.
CBSA officers admit people to Canada. At ports of entry such as airports, seaports and Canada-U.S. border crossings, they receive refugee claims and refer them to the IRB. The agency detains people who it deems are a security risk or a danger to the public. It also removes people deemed inadmissible for serious criminality, security reasons, financial reasons, misrepresentation or other causes.

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Business visa rejections pose threat to Chinese investment in B.C.

When visitors seeking to develop trade links are turned down, they likely to go elsewhere: critics

B.C. officials fear Chinese investment business is being lost.

B.C. officials fear Chinese investment business is being lost.

Photograph by: Getty Images Files, Vancouver Sun

When an uncle of Vancouver resident Wendy Wang told her that he was interested in coming to Canada to develop trade links with the B.C. forestry sector, she offered to help any way she could.
He planned on beginning his business trip by attending an international forestry conference at the University of B.C. Wang registered him and UBC sent an official letter inviting him - a requirement to receive a temporary visa.
But when her uncle applied for a visa through the Canadian government's Beijing office, he was turned down.
The reason? The Canadian official who processed his application was not satisfied he would return to China at the end of his stay.
Both Wang and her uncle were shocked, Wang said in an interview, adding that he is a well-established business person whose interest is in building commercial links outside China.
He owns sawmills and manufacturing plants in the northern city of Suifenhe and has investments across the region in hotels and transportation.
He believes there is opportunity for investment in Canada, and Wang said he wanted the chance to make personal connections with people in the B.C. forestry sector.
"If you don't come to a country and see the skills that they have, how do you build a business relationship?" Wang asked. "It is important to meet people so you can trust each other."
Wang's story is not unique. There are enough anecdotal reports of Chinese business visitors to Canada having difficulty in getting their visas that Pat Bell, British Columbia's jobs, tourism and innovation minister, views it as a threat to the province's China strategy.
The Vancouver Chinese consulate views visa rejections as an important issue affecting current and future visitors to Canada. An email statement from the consulate said: "The Chinese Embassy and Chinese Consulates in Canada pay attention to this problem and are coordinating efforts with the Canadian government to make progresses that could facilitate as well as attract Chinese investors in Canada."
Visa rejections were raised a number of times by Chinese business leaders during Premier Christy Clark's recent Asia tour.
Bell was on the China leg of the tour with Clark. He heard those reports personally and conveyed his concern to Canada's ambassador to China, David Mulroney and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.
"It is on our radar screen as a high-priority issue," Bell said in an interview.
"I think this is a very, very critical phase of our strategy to engage with China. If you leave one investor at home in China, the risk associated with that is very high,"
In fact, Canada has left 2,203 business travellers at home during the first six months of 2011. That's the number of applications Citizenship and Immigration Canada (C.I.C.) rejected. It's less than 10 per cent of the 24,474 application C.I.C. received, media spokeswoman Johanne Nadeau said in an email to The Sun.
Except for anecdotes, there is no evidence of Chinese business travellers encountering difficulties, Nadeau said.
"It appears that the vast majority of applicants are not experiencing great difficulty," she said.
"Chinese business visitors already enjoy a visa processing time of five days and an application approval rate of more than 90 per cent. There is little that we could do to improve on that performance."
She also said that in addition to having visa offices in three Chinese cities, Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, C.I.C. also has visa application centres, where applicants can receive administrative help, in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing.
Bell said despite assurances from Canadian officials that the approval rate is high, he still has concerns.
