By Richard Long, eHow Contributor
Normally, it is mandatory for a non-resident of Canada to acquire a work visa to work in Canada or to obtain Canadian Landed Immigrant status. If a person wants to immigrate to Canada, there are different methods to apply as a land imm

  • In Canada, a skilled worker in terms of immigration is someone who has dynamic work experience for at least 10 years in either an executive position or a professional, industrial, skilled or as a nonprofessional who can assist other professionals. Citizenship and immigration officials evaluate applicants based on criteria that includes education and work experience, ability to speak either English or French, possession of the means required to relocate, jobs offered in Canada, medical history, criminal record and any previous applications.

  • To Apply Under the Family Class

  • To apply under the family class, applicants must obtain sponsorship from a relative who is at least 18 years of age and either a permanent resident or citizen. The relative must be living in or returning to Canada. Sponsorship is limited only to certain relatives such as the spouse or common law partner, the child or children, the parents and grandparents, or other eligible family members. Students who have graduated in Canada may also apply for immigration and eventually sponsor their family members.

  • To Apply Under the Business Class

  • The Business Immigration Program in Canada desires to encourage economic growth and focuses on people with venture capital, business skills and consumer skills. There are three classes of business immigration: investors, entrepreneurs and the self-employed. Business immigrants need to make a C$400,000 investment or own and manage businesses in Canada. There are different requirements for each business class. Entrepreneurs must prove their business experience, have a net worth of at least C$300,000 and respect the conditions that pertain to entrepreneurs in Canada. The self-employed must have either experiences that will contribute to the cultural or athletic life in Canada or retain experience in farm management and the intention and finances to buy and/or manage a farm.

  • Canadian immigration visa processing times have been cut in half since 2005

    Citizenship@MaRSImage by mars_discovery_district via Flickr
    From 2005 and 2009, the average overall processing time for Canadian immigration applications decreased to 26 months from 50 months. A recent analysis has found this improvement is linked to legislation introduced in 2008 which fast-tracked applications by skilled-workers such as registered nurses, crane operators, financial auditors, construction managers and 34 other qualifying occupations for the Federal Skilled Worker Category. The approximate processing time now for a skilled worker application is seven months, which represents a drastic reduction since previously the overall processing time could take up to five years.
    The Canadian immigration system has been streamlined and improved. According to this recent analysis by immigration consultant Richard Kurland, there is evidence that skilled workers are getting high-quality service from Immigration Canada. A spokesman for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said the findings in this analysis on wait times proves the Canadian government is heading in the right direction in implementing policies that make Canada more attractive to the world’s “best and brightest” people.
    In 2009, Canada issued 14,917 visas to foreign workers who met the federal skilled worker criteria and their families. If an applicant does not meet the criteria for the Federal Skilled WorkerCategories, the application enters a different queue where processing times may be longer.
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    Chinese 'investor immigrants' inject big bucks in Canada as numbers keep rising

    Royal Bank CloudsImage by swisscan via Flickr
    Billions of yuan may be transferred to Canadian banks every year from China after the media reported that Chinese are now the top seekers of permanent residency in the North American nation.

    In 2009 alone, Canada admitted more than 25,000 permanent residents from the Chinese mainland. Around 2,000 applicants moved there after being wooed by Canada's immigration policies for overseas investors, which require a minimum net personal worth of C$800,000 ($771,395) and investment of C$400,000.

    Both before and after arrival in Canada, applicants can transfer at least C$500,000 to Canadian banks for living expenses, according to sources familiar with the immigration industry.

    Total yuan deposits in Canada may reach 6.7 billion yuan this year if another 2,000 Chinese investor immigrants enter Canada in 2010.

    "This is a conservative estimate because when applicants declare they have C$800,000 (5.33 million yuan) in net assets, they may actually have more than 10 million yuan," said Gary Cai, the former China chief representative of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC).

    Cai said some Chinese applicants are on the Forbes list of the world's wealthiest individuals, and estimating their net transfers out of China would not be easy.

