"Given the continued health and safety concerns in Haiti, ensuring that Haitian nationals who are currently in Canada temporarily can work and support themselves while they are here is paramount," said Minister Kenney. "It's important for Haitians already in Canada to know that if they need a work permit, they can now obtain one much more easily."
The Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations generally require work permit applications to be accompanied by a determination by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada that there is no adverse impact on the labour market. This is known as a labour market opinion, or an LMO. By removing this requirement, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is making it easier for Haitians who are here to work and maintain their immigration status.
Haitian nationals applying to extend their work permit will also receive continued coverage under the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP). New applicants who are eligible for these measures will now also benefit from the IFHP.
These measures will take effect immediately and will apply to all Haitian nationals who were in Canada prior to January 13, 2011, and who are applying for a work permit or extending a work permit. The requirement for an LMO will remain in place for all those who arrived in Canada after that date.
Eligible individuals will have until September 1, 2011, to apply. Work permits are normally valid for one year.
For further information on work permits: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/work/index.asp
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