"We certainly heard (visa applications are being rejected) over and over again, so we are concerned," he said.
"I think it is very high stakes. Every country in the world is working in China to increase its profile and to gain traction on their investment opportunities. I think we need to do everything we can to accommodate every Chinese investor who wants to come here."
In the case of Wang's uncle, who wanted to look at business investment opportunities and to seek a new supply of logs and lumber, it may be too late. He is still interested in investing in B.C. but, Wang said, he has changed his strategy from shortterm to long-term.
"Business doesn't wait," she said. "If my uncle can't get a visa, then his business plans in Canada don't go ahead. There are opportunities to invest in other countries."
Visa officers have the power to decide who is eligible for business travel on a case-by-case basis. The most common reason for rejecting an application is that the officer is not satisfied that the applicant will return home to China.
A rejection letter received by The Sun demonstrates the power the visa officer has.
"I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act," the letter states. "You have not satisfied me that you would leave Canada at the end of the temporary period if you were authorized to enter. In reaching this decision I considered your ties to your country of residence/citizenship balanced against factors that might motivate you to stay in Canada."
Phebe Chan, an immigration and business lawyer at the Vancouver office of Fraser Milner Casgrain, said in an interview that she hears the story of rejected visitor visa applications quite often from her clients. She is part of a national team at FMC LLP specializing in China business, and the concerns are usually raised as an aside.
"They will frequently ask: 'Is it worth it for us to go through this,'" she said.
The problem, Chan said, is that high net-worth individuals often don't submit requested documents for their visa application, such as their employer's approval letter with position, salary and the date they were hired. Also, there is often no Canadian invitation letter as the Chinese national has yet to do direct business with Canadians.
Underlying the problem, she believes, is misunderstanding by both parties.
"On the visa officer's side, there may be greater than necessary concerns that high net-worth business individuals might choose to remain in Canada during their visit, without their families and without tending to their businesses overseas. At the same time there may be a misunderstanding on the Chinese side that it is more difficult to enter Canada for an exploratory business trip."
Because of the frustrations they experience, and the perceived high rate of visa rejections, she said many business visitors often come simply as tourists to avoid the problem altogether.
"We may be losing business opportunities. A general principle applies: People don't want to go where they don't feel welcome. And business people are inherently intelligent, they only have so much time on their hands to deal with barriers to potential business. At the end of the day, we just need to know why the Chinese business people are being denied."
I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and regulations for the reasons indicated below: You have not satisfied me that you meet the requirements of Regulation 179; that you would leave Canada at the end of the temporary period if you were authorized to enter. In reaching this decision, I considered your ties to the country of residence/ citizenship balanced against factors which might motivate you to stay in Canada.
You have not satisfied me that you would leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident. In reaching this decision I considered several factors including:
. your immigration status;
. your family in your country of residence;
. purpose of visit;
I am not satisfied that you have a legitimate business purpose in Canada and therefore I do not consider you to be a genuine temporary resident who would leave Canada.
This application is closed and the decision is FINAL. Once an application is refused, it will NOT be reconsidered. Any new information you wish to provide must be submitted with a new application and processing fee. Should you wish to reapply, I would suggest that you do so only if your situation has changed substantively or you have significant new information to submit.