    Five major Canadian banks, including Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Royal Bank of Canada and Bank of Montreal, have established personal banking departments in China since 2000, providing services devoted to investor immigrants.

    "It's an open secret that banks always love the rich and despise the poor," Cai said. "In the China-based offices of those Canadian banks, business with investor immigrants is always the most important."

    The number of investor immigrants going to Canada is rising every year, from 5 percent of total applicants in 2000 to around 25 percent now, Cai added.

    In order to track and contact more potential clients, Canadian banks take part in promotional fairs held by immigration agencies.

    Cai, who was involved in Canada's personal banking business between 2005 and 2009, said he spent more than 30 weekends a year attending promotional fairs.

    Besides receiving processing fees to transfer assets abroad, Canadian banks often aim to find more profitable long-term businesses.

    "Banks pay a lot of attention to the period after investor immigrants have successfully landed in Canada," Charles Qi, chairman of Beijing Entry and Exit Service Association, said.

    When Chinese investor immigrants arrive, they may deposit money in local banks, purchase loans to buy new houses and cars, and ask banks to take care of their assets. These services create considerable profits for Canadian banks.

    Hu Lin, manager of a Beijing-based rack manufacturer, plans to become an investor immigrant in Canada this year.

    "I will choose Canadian banks while my immigration is being processed. Firstly, if you use them to transfer money, they charge lower fees than domestic banks - probably 20 percent lower. Secondly, once you arrive in Canada and have a local bank account, it is a lot more convenient because of their network of branches," Hu said.

    Source:China Daily
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    Nannies, foreign workers face new rules

    The federal government is tightening the regulations affecting live-in caregivers and temporary foreign workers, as well as the people who hire them.
    The new rules will bring tighter scrutiny to families trying to 
hire a foreign nanny.The new rules will bring tighter scrutiny to families trying to hire a foreign nanny. Effective April 1, 2011, the government will apply a more rigorous assessment of jobs for foreign workers to ensure that offers are legitimate.
    That assessment will consider whether employers have followed the rules in the past before they can hire a nanny or temporary foreign worker. A bad track record could lead to a denial of the necessary permits to hire foreign workers.
    Employers who fail to meet their commitments to workers with respect to wages and working conditions will face a two-year prohibition on hiring foreign workers.
    'The government is taking action to protect temporary foreign workers, including live-in caregivers, from potential abuse and exploitation.'Jason Kenney, immigration minister
    There will also be a four-year limit on the amount of time a foreign worker can be employed in Canada. Once that limit is reached, the workers must return home and wait four years before they can work in Canada again.
    That limit does not affect eligibility for permanent residence.
    "The government is taking action to protect temporary foreign workers, including live-in caregivers, from potential abuse and exploitation," explained immigration minister Jason Kenney.
    "We owe it to them, their employers and all Canadians to ensure that the program is fair and equitable."
    Immigration minister Jason Kenney says the changes are intended to
 protect nannies from exploitation.Immigration minister Jason Kenney says the changes are intended to protect nannies from exploitation. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)According to the federal government, consultations held over the past two years revealed that employers were exploiting some live-in caregivers because the system made them vulnerable.
    That led to a first round of changes that took effect in April 2010 and mandated that employment contracts must spell out wages, benefits, accommodation, duties, hours of work and holiday and sick leave entitlements.
    Those changes also added some flexibility to the amount of time given to live-in caregivers or nannies to meet the requirements needed for permanent residence status.
    Under the law, caregivers can apply for permanent status after two years of regular full-time employment. With the changes, that time frame can be sped up if the person works a lot of overtime or can be extended if they work less than full-time hours or need time off because of illness or factors.

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    Foreign professionals need 'soft skills' to find success .