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Ontario loses federal funding as more immigrants head elsewhere

Fewer newcomers to Canada are chosing such places as Toronto as their destination, so federal funding to support immigration services is falling.

Fewer newcomers to Canada are chosing such places as Toronto as their destination, so federal funding to support immigration services is falling.

Photograph by: File photo, National Post

OTTAWA — The federal government is poised to slash another $31.5 million from immigration settlement services in Ontario where community organizations are already reeling from similar cuts last year.
While overall federal funding for things like language, employment and housing support will dip by $6 million, Ontario's loss appears to be the rest of the country's gain as every other province and territory — except Quebec which handles its own immigration program — will get a bigger share of a shrinking settlement funding pie.
Some of the largest increases are coming in Prince Edward Island, Yukon and Saskatchewan.
Rick Dykstra, the parliamentary secretary for immigration, said it's because more and more newcomers are heading to other parts of Canada, particularly the West.
"Ontario's share of immigration has decreased from 64 per cent in 2005 to 52 per cent in 2010, so our goal has always been . . . that the dollars follow where settlement is happening," he said Friday.
"We have to be fair with taxpayer dollars. We're not going to continue to increase funding at the levels of settlement that they were in 2005 and 2006 if those numbers are down dramatically, and they are in Ontario."
Earlier this week, Postmedia News reported that Ontario experienced a significant drop in immigration, to 118,114 in 2010 from 148,640 settlers in 2001. Toronto welcomed 92,185 newcomers in 2010 compared to 125,169 in 2001.
Meanwhile, the number of newcomers settling in Manitoba increased to 15,809 in 2010 from 4,591 in 2001. Saskatchewan saw an increase to 7,615 from 1,704, while Alberta welcomed 32,642 newcomers, up from 16,404 a decade earlier.
According to the figures released Friday, Citizenship and Immigration has earmarked nearly $577 million for settlement services in 2012, compared to $583 million the year before and $622 million in 2010.
Despite a downward trend in recent years, the government boasts it has actually more than tripled settlement funding, which stood at $185 million in 2005 when the Liberals were still in power.
The overall drop is said to be part of a governmentwide strategic review aimed at eliminating duplication and the government says it's actually providing a broader range of services.
It's little consolation to Ontario, however, where as many as 20 groups are bracing for funding cuts as a result of this latest announcement.
Ontario still gets the lion's share of settlement funding — nearly $315 million next year — but the province's immigration minister said the cuts will hurt.
"This decrease of $31 million will hit newcomers in Ontario especially hard at a time when the province could most benefit from the valuable contributions that they bring," Charles Sousa said in an email.
"As a result, these unfair cuts will deny thousands of newcomers access to services that will help them find jobs and learn new skills."
Sousa argued more than 40 per cent of all immigrants to Canada still choose Ontario as their home and thousands more want to, but federal selection programs don't respond to the province's labour market needs. A huge backlog in applicants means many are also waiting seven years just to be considered, he said.
Ontario is also demanding Ottawa pay back some $200 million still owed to the province under the Canada Ontario Immigration Agreement which expired last year.
Sousa said it's "unacceptable" that a new agreement hasn't been struck and that the federal government needs to start working with the province "instead of unilaterally taking steps that determine Ontario's economic recovery, and its economic future."
Dykstra said Ontario had access to the money but never used it. Now that the agreement has lapsed, he said, the feds are off the hook.
Meanwhile, community groups say they too are definitely feeling the pinch.
The Eritrean Canadian Immigration Centre in Toronto saw 100 per cent of its funding cut last year — about $300,000 — and has since cut staff to one full-time and four part-timers from five full-time and two part-timers.
Clients now have to book an appointment to receive services and the centre is only able to handle 25-50 cases a month. Manager Abraha Ghebreslassie said demand for services, however, hasn't dissipated and still stands at 3,000-5,000 people a year.
"Luckily for 2011, the provincial government stepped in and helped us to continue serving the immigrants in a minimal capacity," he said, noting the group received about $65,000 in provincial funding to make up for the loss.
Kripa Sekhar, executive director of the South Asian Women's Centre in Toronto, tells a similar story.
"The cuts were excruciating. The community is feeling it," she said, noting the group lost more than $500,000 in federal funding last year.
"We are still seeing a huge volume in clients although staff are all part-time. It's very hard to help clients. It used to be drop-in, now clients have to make an appointment to receive services."
Audrey Macklin, a University of Toronto law professor specializing in immigration, said the problem with cutting services in Ontario due to fluctuating migration patterns is that proportionally, Ontario still welcomes a greater number of people who actually use integration services, such as refugees and family class immigrants.
"It isn't just a total numbers game in term of where the immigrants are," she said. "It's also where the immigrants are who benefit the most and perhaps have the greatest need for settlement services."
Noting federally funded settlement services are limited to permanent residents, Macklin said the government also needs to consider opening the program up to temporary foreign workers.
She argues the Canadian immigration system has shifted, focusing more on temporary workers who only become eligible for permanent residency after a period of time, rather than skilled workers who enter as permanent residents and often use settlement services to upgrade their credentials.
Immigration settlement funding by the numbers:
2011-12 2012-13
Newfoundland/Labrador $2,223,039 $2,512,975
P.E.I. $3,946,142 $5,218,024
Nova Scotia $7,012,146 $7,078,944
New Brunswick $5,179,369 $5,664,069
Ontario $346,521,868 $314,950,874
Manitoba $32,027,618 $36,539,512
Saskatchewan $14,255,519 $17,995,061
Alberta $64,071,989 $74,978,539
British Columbia $105,558,092 $109,813,233
Northwest Territories $672,976 $723,998
Nunavut $463,377 $469,800 Yukon $709,534 $932,632
Note: Figures are not available for Quebec.