    Classic view of a cloudfree Peyto Lake, Banff ...Image by Alaskan Dude via FlickrBy Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald

    Engineers like to think of mathematics as a universal language.
    So the biggest challenge for skilled engineers immigrating to Canada isn't the ability to run calculations, it's often the 'soft skills' that go with finding a job on top of adjusting to a new culture and a new way of life.
    Before coming to Canada four years ago, Tony Onyeka was an electrical engineer in Nigeria, designing power grids and electrical systems. Now he's working in IT -- not a bad job, but not his chosen field of expertise.
    "This is not what I was qualifi ed for," he says. "I was trained in electrical engineering. Right now I work for an engineering company but I'm trying to get into the same field."
    According to Lionel Laroche, skilled immigrants often find themselves doing menial jobs when their skills and experience have far more value for themselves and for society as a whole.
    "That's exactly what we're trying to avoid," he says.
    The problem is made more acute by the recession, especially for immigrant workers who've found less demand for their skills since the downturn.
    "In 2006 and 2007 when Alberta was booming it was much easier at that point to find jobs. What we've seen is a number of immigrants during that period of time found jobs and lost them when the recession came."
    Laroche, a private consultant, was in Calgary this week to host a seminar for the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta aimed at helping immigrant engineers transition into the Canadian workplace by developing interviewing and job search skills. The program is a joint effort between the association and Bow Valley College.
    The one-day workshop is followed up by a series of personal coaching sessions aimed at helping the participants find work in Alberta.
    Laroche is a chemical engineer and an immigrant to Canada who recognized a void, both inside corporations and professional agencies, when he was working for Procter and Gamble and Xerox, large multinational firms that employ people from around the world.
    "In both companies I was working with engineers from all around the world. We all spoke English but we were not getting anywhere and I could see that cultural differences were a big factor. I could see that a lot of qualified immigrants -- technically qualified with good education -- were not getting the kind of positions that I thought were in line with their education. I tried to research where the mismatch was coming from."
    Laroche says immigrants often have less trouble finding friends and establishing a sense of community in their adopted country than finding jobs in their chosen fields.
    "Most immigrants are good at creating a support network relatively quickly, from an emotional and practical perspective," he explains. "The problem is that network does not help you on the professional side."
    The federal government makes about 20,000 skilled worker visas available each year. Before skilled applicants such as engineers can work in Canada, they have to be certified by a professional association such as APEGGA and meet several criteria to be eligible for the skilled worker designation.
    Applicants need a university degree and an offer of employment or a minimum of one year of professional work experience in addition to the ability to communicate in English or French.
    Although Onyeka has seven years' experience as an engineer in Nigeria, he doesn't have the prerequisite Canadian work experience that would allow him to become an APEGGA member and become certified in his country.
    After the initial shock of arriving in Canada in the middle of winter, it's one of the last and possibly toughest hurdles before he makes Canada his home and native land. Despite an admission of occasional bouts of homesickness, Onyeka has decided to formalize has commitment to this country by applying for citizenship.
    "Having survived a year or two of it, you get used to it, you acclimatize," he says.
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    A path to acceptance for immigrant professionals

    Ryerson Theatre School BuildingImage via Wikipedia
    Wallace Immen
    From Saturday's Globe and Mail
    When Mohamad Sjamaun arrived in Toronto from Jakarta last year, he had high hopes of being able to use his skills and extensive managerial experience to land a professional job to be able to support his wife and four children.
    He has a BA in engineering and added a masters degree in management, which led to 12 years of executive roles in technical sales and project co-ordinator for the Indonesian operations of Hewlett-Packard Co.
    Since arriving in Canada, he has applied for managerial jobs at more than 100 companies without even getting a nibble. “I sent in resumes and cover letters about my experience and there was no follow up. “I was using up all my savings and couldn’t find any kind of work,” he says. To make ends meet he took a low-paying clerical job for a scrap metal company on two month contracts.
    “Obviously I want to find something more permanent that uses my skills,” he says, such as a job as project co-ordinator or sales or technology manager. But to do that he’s realized he has to reinvent himself for the realities of the Canadian workplace.
    It’s a reality the majority of skilled immigrants need to face, career experts say.
    “Many immigrants face a job market that doesn’t know how to assess or use their skills, says Nora Priestly, project manager for a new Internationally Educated Professionals Bridging Program at York University. While similar programs have been in place to help immigrants in regulated professions such as engineering, medicine and nursing, this program aims to help immigrants with managerial experience use get into leadership roles.
    With 67 students who got into the program by word of mouth and advertisements. They all have university degrees, and 57 per cent have masters or higher. The majority of the students have five or more years of experience in their professional fields, accounting marketing, public policy, finance and management.
    All of them are underemployed or unemployed not working at all. all are actively looking for a job. Many are in “survival jobs” working in shops, security guards, driving cabs and working as volunteers in social programs that have only a modest pay attached to them, Ms. Priestly says.
    Through York’s program Mr. Sjamaun has taken courses to upgrade his technical skills and even though he speaks fluent English, classes to improve business language skills. He also was teamed up with a volunteer mentor, who has helped him make industry contacts.
    And it is bring results: “Networking landed my first interview with a potential employer last week,” he says. “I didn’t get the job, but it shows I am heading in the right direction.”
    Why it’s important
    “Canada will need more immigrants if the labour force is to grow and remain vibrant,” concludes a Conference Board of Canada study released this month (July). A low birth rate in Canada means that there will be fewer workers entering the job force to replace those retiring.

    The Conference Board’s forecast assumes that immigration levels will rise to about 350,000 annually by 2030, up from about 252,000 in 2009. To put their skills to use, the study recommends revising federal immigration policies to:
    1. Increase the weight given to immigrant’s skills that are needed in the Canadian market;
    2. Improve recognition of foreign educational and professional credentials.
    3. Increase involvement of employers in the process of getting immigrants into the labour force.
    4. Streamline the immigration system.

    Roadblocks immigrants face:
    Lack of “Canadian experience.” Employers often want a track record to show that employees can perform up to expectations in the Canadian workplace.
    Unfamiliar degrees or certification. Employers can’t be sure that foreign credentials have the same qualifications as those granted in Canada.
    Language barriers. Even those who speak English or French will be unfamiliar with specific terms and phrases used in Canadian businesses
    Lack of industry knowledge. Legal, financial and regulatory issues specific to Canada will require retraining.
    Lack of connections. A majority of jobs are found through networking and knowledge of industries, which is where mentoring can help.

    Source: York University, Bridging Internationally Educated Professionals program
    Number of distinct ethnic groups represented in Canada’s population
    Percentage of Canada’s population that are visible minorities
    Percentage of all Canadian managers who are from visible minorities
    Percentage of senior managers in large Canadian companies who are visible minorities
    Percentage of foreign-educated immigrants in Canada who worked in occupations that match their qualifications; compared to 62 per cent of Canadian-born and educated professionals
    Percentage of visible minority leaders and managers in the Greater Toronto Area
    Percentage of Toronto’s population that is visible minorities
    Percentage of Canadian employers who don’t have a diversity program

    Sources: Statistics Canada.; the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants; Ryerson University's Diversity Institute for DiverseCity: The Greater Toronto Leadership Project; Globe and Mail web poll with 3,214 responses

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    Canada’s trade deficit moves to surplus

    Destination Moon - Ottawa 06 08Image by Mikey G Ottawa via Flickr
    Ottawa The Canadian Press
    Canada’s merchandise exports declined one per cent while imports fell 2.2 in April.
    Statistics Canada says the declines were the result of lower prices.
    The agency reports export and import volumes rose for a third straight month, though at a slower pace than in the previous two months.
    Canada’s trade balance with the world went to a surplus of $175-million in April from a deficit of $236-million in March.
    Exports decreased to $32.9-billion in April from $33.3-billion in March.
    Export prices fell 1.4 per cent while volumes grew 0.4.