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Mentors open doors to opportunity

Programs help newcomers network

Trained as an industrial engineer in Venezuela, Beatriz Arias Quero immigrated to Canada in 2004 and landed in Montreal to pursue her master's degree while working to gain some Canadian experience.
At the end of 2009, she moved to Calgary for family reasons, but didn't have any experience in the oil and gas industry that dominates the city's economy.
"It was hard because I didn't have a network in Calgary," Arias Quero says.
After all, even within Canada, workplace cultures and industries vary significantly from region to region. So, she applied to jobs online, cold called and networked by taking industry-related professionals out for coffee, but nothing concrete ever came of her one-off meetings.
Frustrated, she also applied to every immigrant resource centre available to her to try to form an ongoing relationship with somebody who could offer local advice to land a job. Then, she heard about a mentoring program through the Calgary Region Immigrant Employment Council.
She enrolled in the council's Mentoring Collaborative program, a four-month initiative that matches up new immigrants with an established, local professional, which started in January.
Midway through the program, both mentor and mentee became frustrated that she was having no luck in finding employment, but both persevered. "I would keep looking online for any (job) postings and if I saw any from TransCanada that I thought I'd be a good fit, I would take them to my mentor . . . and ask if I should apply for this."
In August, she landed a job at TransCanada Corp. as a business analyst. "It really relates to my background," she says. "It's a different industry, but the principles are the same."
During the mentoring program's pilot, the employment council made 37 matches that resulted in 17 mentees finding employment. Since January, it has had 160 mentoring relationships that yielded 67 successful job hunts, a number expected to rise with the program's followup, which includes a three-, six-and one-year checkup.
"What employers are looking for . . . is what your resume needs to look like (and) what is in your advantage to showcase - where you need to upgrade your skills," says Marie-France Varin, the council's director of program development.
Students also have the benefit of guest speakers from industry that provide additional advice, tips and direction about what new Canadians need to do - and where to find the resources - to gain employment in their fields.
Astrid Abramyan also benefited from the mentoring program. The Armenian-born supply chain management professional moved to Calgary from Moscow with her family four years ago with poor English skills, but lots of initiative.
"When I came here, I had 10 years of experience and my educational background, but I realized I had to start from zero," says Abramyan, who quickly enrolled in English courses upon arrival.
She is now working toward her Canadian professional designation as a supply chain management professional - she is graduates in 2012 - but has already found employment in her field as a result of the mentoring program.
What prompted her to enrol was frustration after sending out more than 30 resumes and not getting even a single telephone interview.
After the program, she landed a job through an employment agency at a large, integrated oil and gas company in Calgary. As she hones her English and works toward accreditation, Abramyan is confident she'll be able to demonstrate her abilities to her current employer over the next several months. It's valuable Canadian experience that will surely help her in the future, wherever she ends up in her career.

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Want jobs? Encourage immigration