    Industrial goods and materials accounted for three-quarters of the decline in exports. Widespread gains in exports of machinery and equipment moderated the overall decrease.
    Following two months of growth, imports declined from $33.5-billion in March to $32.8-billion in April, as import prices fell 2.4 per cent and volumes grew 0.2 per cent.
    Statscan says the decrease in overall imports in April reflected declines in industrial goods and materials and, to a lesser extent, in other consumer goods, and machinery and equipment.
    Exports to the United States rose 0.7 per cent while imports grew 0.9. As a result, Canada's trade surplus with the United States remained at $3.8-billion in April.
    Exports to countries other than the United States declined 5.5 per cent, largely the result of a 23.4 per cent decline in exports to the European Union. Imports fell seven per cent, led by decreases in precious metals from the European Union.
    Consequently, Canada's trade deficit with countries other than the United States narrowed to $3.6-billion in April from $4-billion in March.

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    PIMCO bond king Bill Gross has Canada in his sights

    The floor of the New York Stock Exchange.Image via Wikipedia
    David Parkinson
    Globe and Mail Update
    The world’s biggest private-sector bond investor says the U.S. Federal Reserve Board is doing about all it can reasonably do to backstop the struggling U.S. economy and stave off deflation. But America’s government, despite $1-trillion (U.S.) of stimulus spending, isn’t doing nearly enough.
    And until it comes up with some new solutions, Bill Gross says, his investment eyes will continue to wander to greener pastures – including Canada.
    “We’re much more in awe of countries such as Canada, with a decently balanced budget, and with low debt-to-GDP, and with financial institutions that have been solvent and sound and conservative in their lending, and that have something to export,” said Mr. Gross, founder and co-chief investment officer of Pacific Investment Management Co. LLC (commonly known as PIMCO), which oversees more than $1.1-trillion (U.S.) in investment assets, primarily in the bond markets.
    “North of the border has become, while not our favourite destination, certainly a preferable destination to what we see in the United States.”

    Mr. Gross declined to say whether his bearish views are translating into a reduction in PIMCO’s exposure to U.S. government bonds – indeed, as recently as June his funds’ holdings of Treasuries were on the rise and at eight-month highs. However, he has been raising his exposure in Canadian and Brazilian government bonds, and his favoured investment strategies right now are outside the U.S. market.
    “Investors, whether it’s equity or bonds, should be oriented toward growth and stability, and, yes, a political foundation that promotes both.
    “I’ve mentioned Brazil, and, yes, Canada’s a good place. Even Mexico has better initial conditions in terms of low debt than the United, States, but admittedly the stability issues and politics are a question. But in general, the developing world is in much better position than the developed world, so that’s where dollars should go.”

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    Alberta wins battle to bring in more foreign workers.

    Alberta Legislature BuildingImage via Wikipedia
    By Jason Fekete, Calgary Herald
    The federal Conservative government has acquiesced to provincial demands -- including from Alberta -- to ease its restrictions on the number of immigrants that can permanently reside in the provinces each year.
    Ottawa controls the number of permanent immigrants that can annually settle across Canada through the provincial nominee program, with the current cap at 4,400 in Alberta -- well short of the 5,000 Alberta had requested this year.
    Wild Rose Country and other western provinces have been lobbying the Harper government for months to scrap its plans to impose a lower cap on the number of immigrants arriving through the nominee program. Rather, the provinces have been urging Ottawa to ratchet up the number of workers they can nominate to the federal government to bring to their jurisdictions to fill permanent jobs.
    Federal officials initially indicated in June the provinces wouldn't receive as many nominees as hoped, but announced Tuesday they will increase the numbers after reviewing their case loads and immigration targets for the year.
    The additional nominees are critical to sustaining the short-term economic turnaround as well as long-term growth, said Alberta Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk.
    " It would be a move in the right direction," Lukaszuk said about the federal decision. "We will be seeing more and more permanent labour shortages. We have to look to immigration towards solving this problem."
    Lukaszuk said he believes the provincial nominee program is the best solution because immigrants can only apply if they have a guaranteed job that employers have shown cannot be filled by Alberta workers.
    The approach ensures new immigrants landing in Alberta are paying taxes and contributing to society, rather than tapping already strained social assistance programs.
    "We believe we should have some degree of determination of what immigrants we bring here," he said.
    Federal Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is travelling in Europe and wasn't available for comment.
    But Alykhan Velshi, the minister's director of communications, said the federal government has heard the provinces' concerns and will increase the numbers beyond what was originally promised earlier this year.
    Alberta will now receive 5,000 provincial nominees this year (up from the 4,400 initially approved), which is a large increase from the 4,200 last year and 2,800 two years ago. B.C. will now receive 3,500 provincial nominees (an increase from the promised 3,200); Saskatchewan has been allocated 4,000 (up from 3,700) and Manitoba will get 5,000 (increased from 4,600).
    Alberta received the largest increase of any of the provinces, Velshi noted, which reflects Kenney's recognition of how important the program is to the Alberta economy.
    Alberta and the other provinces were initially promised a smaller number because the federal government is trying to sharply improve processing wait times for immigrants, temporary foreign workers and foreign students. It also must balance the provincial nominees with the number of immigrants allowed through the Federal Skilled Worker Program (which assess applicants based on a points system), he said.
    Citizenship and Immigration Canada initially set a target of allowing between 240,000 and 265,000 immigrants into the country this year, with the agency usually hitting the midpoint. However, CIC now expects to reach the top end of its target, which is helping accommodate more provincial nominees.
    "There are other categories that we have to pay attention to. There are trade-offs," Velshi said.
    Back in Alberta, Lukaszuk noted the 5,000 is just a start and still doesn't address Alberta's long-term economic and immigration needs.
    Lukaszuk favours the permanent provincial nominee program over attracting temporary foreign workers -- which reached about 60,000 in the province during the boom -- who can often be sent back and forth between Alberta and their home country depending on demand.
    "I'm not a big fan of shipping workers in and out, in and out," he said.
    Social agencies and the food services industry welcomed the federal government's decision to increase the number of provincial nominees.
    Despite the higher unemployment rates in Canada over the past two years, there's still not enough workers to fill jobs in many different sectors, they noted.
    " We're looking at a problem that is long term," said Enayat Aminzadah, director of operations and resource development with Immigrant Services Calgary. "It's a great way to strengthen our workforce."
    The additional immigrants shouldn't be seen as a "threat" to Albertans also looking for a job, he stressed, because there's clearly a need for the workers both now and in the coming years. Also, nominees are only approved if they have a permanent job offer, Aminzadah said.
    The Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association applauded the federal decision, saying their sector desperately needs additional workers across the western provinces.
    "It's a big issue and a lot of our members are concerned," said Mark von Schellwitz, western vice-president with the CRFA. "That is really welcome news."

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    Canadian immigration consultant regulator gives public a look at internal operations

    The Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC) gave the public a glimpse at its internal operations today through a video presentation that puts a face to the organization, its departments and its staff.
    “CSIC embraces transparency in our governance, and now we’re going one step further to give the public and our members a look at our internal operations,” said CSIC Chair Nigel Thomson.
    The video shows CSIC’s small, diverse staff, which has accomplished great things by working together with limited resources. Working together in many different roles, CSIC’s registration, education, complaints and discipline, legal, compliance, member practice aide, finance and administration, policy, communications and intelligence departments have been highly effective in pursuing CSIC’s mandate to protect consumers of immigration consulting services.
    “Since 2004, CSIC has shut out more than 800 agents, and disciplined more than 225 consultants. These numbers demonstrate that CSIC is an effective regulatory body that acts in the public interest. With this video we’re giving the public an idea of the day-to-day operations that help CSIC perform its vital regulatory activities,” said Thomson.
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