By Amy M. Wilkinson, Special to CNN
updated 10:53 PM EST, Fri November 25, 2011
Google employs 31,300 people. The company's co-founder, Sergey Brin, was born in Russia.
Google employs 31,300 people. The company's co-founder, Sergey Brin, was born in Russia.
  • To create jobs, U.S. must welcome foreign innovators, says Amy M. Wilkinson
  • Wilkinson: 40% of Fortune 500 companies were created by immigrants or their children
  • Current U.S. visa policy is discouraging innovators from coming here, Wilkinson says
  • We need an "entrepreneurs' visa" based on capital raised or revenues generated, she says
Editor's note: Amy M. Wilkinson is a senior fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School Center for Business and Government and a public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center. She is writing a book on global entrepreneurs.
Washington (CNN) -- If we want to create jobs in America, we must welcome foreign-born innovators. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses of immigrant entrepreneurs yearning to breathe free": This is the message we need Lady Liberty to shine forth into the world.
Yet Ellis Island has put up a velvet rope line. To vital job generators, we are saying, "There's no room for you."
Inviting immigrants in to create jobs may seem counterintuitive, but the facts are clear. Immigrant-led innovation is key to creating U.S. jobs. According to statistics from Partnership for a New American Economy, 40% of Fortune 500 companies were created by immigrants or their children. Further, between 1995 and 2005, 25% of high-tech startups in the United States had at least one immigrant founder, and these companies have created more than 450,000 jobs.
Take Google. Russian-born Sergey Brin, together with U.S.-born Larry Page, built a search engine business that today employs 31,300 people. French-born eBay founder Pierre Omidyar cultivated 17,700 jobs, and Taiwanese-born Jerry Yang, co-founder of Yahoo, paved the way for today's 13,700 Yahoo employees.
Amy M. Wilkinson
Amy M. Wilkinson
Current U.S. visa policy, however, is thwarting would-be job generators from pursuing their aims within our borders. We cannot afford to expel these vital individuals.
Consider the case of Amit Aharoni, a Stanford Business School graduate. Despite having raised $1.65 million in venture capital and created nine jobs at his San Francisco startup, Aharoni, an Israeli national, received a letter from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services denying his request for a visa. Not only that, the letter informed Aharoni that he had to leave the country immediately.
Relocating to Canada in October, Aharoni continued to conduct business meetings using Skype. Only after ABC "World News" made public his predicament did the U.S. agency reconsider and approve his visa petition.
This is good news for Aharoni and, but we must wonder: Whom else are we sending away?
"We want your talent" should be our slogan. Come and build your businesses in the United States. Don't move to Bangalore or Shanghai or Dubai or Moscow. Don't go to Istanbul or Shenzhen or Sao Paulo when we need you in the emerging markets of our own country in places like Detroit, Buffalo and Cleveland. The point is that immigrant entrepreneurs create jobs, and our top priority should be to foster innovation ecosystems at home.
What can we do?
Let's start by awarding an "entrepreneurs' visa." Allowing bright individuals to pursue their dreams in our country won't steal away jobs but rather create opportunity for U.S. citizens.
Initially, applicants would be screened for temporary visas based on either outside capital they have raised or revenues generated from recorded U.S. sales. Green cards would be granted once these entrepreneurs had hired a minimum number of U.S. employees.
The revised Kerry-Lugar Startup Visa Act is a great start, though the bill imposes a cap on the number of visas granted. Why limit motivated, foreign-born entrepreneurs from creating companies in the United States?
Next, staple a green card to the diplomas of foreign students who graduate from U.S. universities. More than 60,000 foreign students graduate from U.S. universities with undergraduate or graduate degrees in science, technology, engineering and math each year. These fields are extremely valuable in developing America's innovation edge. Imagine the job-creating progress that could be unleashed if only we harnessed these minds.
It is important to realize that while the U.S. kicks immigrant innovators out, a number of other countries actively recruit entrepreneurs with special visas and funding. The United Kingdom, Singapore and Chile have visas for entrepreneurs. Chile even offers $40,000 in seed funding through a special program.
Restricting immigrant entrepreneurs in the United States is self-defeating. Companies will lose out to global competitors who recruit top talent regardless of country of origin. Innovative individuals will move their operations abroad to cultivate next ideas. The U.S. Treasury will lose billions of dollars in tax revenues as innovators domicile their businesses overseas. This does not need to happen.
It is not a question of if we should allow these innovative individuals to pursue their aims in our country, but why haven't we yet? With a 9% unemployment rate, there is no time to waste. Innovators create the jobs we need.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Amy Wilkinson.

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